I agree, neither clue is acurate. The grandmother owned the llama and I don't think ever gave a reason for Kip taking martial arts lessons, presumably to impress babes.
Kip actually says specifically at one point that he is training to become a cage fighter. Those are his exact words. That's what prompts Napoleon to try to hit him, when they have the slap fight in the living room.
The Naked Gun isn't like Lethal Weapon, though. It's much more like Dragnet. A funny version of Lethal Weapon would be National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon.
It had been a short-lived TV show called Police Squad!, that featured "Rex Harrison as Abraham Lincoln" in the opening credits crouching down and returning the gunfire from his theater balcony like the other characters did.
It had been a short-lived TV show called Police Squad!, that featured "Rex Harrison as Abraham Lincoln" in the opening credits crouching down and returning the gunfire from his theater balcony like the other characters did.