
Most Popular Dog Breeds Quiz

How many of the most popular dog breeds in the United States can you name?
For the year 2022. Source: American Kennel Club
Only breeds recognized by the AKC, which doesn't include pit bulls, labradoodles, and some other designer breeds
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: July 31, 2023
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First submittedApril 3, 2012
Times taken101,359
Average score35.0%
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Dog Breed
French Bulldog
Labrador Retriever
Golden Retriever
German Shepherd
German Shorthaired Pointer
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Australian Shepherd
Yorkshire Terrier
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Doberman Pinscher
Miniature Schnauzer
Cane Corso
Great Dane
Shih Tzu
Dog Breed
Siberian Husky
Bernese Mountain Dog
Boston Terrier
English Springer Spaniel
Shetland Sheepdog
Cocker Spaniel
Border Collie
Miniature American Shepherd
Belgian Malinois
Basset Hound
English Cocker Spaniel
Dog Breed
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Shiba Inu
West Highland White Terrier
Portuguese Water Dog
Bichon Frise
Australian Cattle Dog
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Saint Bernard
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
Giant Schnauzer
German Wirehaired Pointer
Scottish Terrier
101 Recent Comments
Level 58
Apr 17, 2014
Could you add sheepdog? Didn't think to type in Shetland. :)
Level 46
Jul 17, 2020
and I typed shetland shepherd and got nothing
Level 41
Apr 24, 2014
I was surprised that the American Staffordshire Terrier is not on this list, especially since Cane Corso is. Are they really that rare in the USA? It's _American_ ST, after all (sincere question, since I'm from Germany and always thought it's easier to keep them as a pet in America).
Level 39
Apr 28, 2018
The American Staffordshire Terrier is AKC recognized but most dogs of that "type" are instead registered with the UKC, which is more, ahem, flexible, about proper documentation. And most "pit bull type" dogs in the US are mongrels of various breeds in the broader bull-and-terrier-plus-another-mutt-or-two family. There are surprisingly few registered purebreds for the number of dogs out there (only 10% of dogs in the US are AKC registered, so...).
Level 61
Jan 5, 2025
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier (British breed) is a lovely family dog and along with the Bull Terrier and the bulldog breeds were unfortunately (and deemed irresponsibly by most) to produce the pitbulls originally for gambling/fighting similare to cock fighting. I also know folks with's difficult to accept the the Corsos are more popular than the SBT or a properly SBT.
Level 66
Jun 4, 2014
Snoop didn't make it?
Level 89
Nov 28, 2014
He's a Lion now, so disqualified from the Dogg list
Level 91
Apr 28, 2018
And now he’s back to being a Dogg.
Level 90
Mar 27, 2019
He's kind of like John Cougar.
Level 81
Feb 21, 2015
Beagles are on here.
Level 67
Apr 28, 2018
I think he was referring to the rapper.
Level 78
Jun 11, 2014
You should either have it be English Bulldog for bulldog or give both French and "regular" bulldog when you type in bulldog.
Level 65
Oct 12, 2023
There is also American bulldog which is probably considered a pit or staffy variation, but is way different than French and English bulldogs. Really strange they just used the term bulldog without a specifier
Level 50
Dec 1, 2014
Typical. I got Brittany but missed German Shepherd and Poodle
Level 89
Dec 3, 2014
Wow, it would be nice if those commenting would read the source material rather than just saying can you do this. The Quizmaster states that the breed list comes from the American Kennel Club which is the parent club for all breeds recognized for conformation showing in the United States. Grouping breeds/varieties is not his choice, it's the AKC's. His terminology is not his, it's the AKC's.
Level 48
Feb 8, 2015
Love it, but a little more time would be even better!
Level 33
Dec 28, 2015
I agree.
Level 47
Apr 22, 2016
I was so surprised not to see dalmatians - so much that I actually retyped it several times - that I had to go to the AKC site to see. Sure enough, they come in at #62.
Level 36
Oct 3, 2021
especially when there's 101 of them!
Level 72
Apr 22, 2016
Rhodesian Ridgeback sounds like a dragon from Harry Potter. :D
Level 21
Mar 27, 2018
yes, I agree.
Level 76
Apr 22, 2016
I tried "standard poodle", "miniature poodle", and "toy poodle" and nothing came up; please accept these as answers for "poodle".
Level 82
Dec 2, 2016
Geez, just put poodle.
Level 73
Apr 22, 2016
Please accept Rhodesian for Rhodesian Ridge back
Level 74
Apr 22, 2016
I wish I could spell weimariner, wimaraner, weimarener...whatevermaraner.
Level 62
Feb 15, 2021
I have a wiemeraner (hope I spelled it right) and I can never spell it too. I also have a vizsla and I always confuse the s and z.
Level 72
Mar 30, 2024
wine-mariner? :D
Level 59
Apr 22, 2016
I do not care what the American Kennel Club thinks is the most popular dog, because I know that the pit bull or American Staffordshire Terrier (or a mixed breed that is mostly that breed) is the most popular. Around here 1 out of every three dogs has some pit bull blood in them. Most of the dogs at the shelter or pound are some mix of pit bull.
Level 82
Dec 2, 2016
So your personal experience is more knowledgable than the AKC about breed popularity? By saying "I the most popular" and "around here...", you're just proving that it's your own perspective but not that of a country of 300 million people (and just as many dogs).

