I'm not even a big Star Trek fan, and I'm shocked only 77% of people got James T. Kirk. I thought Star Trek was sort of ubiquitous. I feel the same way about Gollum and the Lord of the Rings. Keyzer Soze with only 34% is a shock to me, too.
Only 17 percent for the Masterpiece that is Point Break!?
Only got Django and Avatar wrong.. haven't seen. I dunno, not big into Tarantino anymore (because I am not longer 16..seems like most of his films are pretty much just phone-ins at this point) and I have never dug James Cameron except for Terminator. His flicks are usually SO CLOSE to being great, but the some ham-fisted shit comes up and everybody lives happily ever after (I wanted to love The Abyss, I really really did).
I've never heard any of the other ladies in my seniors' Sunday School class say that. However, we all loved Pride and Prejudice and The Blues Brothers, and there's one wild thing who loves the Freddie Krueger movies. There's just no accounting for taste, is there? :)
My mother loved Fight Club and when we saw it together at the movie theater we both agreed that we should get another ticket and watch it a 2nd time immediately. So... I agree with your last sentence even if it was meant sarcastically. :) Even old ladies can appreciate this film, you should bring it in for a screening.
One of the things I loved about the DVD collector's edition I got was the inside sleeve was covered by critic's blurbs, and there were just as many that were extremely negative as there were positive. I think that's a sign of a good movie when critics don't know what to make of it and are split evenly between hating it and loving it.
I can't believe I forgot about The Nutty Professor, I hope I always remember a 200ft tall Sherman Klump layng waste to multiple city blocks with a fart.
The movie quizzes on Jetpunk always seem geared to action, fantasy, and sci-fi - movies men (or boys) like. I enjoy those, too, but where are the musicals, the love stories, the Jane Austens?
I think there is potential for a 'List every Jane Austen novel' quiz, a 'Which Jane Austen novel did this character appear in' quiz and even maybe a 'Who played this character in this Jane Austen movie' quiz. I am off to see if they exist right now and, if they don't, to consider writing one or more
Funny how easy it is to guess the age and gender of the author on quizzes like this. I got most of them, but few are movies/characters I would have picked myself.
My trip-up with that question was because "George Bailey" is such an average name. I've actually known multiple George Baileys in real life, so the movie just didn't come to mind. "Ron Burgundy" is more standout.
I couldn't think of "It's a Wonderful Life"!!! Arrgg!! I knew Jimmy Stewart was the lead, his wife was Donna Reed, Lionel Barymore was the bad guy, it was directed by Frank Capra, Gloria Graham was Violet Biggs, the Angel's name was Clarence, etc..but just blanked of the title!
Completely missed Schultz, one of my all time favourite movie characters, played my one of my favourite actors in one of my favourite films by my favorite director. I am ashamed. Also missed Alien and Fight Club characters. And Utah and Sully, which I watched their films within the last month. Overall exceptionally bad performance on my part, but great quiz.
I remember that part in Avengers: Endgame where Gordon Ramsey had to help Batman steal the elder wand from Mia Wallace and Roy Batty so they could kill Colonel Kurtz with it, dealing with the death of their friend Charles Kane all the while. If I remember correctly, that scene happened in a country called Zubrowka, where there was a big black monolith surrounded by damn dirty apes that kept blocking their way. But then, they were confronted by Travis Bickle and Ilsa Lund at the Bates Motel and had to get some unobtanium from Imperator Furiosa that they could use to disguise themselves as Juror 8 and Andy Dufresne so they could get through to Dagobah where a xenomorph was waiting to give them Detective Somerset's dream totem, which would hopefully lead them to Kay Corleone.
this is the first time i've taken this quiz. i scored 21/24, and was awarded 5/5 points. however, i only received two points on my point total. can anyone tell me why?
Only got Django and Avatar wrong.. haven't seen. I dunno, not big into Tarantino anymore (because I am not longer 16..seems like most of his films are pretty much just phone-ins at this point) and I have never dug James Cameron except for Terminator. His flicks are usually SO CLOSE to being great, but the some ham-fisted shit comes up and everybody lives happily ever after (I wanted to love The Abyss, I really really did).
One of the things I loved about the DVD collector's edition I got was the inside sleeve was covered by critic's blurbs, and there were just as many that were extremely negative as there were positive. I think that's a sign of a good movie when critics don't know what to make of it and are split evenly between hating it and loving it.