
Foods by Picture

Can you identify the foods that are depicted below?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: April 16, 2018
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First submittedOctober 5, 2011
Times taken212,929
Average score65.0%
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what's on top of the rice
thinly sliced - from Italy
type of cheese
type of mushroom
104 Recent Comments
Level 66
Oct 12, 2016
Really? That's not creme brulee?
Level 66
Jan 12, 2017
No, a Crème brûlée would have to be served in a ramekin and would have a hard crunchy sugar topping to it which you have to break through with your spoon, the picture shows a Crème caramel (here in the UK anyway) which is soft caramel in the bottom of a ramekin, pour over custard, let it set and then turn it out onto a plat upside down like in the pic. A Flan in the UK is something completely different so I was really confused when that came up when I typed in Crème caramel!
Level 76
Apr 17, 2018
So what makes it different from a panna cotta?
Level 74
Dec 11, 2018
In the US, flan is the same as other's creme caramel. It's often served in Mexican restaurants. Caramelize sugar and make a syrup, then pour in a ramekin or baking dish. Spoon in egg custard and bake. Invert to serve so the syrup runs over it. Some add whipped cream on top. Panna cotta contains cream, sugar, and gelatin but no eggs. Flan contains eggs and no gelatin.
Level 35
Oct 2, 2018
That is a creme brulee. It is not a flan....a flan is pastry based.
Level 73
Jul 20, 2020
I've never seen flan that used pastry. It's exactly what Ander described.
Level 44
Jul 20, 2024
The flans I make are a cake base with a depressed center (special tin) that you fill with fruit.

Level 88
Oct 15, 2020
That's not a creme brulee (hard layer of burnt sugar on top), but a creme caramel (runny layer of burnt sugar on top).

Flan in European-English derives from a High German word for a flat cake, via French, and technically means a dish with an open pastry or sponge case. Typically the meaning is narrower due to most dishes that could be called flan being called quiches or tarts or pies*. Flan in American-English takes an extra step via Spanish. Despite having a perfectly good word or three for custard anyway, the Spanish decided to call custard-based dishes flans even if they don't have a case around them - probably as quiches have a savoury custard, as do custard tarts/flans patissier.

*A flan in England is typically a sponge base with a raised edge topped with fruit and sometimes jelly or cream as well. But it is also used for quiche-like dishes occasionally (quiche seems to have been a high-class word 50 years ago and some still won't use it).

Level 69
Nov 12, 2016
Surprised only 9% got bibimbap, I guess that's what I get for living in Seattle
Level 69
Nov 12, 2016
That kiwi looks like some kind of disease
Level 68
Jun 27, 2018
That kiwifruit looks lovely!
Level 68
Nov 12, 2016
The samosa looks a lot like fried wonton. I did get samosa eventually, but I tried about 10 versions of "wonton" before I focused on the sauce and realized it was a samosa instead.
Level 46
Nov 12, 2016
please accept different spellings such as prosciutto
Level 47
Jan 12, 2017
Not knowing bibimbap, I was hoping that for the first time ever the correct answer would be Pho.
Level 64
Feb 28, 2017
Did anyone else just have a strong urge to eat some of the things on the list after taking it? I don't know about y'all, but I suddenly want some deviled eggs and candy corn. Obviously not together though, that would be nasty.
Level 96
Apr 26, 2017
Quasi tot fa molt de fàstic.
Level 70
Sep 4, 2017
No pots complaure a tothom!
Level 60
Sep 18, 2017
should probably accept wonton as a another answer for sambosa
Level 50
Jan 2, 2018
Jamon should be accepted
Level 83
Mar 19, 2018
Serrano ham or parma ham should work too
Level 76
Apr 17, 2018
Not when it's Italian ham. Jamon is a Spanish word. Likewise serrano ham.
Level 83
Apr 18, 2018
It's essentially the same thing though
Level 28
Feb 21, 2018
the korean guy that gets everything but the korean dish
Level 81
Apr 17, 2018
All but the candy corn. Had no idea. Happy to be corrected, but I don't think they exist in Australia.
Level 73
Apr 17, 2018
worst photo ever for a tiramisu!
Level 79
Apr 18, 2018
and yet 78% of people got it. hmmm
Level 68
Sep 29, 2020
It looks like a nice little layer cake. I've never had a tiramisu that didn't look like it wasn't half-destroyed.
Level 85
Apr 20, 2018
Only missed the beef dish. Never had that one before.
Level 71
Jun 27, 2018
How about shish taouk for the doner kebab thing? Or is it something else entirely?
Level 81
Jun 27, 2018
shish tawook is different. That's whole chunks of grilled chicken served on a skewer. Doner/shawarma is as pictured, with some of the meat on a spit shaved off to put in a wrap.
Level 81
Jun 27, 2018
Judging from the comments you took off bibimbap... which I would have gotten immediately... and maybe added some weird mushroom I've never seen nor heard of before.
Level 80
Jun 27, 2018
They're a wild mushroom that grows in North America, China and south Asia. Usually they're picked in April when conditions are right. Very delicious!
Level 70
Jun 27, 2018
That's not a tiramisù. That picture is offensive, disrespectful and blasphemous. I think you should go to jail.
Level 66
Jun 27, 2018
how about just caramel? Oh go on.....
Level 23
Jun 27, 2018
Has anyone here ever tried candy corn? If so could they let me know what it tastes like?
Level 80
Jun 27, 2018
Chewy, sweet, bland, sort of crumbly.
Level 81
Jun 27, 2018
it tastes like corn syrup that's been left out on the kitchen counter for 6 months and semi-hardened.
Level 74
Jun 27, 2018
Corn syrup, vanilla, and honey flavors. It includes gelatin in the ingredients, but the texture is waxy, not spongy like marshmallows. There are recipes online if you want to make your own.
Level 23
Jun 28, 2018
Level 89
Jun 28, 2018
Level 55
Jun 27, 2018
This is very american-biased
Level 81
Jun 27, 2018
Yeah... beef wellington, flan, croissants, churros, prosciutto, doner kebab, unagi, sambosa, caviar.. those are all the things I think of first when thinking about stereotypical American cuisine unheard of outside the USA.
Level 30
Jun 27, 2018
I'm Brittish and vegetarian, so I didn't get many of the American and meat ones, but I got a few. Good quiz.
Level 66
Jun 27, 2018
Some Italians would kill for calling this thing a Tiramisu. It's not even close
Level 65
Jun 27, 2018
That Reuben sandwich looks exactly like a Montreal Smoked Meat sandwich here in Canada...Maybe accept that as an alternative answer?
Level 68
Sep 29, 2020
Yes, exactly. Smoked meat or pastrami sandwich should be accepted. I've never heard of a Reuben.
Level 64
Jun 27, 2018
Great Quiz. The variety of foods was well done.
Level 59
Jun 27, 2018
If you like tasty and delicious quizzes, you might want to try

