
Movies that are "The" Something

Can you name these movies whose titles start with "The"?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 1, 2020
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First submittedFebruary 1, 2012
Times taken60,097
Average score57.9%
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Video tape kills those who watch it!
The Ring
Woman must escape a killer cyborg from the future
The Terminator
Writer with a bad case of cabin fever tries to kill his wife and telepathic son
The Shining
Three men must piece together the forgetten events of their epic Las Vegas bachelor party
The Hangover
"Bug" causes teleportation experiment to go horribly awry
The Fly
Dueling magicians experiment with teleportation
The Prestige
Gang of noisy children search for pirate treasure along the Oregon coast
The Goonies
Harvard Law graduate takes a job with an evil Memphis law firm
The Firm
Head-spinning movie about a priest who must banish an evil spirit
The Exorcist
Italian-American college boy becomes a respected mob leader
The Godfather
U.S. marshal searches every henhouse, doghouse, and outhouse for a
doctor who was wrongly convicted of murder
The Fugitive
Man has to live in an airport because his country no longer exists
The Terminal
Man is surprised to learn that his reality is merely an elaborate computer simulation
The Matrix
Gifted baseball player damages stadium lighting with game-winning home run
The Natural
Mentally-challenged Cajun channels his anger to become a college football legend
The Waterboy
Man climbs the corporate ladder by letting his bosses use his apartment as a love nest
The Apartment
Frontiersman pursues revenge after being attacked by a bear and left for dead
The Revenant
For some reason, all crime is legal for one night a year
The Purge
In the sands of Egypt, a careless reading of ancient texts brings
a preserved corpse back to life
The Mummy
Level 70
Aug 26, 2014
Thought the reality as a computer simulation was The Truman Show for a second.
Level 70
Sep 14, 2017
Level 72
Sep 23, 2019
But he wasnt in a computer simulation at all. Just a live sized set.

The 13th floor on the other hand, a movie that always stuck with me (somehow it made a really big impression and besides the cube it is one of the few that have always left an impression), is totally about simulated worlds.

I thought I'd inform for the sake of accuracy. Though I am aware the matrix is more wellknown and the one I tried first (though remembering both) so 13th floor as a type-in is not necessary per see, but accurate.

Level 72
Sep 23, 2019
Weirdly I thought it was about 10 years before the matrix strange how memory works. It turns out they were released at nearly exactly the same time.

I thought I was a kid/early teen seeing 13th floor and a late teenager/young adult seeing the matrix.. odd. (My guesses would have been sort of 1994 and 2004 I guess, instead of both '99.)

Nice symmetry but let me estimate more precise. Hmm I would ve guessed I was 15/16 for 13th floor and 20/21 for the matrix so that would give 1997 and 2001 ah still symmetric, but only 5 years apart (but at 15 and at 20 you feel like ages have passed haha, you are like 2 different person. Different words without the use of any virtual reality ;) reality itself is complex enough...)

Level 68
Oct 20, 2015
Didn't schindlers list or elephant man win best film b/w
Level 85
Apr 10, 2017
Surprised to not see "The Sting" on here. Then again, it only won 7 Oscars, including best picture.
Level 78
Sep 13, 2017
I was thinking "The Graduate" myself, but it wasn't on there either.
Level 86
Oct 5, 2024
I was thinking The Hobbit, The Borrowers and The Omen. Plenty for a second quiz.
Level 88
Sep 13, 2017
How about "Films that are 'and the' " something? I can think of a bunch of 'em. (PS On this one, pls change marshall to marshal and lfe to life.)
Level 58
Sep 19, 2017
Great quiz! Just found you spelt 'life' wrong in the last question.
Level ∞
Sep 19, 2017
Level 68
Sep 19, 2017
That's not The Godfather, that's The Godfather part II
Level 74
Jan 8, 2018
Michael's already a mob leader in G2, he becomes the Don in G1
Level 74
Sep 23, 2019
You might be thinking of Vito, part 2 shows how Vito got into organized crime, but he was never a college boy
Level 86
Dec 19, 2023
Also, part 2 shows Vito becoming the Don via flashbacks, while the main plot shows Michael grasping and groping to hold on to his position. Though I guess you still could say the movie shows both - even though along different plot lines taking place in different decades.
Level 81
Mar 4, 2018
The Purge might be the dumbest premise for a movie ever.
Level 61
Sep 19, 2018
Most definitely.
Level 63
Apr 17, 2020
Disagree, dumbest movie plot goes to Wanted. Long ago weavers discover the flubs their loom makes can be read in binary as names so make the only obvious decision: form a secret gild of superhuman assassins to kill those people. Obviously someone corrupts the system.
Level 81
Jan 23, 2022
and if you swing your arm around really fast when firing a gun... you can shoot yourself in the head.

Okay let me rephrase. The Purge is the dumbest movie premise that some people actually take seriously.

Level 77
Jan 23, 2022
i've seen your rephrasal but i still want to take this opportunity to mention 'Day of the Dolphin'. Tagline: "Unwittingly he trained a dolphin to kill the President of the United States!"
Level 46
Mar 4, 2018
1. Brutally violent football game held between prison guards and inmates.

2. Armed psychopath turns family's whitewater rafting trip into a nightmare.

3. Mouse breathes liquid and other strange things occur during SEAL team operation to recover a submarine.

Level 79
Mar 4, 2018
The Longest Yard; The River Wild; The Abyss
Level 61
Mar 9, 2018
OMG I tried EVERYTHING for The Natural!!! Legend, Hero, Model, Gifted, Talent, etc. etc. etc. I knew I had seen it, and said "What's that movie with Robert Redford and Glenn Close and whatnot, about the baseball legend guy?" And just could NOT think of it. I'm really beating myself up right now.
Level 41
Jul 2, 2018
I like that the least guessed answer is the one that has the exact answer in the clue.
Level 82
Jan 25, 2022
That's the only one i had no clue about, and almost didn't try that word, since it was in the clue.
Level 77
Jul 19, 2018
The clue for "The Godfather" totally threw me off. And it's my favorite movie of all time.
Level 19
Dec 18, 2023
I never watched it, but somehow I knew it just by "Italian mob leader"
Level 64
Jan 23, 2022
I feel like the description for The Waterboy’s not far from Forrest Gump. Though obviously he’s not Cajun and there’s no ‘the.’
Level 82
Jan 23, 2022
I don't think Forrest Gump channeled too much anger either.
Level 67
Dec 18, 2023
Is Adam Sandler French-American ???
Level 74
Jan 28, 2022
Three men must piece together the forgOtten events of their epic Las Vegas bachelor party


Level 80
Dec 18, 2023
I think it's funny that computer bugs got their name from the early days of perforated computer cards, when an actual bug on the card could cause the computer to malfunction. We've come full circle with movie #5. Even though one could argue that the machine in that movie worked exactly as intended...
Level 59
Dec 18, 2023
if you take all of this out of context it looks like a list of seinfeld episodes
Level 71
Dec 18, 2023
Just a suggestion: maybe add that all movie titles have only one word after "The"? (I'm lazy, I don't like typing guesses that aren't gonna work.)