Macaroni is the English spelling of maccheroni. Would you tell Icelandic people that yorkshire búðingur (yorkshire pudding) or blóðmör (black pudding) doesn't exist and to call them by their "proper names"? No, probably not- and if you would, you're an arse
Um, folks, this is NOT an Italian quiz - it's English. Granted a lot of the answers are "borrow-words" from the Italian names (some spelled the same, others not), but no where does it say the answers are exclusively Italian.
Orzo is not a kind of pasta, it's a completely different cereal. It's not made of wheat, it's barley. ._.
I was not expecting pierogi either in a quiz with the "Italy" tag. Lucky me I've got a Polish friend, but as an Italian I can assure you we don't have those here.
Already answered to some previous comments about the MACCHERONI, not macaroni. But well, the name is debatable for English-speakers at least. :p
Risoni should really be accepted for orzo. And I think this quiz would work better with pictures, because a lot of the descriptions are the same and no one can be expected to know what the most common ingredients on Allrecipes are.
Pierogi and gnocchi aren't pasta, they're dumplings... The difference is mainly in the type of grain/starch used to make them, but they don't belong on this list.
(Your're welcome)
Some of these are not correct, and you forget some important kinds like bavette, or trenette
I was not expecting pierogi either in a quiz with the "Italy" tag. Lucky me I've got a Polish friend, but as an Italian I can assure you we don't have those here.
Already answered to some previous comments about the MACCHERONI, not macaroni. But well, the name is debatable for English-speakers at least. :p