
Multiple Choice Numbers #2 - U.S. Edition

For each category, guess the correct number.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: May 11, 2021
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First submittedMay 11, 2021
Times taken15,731
Average score61.1%
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1. Members on a typical jury
2. Fraction of states necessary to ratify a constitutional amendment
All of them
3. Games played by each team in the Major League Baseball regular season
4. Feet in a mile
5. Squares on a Monopoly board
6. Acres in a square mile
7. Pints in a gallon
8. Number of U.S. Senators
9. Teaspoons in a tablespoon
10. Pounds in ton
11. Stripes on the U.S. flag
12. Number of U.S. states which touch the Pacific Ocean
Don't forget Alaska and Hawaii!
13. Times that Meryl Streep has been nominated for an Oscar
14. Distance in miles from New York to Los Angeles, as the crow flies
15. Number of different people to serve as U.S. President
16. A typical hat size
4 ⅓
7 ¼
9 ½
17. Number that Michael Jordan wore for most of his basketball career
18. Number of ways to leave your lover, according to the title of a Paul Simon song
Level 54
May 12, 2021
Is Question 1 not Nine? I thought that 12 was only the maximum, and not the most common. You could change the question to, "Three more than the typical number of Jurors in a typical Jury," so the stats don't reset.
Level ∞
May 12, 2021
Level 96
May 12, 2021
Juries can be as small as 6 for petit juries and as many as 32 I believe for grand juries. The vast majority of juries that are used for criminal or civil trials are made up of 12 people. As the question is worded (with the "typical" disclaimer) I believe 12 is the appropriate answer.
Level 80
May 20, 2021
12 Angry Men. Very good film, also helped a lot in answering this question!
Level 76
May 12, 2021
15/18. I reckon out-of-US-dwellers should get bonus points for overcoming the fog of information American. (In return, I'm happy to give Americans extra points for Aussie, UK, Canadian and NZ-centric quizzes)
Level 72
May 13, 2021
Good on ya, mate, eh?
Level 80
May 20, 2021
I got 8/18 which was good for 0 points. Think I'm actually pretty happy not to have contaminated my understanding of measurements with too many imperial units.
Level 51
Apr 16, 2024
well as an american, i learned your units, hasnt stopped me from knowing what a foot is
Level ∞
Dec 11, 2023
15/18 is a great score for a non-US person! Impressive.
Level 73
May 18, 2021
How did everyone know the hat size question?
Level 74
May 25, 2021
Yeah right, 7 1/4 what?
Level 66
Jul 24, 2021
7 1/4 Inches, for the long axis of the head.
Level 67
Jul 17, 2021
That's the only one I missed.
Level 60
Jul 18, 2021
I don't know but 7¼ is my hat size. I'm guessing that the unit is "hat sizes."
Level ∞
Dec 11, 2023
If you have ever bought a fitted baseball cap you would know.
Level 54
Apr 11, 2024
Totally random, but I was literally looking at the tag of one of my baseball hats to buy a new one earlier today and that was my size. That’s how I knew.
Level 72
May 23, 2024
I remembered that on some shoes I used to have it had a table with various sizes in UK/US notation. I figured since the numbers were close to the options given, perhaps it corresponded in some way.

Then I looked at my feet and think about the size of an average head. 4 1/3 was out, 9 1/2 seemed too big. So 7 1/4 was left.

