Hint | Answer | % Correct | |
C | Creature that was half man / half horse | Centaur | 94%
H | Type of weapon wielded by Thor | Hammer | 92%
O | Mountain that was home to the Greek gods | Olympus | 91%
A | Greek goddess of beauty | Aphrodite | 90%
Z | King of the Greek gods | Zeus | 90%
M | Half man / half bull creature that lived at the center of the labyrinth | Minotaur | 88%
N | Greek goddess of victory; namesake of an apparel company | Nike | 83%
L | Norse trickster god | Loki | 82%
R | This animal's foot has been a good-luck symbol since at least 600 B.C. | Rabbit | 82%
K | Sea beast of Norse folklore that resembles a giant squid | Kraken | 79%
W | Dionysus was the Greek god of this | Wine | 79%
T | Creature, such as Cronus or Prometheus, that preceded the Greek gods | Titan | 77%
S | River that separates Hades and Earth | Styx | 76%
V | Majestic hall in Asgard. When people die in battle, Odin chooses half of them to live here. | Valhalla | 75%
B | Wailing female spirt who heralded death in Irish mythology | Banshee | 71%
D | Roman goddess of the hunt equated with the Greek goddess Artemis | Diana | 68%
I | Egyptian mother goddess who was later worshipped by the Romans | Isis | 66%
P | Trojan prince who killed Achilles with an arrow to the heel | Paris | 63%
F | Half man / half goat creature also known as a satyr | Faun | 62%
U | Roman version of Odysseus | Ulysses | 57%
G | Clay monster of Jewish folklore | Golem | 54%
E | A place in the afterlife for heroic and virtuous Greeks | {Elysian} Fields | 50%
J | Roman god with two faces - one looking to the future and the other to the past | Janus | 50%
Q | Feathered serpent of Aztec religion | Quetzalcoatl | 37%
Y | Massive tree that connects the nine worlds of Norse mythology | Yggdrasil | 32%
X | A long time ago, according to Scientology, this galactic overlord brought billions of people to Earth and killed them with atomic bombs | Xenu | 19%
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