
Movies Set in Las Vegas

Can you name these movies and TV shows that took place (in whole or in part) in the Las Vegas area.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 12, 2023
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First submittedJanuary 8, 2011
Times taken31,038
Average score52.9%
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One man and his ten closest associates plan an elaborate casino heist
Ocean's Eleven
Plane full of prisoners crash-lands on the Vegas strip
Con Air
Four friends go to Vegas for a bachelor party. Mike Tyson's tiger gets stolen.
The Hangover
1960s super-spy is unfrozen to fight an evil doctor
Austin Powers
Man uses his autistic brother to count cards
Rain Man
Chicago mob sends a Jewish oddsmaker to run their Las Vegas operation. They also
send a violent and unstable enforcer.
Suave super spy uncovers a plot to use diamonds to build space lasers
Diamonds are
Trucker has a dream - a dream to be the world's best arm wrestler
Over the Top
Very unlucky man is employed by a Vegas casino to kill winning streaks
The Cooler
Lovable losers compete in a gym class sport featured on ESPN 8
Gonzo journalist and his friend do many strange drugs
Fear and Loathing in
Las Vegas
Team of MIT students make lots of money playing blackjack
For $1 million, a billionaire buys a night of passion with a married woman
Indecent Proposal
Man drinks himself to death while prostitute falls in love with him -
Nicolas Cage won an Oscar for this film!
Leaving Las Vegas
A terribly-written movie starring a former "Saved by the Bell" star with
copious amounts of nudity
TV Show
Forensic investigators use highly unrealistic methods to solve crimes
You want to sell a priceless family heirloom, but the best these pawn brokers
can do is $25
Pawn Stars
Level 66
Oct 19, 2013
How about "Honeymoon in Vegas"? If you're going to include "Con Air," how about one in which Nic Cage is intentionally funny? No "Casino"? No "Bugsy"? No "Las Vegas" (the tv series)? And no "Viva Las Vegas"? Are you against everything that is good and noble?
Level 67
Feb 21, 2018
I think there is a 2 Nic Cage Movie maximum for all JetPunk quizzes...even the Nic Cage Movies quiz
Level ∞
Jan 25, 2019
Added Casino
Level 90
Oct 9, 2019
No Godfather?
Level 72
Oct 26, 2013
I thought for sure The Hangover would be on this list.
Level ∞
Oct 26, 2013
And indeed it is.
Level 26
Oct 31, 2013
They went back to Vegas in part 3
Level 43
May 4, 2015
no Casino?
Level 84
Jan 26, 2019
I've seen alternative interpretation of Showgirls as subversive criticism of Hollywood. But I'm not convinced :)
Level 66
Jan 28, 2019
Yeah... that seems unlikely... perhaps I'll have to watch it and see ;)
Level 73
Jun 27, 2022
Honestly it's a good movie in my opinion. Not the first time a Verhoeven movie has been hated on release and then appraised years later, either (cough Starship Troopers cough)
Level 81
Jan 28, 2019
If anything the prices on "Pawn Stars" are very unrealistically high, not low. Though it's not nearly as bad as American Pickers. Sad that this channel used to be pretty good and now it's got five or six shows about hicks buying, selling, or fighting over garbage.
Level 74
Jan 28, 2019
I live in the country and I've inherited a few farm antiques so would I be considered a hick? My problem with American Pickers is that they don't make clear people should have permission to look through those "abandoned" buildings. We've caught far too many people over the years saying, "I didn't figure anybody wanted this stuff," as they were walking to their trucks with farm antiques and even good, working equipment from our outbuildings. They could have found out for certain if they'd taken the time to knock on our door and ask, but I assume they were afraid the answer would be no.
Level 81
Jan 30, 2019
The show is completely, entirely, 100% staged (one of my main issues with the show). So... rest assured they've got permission.
Level 90
Oct 9, 2019
Those would be regular thieves. Pill head / heroin thieves in rural areas get away with it unseen for a long time before getting caught and crying their way out of it in court.
Level 71
May 15, 2019
Lol only got 2.
Level 71
May 15, 2019
I had a feeling that "casino" would be in at least one of them.
Level 81
May 15, 2019
It's so sad that Oscar overlooked Cage's other Las Vegas movie. He deserved recognition for that role for his accent work alone.
Level 41
Oct 9, 2019

Diamonds are Forever


Honeymoon in Vegas

Level ∞
Dec 12, 2023
Added a couple of those.
Level 31
Mar 22, 2023
paul blart mall cop 2
Level 77
Dec 12, 2023
Couldn't remember the title of Indecent Proposal but I could've sworn it had either Richard Gere, Michael Douglas, or Glenn Close, so when I racked by brain for movies with any of those three in it and couldn't come up with the title, I was totally baffled. Turns out none of them are in it.

Quizmaster: Maybe add a note that says "(Note: neither Richard Gere, Michael Douglas, nor Glenn Close are in this film)" ?

Level 90
Dec 12, 2023
Who are 3 people who've never been in my kitchen?
Level 82
Dec 17, 2023
Sorry Cliff, at least you didn't bet it all???
Level 83
Dec 12, 2023
The Cooler is great, not surprised it's the least guessed though
Level 69
Jan 4, 2024
Viva Las Vegas would be a good one. I don't think the term would be synonymous with the city without the movie or the song attached to it.
Level 70
Jan 4, 2024
I can't believe nobody's mentioned "Rat Race" yet.
Level 66
Jan 5, 2024
Clark: Has anyone ever told you that your unlucky Eddie

Eddie: Those were my mothers dying words.

Vegas Vacation

Level 48
Feb 3, 2024
You should add the movie Rat Race (2000)