I rarely if ever see pitbulls where I live and there are lots of the first three breeds listed. But I wouldn't ever presume that to mean that pitbulls must be unpopular *everywhere*.

Level 44
Feb 27, 2018
come to Arizona, either people have a lab, a pitty or they have a chihuahua., the AKA is not a respectable source of info for dog bread ownership..they also don't give papers to "mutts" which are the best dogs..
Level 67
Apr 28, 2018
It's not a quiz about which dogs are most popular where you live though.
Level 90
Oct 1, 2021
Is that the bread they use for frankfurters?
Level 68
Apr 13, 2018
i know what you mean! On that quiz that asks for the most popular Chinese dishes? I don't CARE what the Chinese-American Restaurant Association says, because I KNOW that pizza is the most popular food by far! That quiz is as wrong as this one!
Level 90
Mar 27, 2019
You live in the ghetto evidently. That's not all of the USA.
Level 57
May 2, 2016
Tibetan Terriers rule!
Level 68
Apr 13, 2018
I've never met a Tibetan Terrier, but the Tibetans definitely got it goin' on in the doggo department! Both Lhasa Apsos and Tibetan Mastiffs, aside from being exactly opposite each other on the size scale, are both really sweet breeds.
Level 47
Jul 29, 2016
"German Shorthair" doesn't work???
Level ∞
Apr 2, 2018
It will now
Level 20
Feb 9, 2017
Level 46
Feb 15, 2017
No Jack Russel? Or Norwegian Elkhound? Or Dalmation?
Level 28
Mar 31, 2017
100% in 1:37 -- I just listed every single breed I ever met. I am a vet :)
Level 18
Feb 12, 2018
no border terrier? I know lots of people with them :)
Level 70
Feb 14, 2018
Surprised not to see Boston Dynamics on this list.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2018
I love border terriers and jack russells- sad they didn't make the cut :(
Level 25
Apr 23, 2018
Got 34/60. Didn't get the #1 Dog Breed. Yikes.
Level 72
Apr 28, 2018
I think you should either allow "shiba" or add "inu" akita.
Level 70
Apr 28, 2018
60 breeds? Not exactly the most "most popular" as it is name a ton of breeds that may or may not be on this list.
Level 75
Aug 9, 2023
Yeah it extends to plenty of pretty unpopular breeds, while leaving out lots of very popular ones due to the choice of source and extent of the quiz.
Level 76
Apr 29, 2018
What's the difference between "collie" and "border collie"? Does the former refer to the rough collie, and if so, could you please include "rough collie" as an accepted answer?
Level 73
Apr 30, 2018
Sad to not see any sight hounds on the list. My whippets are the best dogs I've ever had. I was a husky/malamute person until I met my first Greyhound.
Level 28
Jul 24, 2018
I was surprised not to see Dalmatian or Whippet on the list.

