Definition | Word | % Correct |
Not malignant | Benign | 91%
Surgeon's knife | Scalpel | 91%
Cosmetic procedure of removing fat from the body | {Lipo}suction | 90%
A disorder that can cause people to feel like they are spinning when they aren't | Vertigo | 89%
Hormone that absorbs blood sugar | Insulin | 88%
Substance produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder | Bile | 85%
Prefix that means "related to the heart" | Cardio | 85%
Process of using a machine to remove toxins in people with kidney disfunction | Dialysis | 85%
Yellowish discoloration of the skin | Jaundice | 84%
Disease caused by lack of Vitamin C | Scurvy | 79%
Removal of tissue to make a diagnosis | Biopsy | 77%
Sound waves with a frequency too high to be heard what are used for medical imaging | Ultrasound | 77%
Pea-sized gland that regulates growth | Pituitary | 72%
Related to the kidney | Renal | 72%
Medical outlook; Odds of survival | Prognosis | 67%
Component of blood whose function is to cause clotting | Platelet | 64%
Any substance which increases production of urine | Diuretic | 62%
Death of tissue | Necrosis | 62%
To stick a tube into the trachea | Intubate | 53%
Bruise | Contusion | 51%
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