Victor Laszlo as a famous character? He's probably the last character from that movie I'd consider "famous." I mean great character, great movie, but really? Victor Laszlo?
I'd say he's at the very least the third most important character, although I'll concede Sam and the Police Chief may be more "famous" characters. Plus... "you're getting on that plane with Victor". But really indeed :)
Had Victor Laszlo not "risen from the dead" Casablanca would have been just another wartime love story. Victor Laszlo is the noble hero of the story, and without his example of commitment to the cause and to Ilsa, Rick would never have found redemption from his cynicism. Laszlo is definitely in the top three characters of the film, second only to Rick and Ilsa, and quite memorable for me.
Did you know that Peter Lorre's real first name was Laszlo? There's no way that's a coincidence, especially since the character, Victor Laszlo is supposed to be from Czechoslovakia. (Lorre was from what is now Slovakia)
after so many reboots, I skipped Amazing Spiderman and don't feel like I missed much, however she is in Into the Spiderverse which is actually a great movie, cool art style too.
Someone above noted that for the characters that appeared in multiple films you need to type the name of the series. Ok, but Oddjob was only in the "Goldfinger", so I'm surprised too
I spent about 45 seconds trying to figure out why the Tom Joad one wasnt working. Finally realized I spelled out grape, not grapes lol. Nice selection of movies!
Tom Joad isn't as easy to associate to the character. I've read that novel and it took my brain a good 30 seconds to remember where the heck I knew "Joad" from. Elastigirl, on the other hand... hmm... a girl... who's elastic... pretty simple to piece that together even if you saw the movie 10 years ago.
I mean, The Grapes of Wrath movie was released over 80 years ago, so I'm guessing the vast majority of Jetpunk's users weren't born when it was in theaters. And as good a movie as it is, it hasn't exactly entered the public consciousness the way some other movies from the era have, like, say, The Wizard of Oz, which you'll notice is one of the top answers despite having been released even earlier than The Grapes of Wrath.
Rick: And about Victor Laszlo everywhere.