And I was surprised to see Samoyed so far back! I have one and thought they'd be a bit more popular than ranking 57!

Level 33
May 1, 2018
You should allow Doge for the Shiba Inu breed.
Level 33
May 4, 2018
Who agrees?
Level 33
May 4, 2018
You should allow Doge for the Shiba Inu dog breed.
Level 72
Jun 19, 2019
Stop spamming.
Level 33
May 9, 2018
Just wondering, Quizmaster, if you could add Doge for the Shiba Inu breed of dog, because it technically is a Shiba Inu...
Level 28
Jul 24, 2018
I got 68% on this test. I forgot Samoyed and I have one!
Level 54
Oct 8, 2018
Funny - no setters, greyhounds, pointers, golden doodles, or the real winners, mutts and rescue dogs! Yeah, I know, AKC definitions and all. But it'd be interesting to see a quiz about actual ownership, versus what I'm guessing is a list compiled either from dogs registered with the AKC or from surveying breeders registered with the AKC.
Level 41
Nov 14, 2018
I couldn’t figure out how to spell chihuahua. I was convinced there was a “J” in there somewhere.
Level 72
Jun 19, 2019
Perhaps accept pommeranian and maltezer?

And tried wienerdog wienese dog, teckel, all but dachshund...

and was surprised at no jack russel (terrier), or beagle. got 21, some more I couldnt spell or think of the right name. Some I hadnt heard of (west highland white terrier, but maybe it is known under a completely different name here.. brittany, and anything guessed less.)

