But he wasnt in a computer simulation at all. Just a live sized set.
The 13th floor on the other hand, a movie that always stuck with me (somehow it made a really big impression and besides the cube it is one of the few that have always left an impression), is totally about simulated worlds.
I thought I'd inform for the sake of accuracy. Though I am aware the matrix is more wellknown and the one I tried first (though remembering both) so 13th floor as a type-in is not necessary per see, but accurate.
Weirdly I thought it was about 10 years before the matrix strange how memory works. It turns out they were released at nearly exactly the same time.
I thought I was a kid/early teen seeing 13th floor and a late teenager/young adult seeing the matrix.. odd. (My guesses would have been sort of 1994 and 2004 I guess, instead of both '99.)
Nice symmetry but let me estimate more precise. Hmm I would ve guessed I was 15/16 for 13th floor and 20/21 for the matrix so that would give 1997 and 2001 ah still symmetric, but only 5 years apart (but at 15 and at 20 you feel like ages have passed haha, you are like 2 different person. Different words without the use of any virtual reality ;) reality itself is complex enough...)
Also, part 2 shows Vito becoming the Don via flashbacks, while the main plot shows Michael grasping and groping to hold on to his position. Though I guess you still could say the movie shows both - even though along different plot lines taking place in different decades.
Disagree, dumbest movie plot goes to Wanted. Long ago weavers discover the flubs their loom makes can be read in binary as names so make the only obvious decision: form a secret gild of superhuman assassins to kill those people. Obviously someone corrupts the system.
i've seen your rephrasal but i still want to take this opportunity to mention 'Day of the Dolphin'. Tagline: "Unwittingly he trained a dolphin to kill the President of the United States!"
OMG I tried EVERYTHING for The Natural!!! Legend, Hero, Model, Gifted, Talent, etc. etc. etc. I knew I had seen it, and said "What's that movie with Robert Redford and Glenn Close and whatnot, about the baseball legend guy?" And just could NOT think of it. I'm really beating myself up right now.
I think it's funny that computer bugs got their name from the early days of perforated computer cards, when an actual bug on the card could cause the computer to malfunction. We've come full circle with movie #5. Even though one could argue that the machine in that movie worked exactly as intended...
The 13th floor on the other hand, a movie that always stuck with me (somehow it made a really big impression and besides the cube it is one of the few that have always left an impression), is totally about simulated worlds.
I thought I'd inform for the sake of accuracy. Though I am aware the matrix is more wellknown and the one I tried first (though remembering both) so 13th floor as a type-in is not necessary per see, but accurate.
I thought I was a kid/early teen seeing 13th floor and a late teenager/young adult seeing the matrix.. odd. (My guesses would have been sort of 1994 and 2004 I guess, instead of both '99.)
Nice symmetry but let me estimate more precise. Hmm I would ve guessed I was 15/16 for 13th floor and 20/21 for the matrix so that would give 1997 and 2001 ah still symmetric, but only 5 years apart (but at 15 and at 20 you feel like ages have passed haha, you are like 2 different person. Different words without the use of any virtual reality ;) reality itself is complex enough...)
Okay let me rephrase. The Purge is the dumbest movie premise that some people actually take seriously.
2. Armed psychopath turns family's whitewater rafting trip into a nightmare.
3. Mouse breathes liquid and other strange things occur during SEAL team operation to recover a submarine.