Level 73
Jul 17, 2021
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover always left me wanting more because he only names a handful of ways...step out the back, Jack, hope on a bus, Gus, make a new plan, Stan...I know there's more but he definitely doesn't name more than 10 ways. What are the rest????
Level 83
Jul 17, 2021
But he says "there must be 50 ways", so it's speculative. If I say "there must be 10,000 different species of ant" it doesn't mean I can name them all.
Level 66
Jul 17, 2021
New York should be New York City
Level 67
Jul 17, 2021
No, it shouldn't. First of all, the name of the city is "New York," not "New York City." Second, even if you go from New York's western border (say, from Buffalo), it's still much closer to 2,451 than 1,432. Third, it's common knowledge that questions like that use like units. If the question were asking about New York state, it would ask for the distance from New York to California. If you end up in a city, Los Angeles, the presumption is that you're starting in a city, New York. Plus they're the US's two biggest cities, so I don't really see how anyone could misunderstand what the question is asking for.
Level 71
Jul 17, 2021
Answer to most of the above: "A desperate need for the metric system"!
Level 67
Jul 17, 2021
We really should. We'd have to phase it in over time. But Americans are so stubborn. They won't give up the paper dollar bill even though it is impractical to use. The government has been minting dollar coins for like 20 years and nobody wants them. If you switched miles to kilometers, people would throw a fit.
Level 68
Jul 17, 2021
It would be an enormous expense to switch to metric. Imagine all of the road signs that would need to be changed just to change from miles to kilometers. (And I think that paper dollars are much easier to carry than coin dollars.)
Level 74
Jul 19, 2021
Despite the UK switching to metric some time ago, road signs have remained in miles and I can't see that changing
Level 66
Jul 24, 2021
Yes, America should switch! FlickerP is right that switching need not apply to everything, but as for the expense... How much money did it cost when the US lost that Mars lander because half the calculations were done in metric and half Imperial units? ... and that is far from the only incident. There would be a great deal of money to be saved by using a measurement system that conforms to the rest of the world. The USA is out of step with (literally) 95% of the planet because of ignorance and/or stubbornness.
Level 72
May 23, 2024
It only takes one generation, the next one would not know any better. All the countries in Europe (that use it) were able to switch to euros. If you are in the middle of it, it is a change, but the kids now don't know any better.
Level 77
Jul 17, 2021
I think that the units teaspoon (defined as 5 ml) and tablespoon (15 ml) are used all over the western world. So why is it in a US edition?
Level 73
Apr 11, 2024
They're actually very slightly different in the U.S., though both defined in SI units.
Level 69
Jul 17, 2021
Because of this quiz I learned there's a discrepancy between the number of presidencies and the number of persons who became president in the US.
Level 60
Jul 18, 2021
Because of Grover Cleveland, who was president for 4 years, then someone else was president for 4 years, then Cleveland served another term as president.
Level 54
Apr 11, 2024
Some people were presidents twice.
Level 57
Jul 18, 2021
US? More like non-metric measurements quiz
Level 61
Jul 18, 2021
Aren't there 36 tiles in monopoly ? You have not to count twice corner tiles
Level ∞
Jul 18, 2021
There are 11 tiles across, not 10.
Level 75
Jul 18, 2021
There are only 4 squares on a monopoly board. The corners. The rest are rectangles.
Level 81
Apr 11, 2024
Technically, they're all rectangles, but I see your point. I suppose the clue should read "spaces" or something else along non-geometrical lines.
Level 68
Apr 14, 2024
Technically, they are all parallelograms also
Level 46
Jul 17, 2024
What about the giant one in the middle... And the outer border?
Level 68
Jul 19, 2021
"Don't forget Alsdka and Hawaii", yeah, thanksalot, you should've told me BEFORE i took the quiz, dang...
Level 78
Jul 19, 2021
I don't own any tablespoons, but I've just discovered why my cooking is always off.
Level 88
Apr 9, 2024
Air Jordan
Level 49
Apr 11, 2024
Great quiz!
Level 81
Apr 11, 2024
Great quiz--I like the variety.
Level 54
Apr 12, 2024
got 7/18, knew 3/7
Level 72
May 23, 2024
with the options given I knew most, If I would have had to come up with an answer myself I would have known very few of them, though would have been roughly in the right region.

Of the ones I had to guess I only guessed the song correctly.

Level 72
May 23, 2024
Wow did much better than expected, if you do not count me misreading feet for meters... I got 4 wrong. 3 of which were politics or sports. The other was the acres one.