What is it with these people getting heaps of answers right faking ignorance of French? LOL with these frantic posts "I might have got all these right but I have no idea, I really don't..."
I never took French either, and scored 17, but some of them were pretty obvious - what other movie titles contain the words Oz, Orange, or Pi? The only reason I got Star Wars is because my mother's middle name was Etoile and I knew it meant star. That in turn helped me with War of the Worlds. I'm ashamed to admit though, that my first guess for Charlie's Angels was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I think it was more fun trying to figure them out without a knowledge of French.
I'm French-Canadian, live in Montréal and I didn't even get all of them. Re: Meet the fucking parents. That's not how it translates and I didn't remember seeing the film to know the title it was shown under.
You can never have taken a french lesson but still know a lot of the words. (im sure you know croissant, monsieur, moi, cafe etc.) a lot of knowledge you just pick up without having had any lessons.
I think if you are not able to utter a single sentence in french you could say you dont speak french. but you could still know ( through absorbtion) quite a lot of words.
So a lot of times ( depending on how they put it) it is not faking. You could say you have never learned it, and say you dont speak it. And still do quite well. But if you say I really dont have a clue about about anything french, well in that case you arent truthfull, because apparently you have picked up some words.
and you can obviously do well by picking out certain words like oz and pi. And many words are simply extremely similar to english (silence, futur, orange, age, planète, poètes, danse)
Actually, by only knowing belle, guerre, ligne or verte, diable, you could have gotten allmost all. Because one of the words in the title is as good as the same in english, or has a bg give away (pi,oz,charlie (though I missed the charlie myself))
Only ones left would be incorruptibles, also similar to english but the trick here is that it isnt a direct translation, and the same goes for mon beau-pere et moi ( for which I tried my stepdad and I/me).
(I also missed raiders of the lost ark, I was thinking of arch)
so yes, without studying french I got 20/24. It is basicly a big puzzle. And I like these more than the lists with fromage, cerveza etc (and many other words you might have heard of even if you Never had a single french lesson). This is more of a puzzle.
Especially with the film titles that are not direct translations, you sometimes have to think around the corner, which I like. So, translate the given title literally (luckily I know French) and then think what film that could refer to. For "My father in law and I", it didn't take me long to figure it out.
Same here. I got "Charlie" and "funny women" but couldn't make the leap to "angels". And the only title "Charlie" triggered in my head was "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", but the name of the movie was "Willy Wonka...", not "Charlie". I was out of ideas.
This is rather easy. Some older movies have been given very odd names in French... I think of Hitchcock for example... Vertigo -> Sueurs froides, North by northwest -> La mort aux trousses, Dial M for murder -> Le crime était presque parfait. But the worst translation ever made must be Top Hat -> Le danseur du dessus.
It's not : the english name means "the warS of the star" (the star being the death star if I'm correct) while the french title means "the war of the starS" (just meaning it's a freaking war outta there, in space ! sooo coooool, pew pew pew!)
Admit that, watching the original movie (or even the first trilogy), there are not several wars to be seen. In my opinion, it's just that those two four-letter words (star and wars) provide a nice logo for the series. In the same way, "La guerre des étoiles" sounds much better in French that "Les guerres de l'étoile". Whatever it be, it's by no means the worst translation ever... So... you're probably a Star Wars purist.
To be fair, it has to be said that it's "Beauty and the Beast" that is the translation of "La belle et la bête", originally a french precious tale (itself based on a pattern already used by the Roman author Apuleius). There have been several movies before the animated one, for example the one directed by Jean Cocteau in 1946.
Don't worry, I'm a native French speaker too and I didn't get them all. Not because I don't understand the French titles, but because having seen the French version of theses movies I had no idea what the original title was.
Same here, I only know some of these movies by their French titles, and direct translation doesn't work for all of them ("mechanical orange, the green line, Charlie and his funny ladies, my father in law and i...)
If you've ever been overseas and seen posters for American movies in the local language then you know the titles can get pretty twisted from the original
For better or worse, "Meet the Parents" is all about the dynamic between Stiller and De Niro. As a title, I'd say the translation is faithful to the story. As a trivia question, it's the opposite of a gimme.
How did you miss so many? I tried it with Google auto-translate this time and the only one that was a little hard to get after that was The Graduate which is translated as "The Winner."
I missed meet the parents even though I speak french. I couldn't think of what movie would work for "My father in law and me" but it made sense after I saw the answer
There are so many great french movies out there. Why not choose them instead of the same hollywood stuff that's in all the other quizzes? A lot of these translations are pretty misleading even if you speak french.
While we're talking about changing titles to suit the audience, the British movie "The Madness of George III" was renamed "The Madness of King George" when it was released in the US. The (probably apocryphal) explanation was that the producers didn't want audiences to think that it was the third installment of a trilogy--after all, who wants to see 'George III' after "Godfather III," "Rocky III" and "Jaws 3" showed just how bad the second sequel could be?
I think if you are not able to utter a single sentence in french you could say you dont speak french. but you could still know ( through absorbtion) quite a lot of words.
So a lot of times ( depending on how they put it) it is not faking. You could say you have never learned it, and say you dont speak it. And still do quite well. But if you say I really dont have a clue about about anything french, well in that case you arent truthfull, because apparently you have picked up some words.
and you can obviously do well by picking out certain words like oz and pi. And many words are simply extremely similar to english (silence, futur, orange, age, planète, poètes, danse)
Only ones left would be incorruptibles, also similar to english but the trick here is that it isnt a direct translation, and the same goes for mon beau-pere et moi ( for which I tried my stepdad and I/me).
(I also missed raiders of the lost ark, I was thinking of arch)
so yes, without studying french I got 20/24. It is basicly a big puzzle. And I like these more than the lists with fromage, cerveza etc (and many other words you might have heard of even if you Never had a single french lesson). This is more of a puzzle.
Got 15, and would've got 16 if this quiz accepted "The Life of Pi".
And I'm a native French speaker.
Well that's just sad...
For better or worse, "Meet the Parents" is all about the dynamic between Stiller and De Niro. As a title, I'd say the translation is faithful to the story. As a trivia question, it's the opposite of a gimme.