You should really make the number he wore as a multi part question. He wore 23, 45, and 12. 23 for the first part of his career, 45 after his return from baseball, and 12 for one game when his jersey got stolen. He also wore 9 on the dream team.
At least as of today, the question says "number he wore for that team" (i.e., the Bulls). So the only answers would be 23 or 45. And...he's 23. That's his number. Everyone knows that. Don't be difficult.
I already mentioned that he wore 45. He wore 12 for one game. Michael Jordan is 23. Everyone who has ever watched basketball knows he is 23. People who provide different answers are just being cutesy or obnoxious.
A good compromise would be to word the question, "What numbers did Jordan wear during his NBA career?" All should know 23, some will remember 45 and only experts will know 12.
Quizmaster, you mentioned the pace of play was faster in Chamberlin's playing time than in Rodman's playing days? I do believe Rodman is the best rebounder of all time but would respectfully disagree about the game slowing down since Chamberlin's played. If anything possessions are shorter and more shots taken during games now than before.
Obviously in hind sight, it was a terrible choice. But Portland shouldn't get too much flack for it. Jordan was kind of handcuffed by the offensive systems in college and no one knew he was going to be as great as he was. Portland already had a young all-star shooting guard and needed a big man. In that era, no one thought you could build a team around a guard. Everyone thought you had to have the dominant center to win a championship. That was the blue print everyone was using. The real problem for the Blazers was that Sam Bowie lied to NBA teams about his injuries leading up to the draft. He kept it a secret how bad is legs were until he signed his contract. Waited till he got paid, then went and tried to fix his injuries.
"Second-best" player on the team is an opinionated question (as is "best" player, for that matter). Maybe ask for something along the lines of "playing partner with 2nd-most points in Bulls history," or "2nd-best in terms of scoring."
Wilt got so many rebounds because
1) The pace of play was faster during his era
2) Players were worse shooters during Wilt's era. They missed more shots allowing for more rebounds.
3) He played 45 minutes per game compared to 30 minutes for Rodman
Any case that Wilt is the best rebounder of all time is based on a simplistic analysis of rebounds per game which makes little sense.
Prob should add "third guy in the first 3peat".