I live in Belgium, what is wrong with it Tramp? There are numerous countries that take less care of its citizens and others. Strange comment.
Don't bring up history by the way because many countries have a dark history due to particular individuals. I don't see why you would suggest modern Belgium to be sanctioned.
@GlobalCitizen I believe it's because of the ongoing joke (well for some people it's a joke) online that Belgium shouldn't exist because it's just a mix of the Dutch, the French, and some Germans
Satista gives the same order, and almost the same stats (maybe a bit older, like one or two days more), without Belarus too. But yes, that's surprising.
Even if Western countries want to sanction China, I don't think they could given how intertwined China is with the global economy. Sanctions on China would probably hurt the American economy as much as it would hurt the Chinese economy.
China does effectively have some sanctions on it, but many of those are on Chinese individuals that are still employed by the state and sanctioned because of the state.
I don't see why there should be any sanctions on Cuba.
Brazil, on the other hand, is killing us all - if it continues to allow the Amazon rainforest to be cut down at the current rate it should quickly become a pariah state.
Yeah, the sanctions on Cuba make absolutely no sense. By all accounts it's a much better place in terms of freedoms than Afghanistan, most of Africa, or any of the Middle East dictatorships.
Surprised that South Africa didn't appear on this list following UN resolutions related to apartheid. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_sanctions_during_apartheid
I full support Israel's right to exist as a country but they have undoubtedly committed Human Rights abuses. People are being forced from their land due to illegal settlements.
"What countries have been targeted" should change to "What countries are currently targeted"
With the current language, I took the quiz thinking we were talking about past sanctions, and I wondered what the start date might be. Looking at the source (which not everybody will do), it's clear that we are talking about currently active sanctions.
As a European, here we are told the USA is great, and it is. But, like every other country, needs some work. A lot of people tend to look on the downsides of living in the USA instead of the upsides. When you look at both you can see that the upsides heavily outweigh the downsides. Life in the USA is different to in Europe, but that doesn't make it worse.
Oh please, you’re judging an entire country on the stereotypes that we’re all rude, fat, arrogant people. That’s just not fair, or okay. Every country has it’s rotten eggs, and a country as large as the US is bound to have many. And Russia has many more rotten eggs. So, it isn’t fair to say Monaco is less toxic than US, for example. It’s also pretty obvious you’re the only toxic one here.
Sanctions are not based on people's rudeness. Now, if you feel personally attacked because someone believes your country should be held accountable for its government's foreign policies, then you're basically defending those policies and you are the one equating a government with its people.
I’m not defending our policies. They’re pretty horrible. If people wanted to sanction us because our presidents were doing outrageous things, fine. But from what I can tell, this guy thinks that we should be sanctioned on the stereotype that U.S. citizens are toxic idiots
Quizmaster the source in the description only relates to Russian sanctions? what is the source for your data for the rest of the countries on this list?
Although this quiz relates to sanctions, there are several countries almost permanently in breach of various UN directives. No sanctions follow because of the rigged structure at the UN, but the good ‘ol US of A and their tame lapdog the UK regularly stick a stiff middle finger up to the international community, while don’t even let’s get started on Israel…
Having friends in high places generally avoids sanctions
Don't bring up history by the way because many countries have a dark history due to particular individuals. I don't see why you would suggest modern Belgium to be sanctioned.
Step 2: Do whatever you want.
Brazil, on the other hand, is killing us all - if it continues to allow the Amazon rainforest to be cut down at the current rate it should quickly become a pariah state.
"What countries have been targeted" should change to "What countries are currently targeted"
With the current language, I took the quiz thinking we were talking about past sanctions, and I wondered what the start date might be. Looking at the source (which not everybody will do), it's clear that we are talking about currently active sanctions.
Having friends in high places generally avoids sanctions