Ends in GRY
angry | hangry | hungry
Five letters, has 3 R's
error | rarer
Is an animal, singular is the same as the plural
buffalo | deer | fish | moose | sheep | ...
Four letters, starts with Z, ends with Y
Ends in AZ
spaz | topaz | pizzaz | shiraz
Five letters, ends in EFT
cleft | theft
Five letters, contains ZZ, isn't PIZZA
abuzz | dizzy | fizzy | jazzy | whizz | ...
Seven letters, starts with KEY
keycard | keyhole | keynote | keyword | ...
Starts with WH, ends in F
wharf | whiff | whereof
Seven letters, starts with O, ends with F
oneself | ourself
Seven letters, starts with LEO
leopard | leonine | leotard
Four letters, starts and ends with E
ease | eave | edge | else | epee | ...
Five letters, starts with Q, ends with K
quack | quark | quick | quirk
Five letters, starts with FJ
fjord | fjeld
Ends with LFTH
Four letters, is a palindrome
deed | kook | noon | peep | sees | toot | ...
Six letters, starts with C, ends with W
callow | cashew | curfew | curlew
It's a slur against disabled people and is very offensive (in the UK at least). It's a harsher word than c*nt but less offensive than the n-word so feels like it's not great.