Year | Haiku | Movie | % Correct |
2000 | Stuck on an island, a volleyball named Wilson, can be a best friend | Cast Away | 84%
2003/4 | A bride in yellow, with kung-fu skills can murder, assassin leader | Kill Bill | 78%
1999 | Making human soap, beat each other into pulp, destroy credit cards | Fight Club | 75%
2004 | Girls who wear pink clothes, in a nasty plastic clique, recruit new student | Mean Girls | 75%
1985 | Shermer high students, can make friends from other cliques, stuck in detention | The Breakfast Club | 75%
1942 | Morocco cafe, resist the evil Nazis, beautiful friendship | Casablanca | 72%
1996 | Wes Craven horror, teenage boys in scary masks, kill Drew Barrymore | Scream | 68%
2002 | Teenage con artist, pretends to be a pilot, caught by FBI | Catch Me If You Can | 67%
2002 | Deadly video, evil girl is stuck in well, share it with your friends | The Ring | 67%
2000 | Just another guy, crazy serial killer, working on Wall Street | American Psycho | 62%
1984 | In small Christian town, dancing is against the law, revolution prom | Footloose | 59%
2001 | Modern pop music, can-can dancing in Paris, tuberculosis | Moulin Rouge! | 51%
1987 | Home for Thanksgiving, with many modes of transit, irksome John Candy | Planes, Trains & Automobiles | 46%
1993 | Framed for a murder, jumping off a waterfall, find the one-armed man | The Fugitive | 46%
2002 | Great Britain virus, creates fast-moving zombies, kills the whole country | 28 Days Later | 40%
2004 | Portal to Hades, a horny superhero, comes to save the world | Hellboy | 23%
1999 | PC load letter, steal a fraction of a cent, federal prison | Office Space | 20%
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