I'm going to break the mold of the standard comment types here and just offer some appreciation for the Quizmasters who go to the effort of keeping their quizzes up to date for as long as some of you do. Thanks.
The team was named after Canadians soldiers who wore a Maple Leaf in WWI. The plural Leafs is actually grammatically correct since it refers to a group and is a proper noun. As a common noun, it wold be maple leaves with maple being an adjective and not considered part of the title or noun.
Crap, 29/30 again, I always forget one. It was the Wild this time... I was browsing a mental map of the US and kind of feeling the missing team had to be somewhere around Minnesoa, but all I could remember was that it was not the North Stars anymore.
28/30... missed the capitals and predators. Not bad for an 11 year old who has never watched a single NHL game in his life. (How? Mostly just studying the scores when hey come up on the "Bottomline" when I'm watching baseball.
I personally don't like hockey because it seems like anarchy. Unlike soccer, the puck moves around so haphazardly and changes possession so frequently that there doesn't seem to be a lot of strategy going on, just a bunch of robust Russians and Canadians slapping the puck as hard as they can towards the other team's goal.
Wow, I can tell you really know a lot about hockey! I'm sure you're right that it's totally random and haphazard and they don't really plan out anything that they do. Maybe they should stop play regularly when one player brushes another so hard that he apparently loses an eye, then they can stand in a line with their hands over their giblets while another guy shoots the puck as hard as he can at them to try to score. That would make way more sense. :-\
While I'm from 'The State of Hockey' I don't think its possible for me to care less about the game. However, I do love ESPN and was curious to see just how many team names I absorbed through osmosis: I scored 30/31; missed the Capitals.
Hey! Check out my page for tons of hockey content, including "Top 10 Montreal Canadiens" and "noooolans Hockey Quiz"! Leave a suggestion in the comments of my quizzes as to what I should do next!
Completely agree. This is an extremely common & accepted nickname for them, even among English-speaking fans. But I'm a Habs fan, so maybe I'm not entirely objective.
it’s also “american football” not “football”. point is, it doesn’t really matter cause cmon field hockey is really incomparable to ice hockey in popularity.
It's bizarre that they can't just pick a damn name. Instead, they're like "Well, we have to wait a whole season and use a temporary name, so that we can eventually figure out a name!". Maybe they just want to double dip, and get a bunch of overexcited fans to buy a bunch of "Utah Hockey Club" gear, then get them to buy it all again next year with the actual team name and logo.
I mean, as an Englishman these names are miles better than made up nicknames. I follow Football, ahem, "Soccer" and Rugby League. Football names are just "Town/ City" FC, United, City etc. Rugby League has the Warrington Wolves, Leeds Rhinos, Castleford Tigers, Leigh Leopards... Neither town has seen either of those animals.
Well, they did just buy the team in April. It's been pretty well covered...Ryan Smith said you only get one chance to name the team, no sense in rushing it and then regretting it. Not to mention how many things there were to get done to be ready to play by October. It's really not that big a deal and won't matter at all in a year anyway...
How are they not going for the Golden Eagles? It was always the Golden Eagles, wasn't it? At least that's the team that I went to see in the 80s. It's a legacy name.
3/30 since I haven't seen any hockey since I went to see the Salt Lake Golden Eagles in the 80s. Looks like they changed their name. Good for me for trying, though?
Goalies on Detroit
Does that help???
go bolts
;try my quiz
But in the future, as soon as Kraken starts playing, the quiz should be updated of course.
Utah Salt Lakes
Utah Latter Day Skates
Utah Stormin' Mormons
There are so many possibilities
Also your caveat with "more" hyperlinked leads to a 404 page