Not that many non-capitals outside the U.S. I think a version that excludes the U.S. and Europe would be more interesting than an all-capitals version.
Really interesting quiz. Woudl be interested to see if the same quiz for other languages throws up the same answers (albeit in their own language - ie, eg Londres will probably nudge out London)
No surprises here. 9 European capitals, 7 major U.S. cities, 3 major East Asian cities and the 2 largest cities in the Middle East. Wondered if maybe a South American or Indian city would sneak on here, but not shocked that there wasn't one.
It's not weird. The distribution makes total sense if you know what Jetpunk's audience is. No one ever said this was a list of the 21 most important cities in the world.
Not really surprised London topped the list, but surprised at how low NYC is. Pretty much expected it to be second or third, yet its only third in the US.
"Unnecessary" quizzes? You're on a quiz website, nothing here is necessary. And the site you are on happens to be American, with a plurality of American users.
I live close to the least guessed city and am not surprised at that position, just very surprised it's on the list at all. Wondering why other (I would assume better known) cities in the U.S. don't appear and this one does.
St Petersburg, Sydney, Johannesburg, Rio de Janeiro, Munich, Delhi, several in China... Quite a few missing cities that I seem to see everywhere on this site! Fun quiz though.
Re the clarifying note above, could you amend it to say “Not counting city-states such as Singapore or Monaco that are also the name of a country”? I didn’t try Mexico for this reason.