I think that if a quizzer knows enough about Mario to know that, then he or she should know what the quiz means. And plus, most people do consider them brothers, but I do agree that 'partner,' or even 'opposite of Luigi' would've worked better.
got them all in 1:32 and i have the wii u and the 3ds of super mario bros and mario is evil because u know cheep cheeps he shoots them to get coins with fire and bowser actully is not a bad guy he just wants peach i know this from a theory a game theory and peach is rosilina's mother!!!!
I only played the original Mario in the 1980s when my kids were young. My paltry six correct wasn't enough to grab any points but the quiz brought back fun memories anyway.
Technically Waluigi isn't Warios brother he was created to be a rival of Luigi henc the name "wa" which means something in Japanese and "Luigi" correlating to Luigi. Quick fact Waluigi wasn't created by Nintendo and subsequently Nintendo haven't made a Waluigi based game.
Hey, if you want more Mario quizzes check out my longer version of this one (www.jetpunk.com/user-quizzes/144821/the-mario-quiz) or my other game-specific Mario quizzes!
I'm pretty sure this guy is thinking about "baddie" in terms of the modern slang usage. It's used to refer to an attractive woman: "Oh man that girl is a baddie". I think maybe he doesn't know that baddie is supposed to mean bad guy in this situation
All fans of the series just refer to Diddy Kong as Diddy, and most call Donkey Kong, DK.
And DK is an ape not a gorilla.
DeeDee DiDi Deedy
What about it hinted Māori...