
Movies with Names in the Title #3

These movies have first names in the title. Guess the name.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 11, 2020
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First submittedJune 28, 2012
Times taken52,883
Average score55.6%
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Free Willy
A Fish Called Wanda
Dirty Harry
Leon: The Professional
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
Mary Poppins
Monty Python's Life of Brian
Wreck-It Ralph
Hannah and Her Sisters
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Charlotte's Web
The People vs. Larry Flynt
La Femme Nikita
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Barb Wire
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Angela's Ashes
Billy Elliot
Madea's Witness Protection
Charlie's Angels
Herbie Fully Loaded
Forgetting Sarah Marshall 
The Book of Eli
Chasing Amy
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Jacob's Ladder
Annie Get Your Gun
Level 40
Sep 3, 2012
I missed my own name... dang it ELI
Level 81
Jul 26, 2018
That movie started out interesting but then as it became more and more clear that the premise was going to be that the book Denzel's character was carrying was supposed to be the Bible the impending epic groan building in my diaphragm ruined it. Just... dumb
Level 52
Jul 26, 2018
I haven't watched it in a while, but I thought that the book Denzel was carrying was identified to the bible early on. Maybe thats just me though, I'm agnostic while the rest of my family are believers, so I know when i'm about to get hit with religion. Agree that the movie was pretty solid until the 3rd act, not when the book was revealed to be a bible, but what KIND of bible. That's what killed it for me.
Level 81
May 12, 2021
I'm pretty sure it was built up as a twist but I haven't seen the movie in a while, either. I remember early on just thinking that it was beautifully shot.
Level 79
Feb 18, 2022
Kal, it sounds like you have a god-shaped hole in your heart.
Level 20
Sep 11, 2012
herby should be accepted for herbie
Level 58
May 15, 2017
Level 66
Dec 18, 2013
Johnny Got His Gun, so Annie Get Your Gun.
Level 66
Aug 25, 2015
yeah, all us headbangers went there
Level 85
Apr 2, 2014
Personal pet peeve: when the quiz accepts an incorrect spelling while in the middle of typing it correctly, thus throwing me off on the next answer. Example from this quiz "Hannah" is the answer, but accepts "Hanna", leaving me with an extraneous "h" as I start to type the next answer.
Level 56
Oct 31, 2014
Fully agree. Especially with the words "blonde" and "pittsburgh"
Level 90
Aug 25, 2015
I agree with you on Pittsburgh, but not blond. Blond is a correct spelling so there's no reason it should not be accepted. And by the way, you are not my favorite Utahn...I am my favorite Utahn! ;)
Level 74
Aug 25, 2015
Agree with you on the letter thing, but my favorite Utahns are my daughter and grandsons.
Level 49
May 30, 2018
I agree and I think I have a solution. Quizmaster could accept the spelling of the next answer with the extraneous letter. Like with hannah, the next answer is roger so if hroger is accepted than the people who can spell hannah correctly are not punished for it. I wish that could be incorporated into all the quizes that accept words without the last letter(s).
Level 48
Oct 17, 2018
me too, especially as a hunter/pecker
Level 81
Aug 25, 2015
Barb Wire? Is that Pamela Anderson's character's name or something? Barbara Wire?
Level 78
Nov 8, 2018
Well, the character's real name is Barbara Kopetski, but basically, yeah.
Level 86
Aug 25, 2015
Looked at the picture for the quiz, started entering answers, amazed that I never knew Clint Eastwood was in so many classic movies, reread quiz title, facepalm.
Level 56
Aug 25, 2015
More spelling variants for "Madea" please :).
Level 13
Aug 25, 2015
thought it was Jehovahs witness.
Level 85
Apr 6, 2017
I tried that too! Wouldn't have gotten Madea in a thousand years. Oh well, only missed 3.
Level 83
Apr 11, 2021
so "hanna" is accepted for "hannah" but "sara" isn't accepted for "sarah"?
Level 64
Apr 11, 2021
There should be no question mark in 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit.' Hollywood considers movies with a question mark to be bad luck.
Level 80
Nov 23, 2023
"Free Guy" should be allowed.
Level 65
Jul 11, 2024
lots of films named The Book of…




Bobba Fett





etc. etc

maybe these should also be accepted?