Starts with Q, ends in Z
quiz | quartz
Starts with F, ends in Z
fez | fiz | fizz | futz | fuzz | fritz | frizz
Starts with O, is a musical instrument
oboe | ocarina | ophicleide | organ
Is the last name of a U.S. President
bush | carter | ford | grant | hoover | pierce | trump
Japanese loanword, ends in i
bonsai | emoji | kabuki | origami | samurai | sushi | tsunami | others ...
Is the name of a city with an urban area population > 1 million
bordeaux | buffalo | cologne | mecca | phoenix | shanghai | others ...
Is the name of a country
chad | china | guinea | turkey | others ...
Is the name of a pope (using the pope's name in English)
clement | innocent | john | mark | martin | peter | urban | victor | others ...
Seven letters, starts with OUT, ends with K
outback | outlook | outrank | outtalk | outwork
Six letters, starts and ends with W
wallow | willow | window | winnow
Seven letters, starts with SIX
sixfold | sixteen | sixties | sixthly
Has an X, is an element of the periodic table
oxygen | xenon
Five letters, starts and ends with Y
yolky | yucky | yummy | yuppy
Is the name of a city with official city status in England
bath | derby | hull | oxford | stoke | wells
Five letters, middle letters are EMU
demur | femur | lemur
Four letters, ends in X
apex | crux | faux | flax | flex | flux | hoax | ibex | jinx | lynx | minx | onyx | others ...
Five letters, starts and ends with K
kaiak | kamik | kapok | kayak | kiosk | klick | knack | knock | kopek | kulak
Words must be in the North American Scrabble dictionary (OWL4), and also not be flagged by the Google Chrome spellchecker
I don't have my Scrabble dictionary here but it should be included as it's a type of household product as well as a section in a department store.
Justin Moorhouse does a funny bit about the australia/ manchester thing
Am I missing something?
(using the Pope's name in English)" has "the" typed twice.
Very nice quiz!
Why are there only 6 cities in England with official city status?
When in reality there are 52
This means that the clue is looking for cities in England with official city status that are also regular, non-proper words. "Stoke" is a city, but also something you can do to a fire. "Bath" is a city, and also a soak in a tub. "Sheffield" is... just a city.