Level 67
Dec 20, 2019
Please accept "Samoyyed" as a type-in for "Samoyed", and accept "Doge" and "Shibe" for "Shiba Inu".
Level 40
Aug 15, 2020
Sooooo... all of the pitbull breeds are left out besides bull terrier? Ridiculous and inaccurate.
Level 33
May 10, 2021
I'm irritated because I guessed Shiba but it didn't take it. Only for me to find out that it really *is* there.
Level 33
Jun 29, 2021
I have a Belgian Malinois and a German shepherd at home, I was surprised..
Level 74
Jul 2, 2021
Why were you surprised? Are they supposed to be at work?
Level 75
Jul 8, 2021
I typed Yorkshire, should be accepted IMO
Level 64
Aug 5, 2021
I know some from my US state dogs quiz.
Level 77
Sep 17, 2021
Fun quiz but I think it's important to mention the AKC should not be considered a leading authority on anything dog-related. Their money-making agenda has pushed dogs into genetic corners that have lead to the horrible health trends we see in dogs today. They also represent the problem with the way our society sees dogs: as accessories or hobbies. These dogs are put in shows, put on registeries, people have arguments about whether a dog qualifies to fit a breed standard and all the while these conditions are really more detrimental to the dog's health which is undoubtedly more important than the way a dog looks. The AKC has in part (not only their fault) convinced people that the breed of a dog has a lot of influence on it's behavior when objectively, the difference in temperment/behavior is negligble. It's more the human influence that leads to some of the differences that we notice.Lastly, the AKC has encouraged a breeding epidemic while countless shelters have to euthanize countless
Level 85
Oct 17, 2024
So you don't like the organization... do you have a reason to doubt the accuracy of their record-keeping? They're the source of data for this quantitative quiz, not cited as a moral authority on dog-rearing ethics.
Level 81
Sep 18, 2021
Please accept Kelpie for Australian Cattle Dog
Level 65
Sep 18, 2021
Alaskan Malamutes are more common than a lot of these dogs listed lol. I'm biased having owned one. Best dogs ever!!
Level 77
Sep 20, 2021
Isn't the Rhodesian Ridgeback a dragon from Harry Potter . . .
Level 58
Oct 1, 2021
Norwegian Ridgeback, probably where she got the name
Level 77
Oct 1, 2021
I’m glad Doge is an acceptable type in
Level 82
Oct 1, 2021
I can't believe I missed Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, that was our last dog :-(
Level 67
Oct 1, 2021
I thought I typed Shiba Inu, maybe I did something weird like Shibu Ina lol
Level 60
Oct 4, 2021
Weiner dog is an acceptable answer
Level 30
Oct 5, 2021
Thought I could breeze through this by answering dogs that I've come across in my own experience but turns out the popularity of dogs in rural NZ doesn't exactly match up to that of the US. And upon further research, also doesn't match up with my own country either. I thought everyone owned a Smooth Fox Terrier but apparently not
Level 68
Aug 8, 2023
I kept typing in fox terrier too, it is so popular here.
Level 54
Nov 24, 2021
Dashchund is top ten and its one of my favorites
Level 66
Dec 29, 2021
Xoloitzcuintle is not on the list? ;)
Level 46
Jun 16, 2022
Pitbull or American Staffordshire Terrier?
Level 69
Dec 24, 2022
No Jack Russell?
Level 46
Jan 3, 2023
Man, this list didn't have Snoop Dogg or Pitbull!
Level 45
Feb 19, 2023
Really no pitbulls? I'm surprised
Level 80
Jul 31, 2023
Hopefully they're illegal to own
Level 39
Jun 21, 2024
You should not believe the lies about pitbulls. Though they were trained to be fighting dogs, that practice has been made illegal, and truthfully, pitbulls are just as loving as any other dog.
Level 88
Oct 12, 2023
Read the caveat at the top. Pits would almost certainly be on this list otherwise.
Level 39
Apr 16, 2023
French Bulldogs have taken over as the most popular dog in the USA by dogs adopted! So this may need updated.
Level 86
Jul 16, 2023
Thought Frenchie should work since Yorkie, Westie, Scottie did.
Level 92
Jul 31, 2023
Not enough time.
Level 80
Jul 31, 2023
Can't believe French bulldogs (which are an ugly breed) are the most popular now 🤦‍♂️
Level 90
Aug 4, 2023
Bred to be unable to breathe properly and suffer their whole lives. Says a lot about the compassion and intelligence of anyone who owns one.
Level 88
Oct 12, 2023
Not to mention they have numerous other health issues which require constant vet visits. This cost is what causes so many of them to wind up abandoned/at shelters. I will say many of us are aware of these things, though. I still "rescued" mine because I was more able to care for her. I swear I'm putting my vets kids through college lol. I would agree that they shouldn't exist, though. I do not support breeders in general, but especially for this breed. Love my Frenchie and she brings me quite a bit of joy (she's also quite the cutie, IMO), but it is what it is.

Thanks for calling out my lack of compassion and intelligence, though. Keep it classy.

Level 89
Jul 31, 2023
The AKC bases popularity by number of dogs registered to the stud book by year. This means only breeds recognized by the AKC will appear on the list so no pits, no labradoddles or other designer breeds, and no mixed breeds. It might help arguments is some sort of caveat was placed about that.
Level 70
Aug 5, 2023
Perhaps accept 'Highland terrier' for 'West Highland White terrier'? I know they are often called Westies but just 'Highland terrier' is another common term.
Level 82
Aug 11, 2023
I was going to write a comment asking why pit bulls weren't listed by the AKC, but I googled it and it turns out "pit bull" isn't necessarily a specific breed, but a term used in the US for breeds descended from bulls and terriers, or a term used elsewhere for the American Pit Bull Terrier. The more you know!
Level 52
Oct 12, 2023
Did anybody else notice that it fills in Shiba Inu if you guess Doge?
Level 72
Oct 13, 2023
Accept English mastiff for mastiff.
Level 43
Apr 29, 2024
i put king charles cavalier....are you serious!
Level 39
Jun 21, 2024
I’m surprised not to see Jack Russel Terriers. You would have thought a television show with a talking down and a book series that the show was based from would have made them more popular…

Although Wishbone was 30 years ago. I feel old now…👴.