The quiz isn't named that well. You have to click on the quiz it's referencing to understand that it's really to do with population. Dubai would most certainly be one of the 24 "most well-known world cities that is not the capital of it's country".
I agree with daveM, the quiz is based on biggest cities. But there are some cities that are more known but less big. Just reading the title of the quiz gives you the wrong idea.
I dont have much doubt that jetpunkers would guess munich before saopaolo, I have come across it much more often than sao Paolo. But even if would bot be the case in this example, the point remains the same
Vancouver? I would always think it would be just Toronto. Also Manchester? I thought London would be obvious. Oops. Only those 2 I got wrong. Great quiz though!
It's not wrong guesses for the capitals. The quiz is guessing which cities were guessed most for the cities of the world quiz if you exclude any capital cities
Great quiz, but why is Cape Town on this list of 'non-capitals'? It is SA's legislative capital (along with Pretoria = executive, Bloemfontein = judicial).
I dont have much doubt that jetpunkers would guess munich before saopaolo, I have come across it much more often than sao Paolo. But even if would bot be the case in this example, the point remains the same
You learn something new everyday.
there are so many more countrys to look at!