Country by foods Picture Quiz

Level 79
Jun 27, 2018
How can one recognize that image as unagi specifically? Is there some visual feature of a filet of eel that distinguishes it from other cuts of fish? I'm genuinely curious.
Level 82
Jun 27, 2018
Yes. It looks like eel sushi. It was instantly recognizable to me. If you haven't had much sushi it would be pretty hard to recognize.
Level 70
Jun 30, 2018
Just use your UNAGI *points two fingers at his temple*.
Level 36
Jun 27, 2018
Reuben sandwich is called smoked meat in Montreal. basically the same but without cheese.
Level 33
Jun 28, 2018
got 17 idk reuben sandwich looked it up. Didn't get tiramisu, although I have heard of it, unagi or morel
Level 65
Jun 29, 2018
The cheese image isn't Mozarella, it's Bocconcini. You should correct that as it isn't the same type of cheese at all. Even your source says that it is Bocconcini
Level 70
Jun 30, 2018
You're wrong, "bocconcini" are just one of the many shapes mozarella cheese can have. Nothing wrong with that image.
Level 73
Aug 6, 2018
Agreed. Bocconcini is immature mozzarella, and that's what is pictured here. I wrote it a bunch of times thinking I was spelling it wrong, and then gave up and wrote mozzarella. Please can you accept bocconcini as well? The photo even depicts the traditional size of bocconcini (which translates to "little mouthfuls").
Level 71
Sep 21, 2018
agree with others, I was trying so many ways to spell bocconcini neglected to think of mozzarella which is larger.
Level 66
Jul 5, 2018
I was trying some hybrid word between prosciutto and bruschetta
Level 74
Aug 7, 2018
Isn't that also nori on top of the rice?
Level 28
Sep 27, 2018
Never heard of Candy Corn before - What a weird world we live in... ^^
Level 35
Oct 2, 2018
Nor has most of the world I fancy. Not the best quiz and answers need to accept wider range of answers and better pics.
Level 70
Dec 2, 2022
It can be consumed and swallowed. By that definition it's "food", but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone anywhere.
Level 35
Oct 2, 2018
2 things....pretty hard to see that that is eel on the rice !!! And why can't creme brulee be acceptable for the pudding ?
Level 80
Oct 16, 2018
bocconcini should be accepted for the cheese picture
Level 39
Oct 29, 2018
I know its not right, but please add orbeez for fish eggs
Level 47
Jan 17, 2019
dippin dots
Level 32
Nov 23, 2018
Ross: it's called unagi!
Level 72
Dec 8, 2018
wrote chorizo instead of churros... knew something wasnt right... couldnt recall.

Kind of dissapointed at the term fish eggs instead of caviar. yes they are fish eggs, but you dont have just "meat" for the prosciutto one.

I know it isnt exactly the same thing but still.

Level 74
Dec 11, 2018
I could tell you where to find morels but then I would have to kill you. (Hint, never let your pigs run in the woods where wild morels grow. A lesson learned the hard way.)
Level 20
Jan 28, 2019
Those looked like boiled eggs that should be accepted too thou they had the red thing on it
Level 18
Jun 24, 2019
how can I download these pictures ? everytime I click to download I only get the one picture that I've clicked on !!
Level 69
Aug 1, 2019
Jalapeno is a little too specific I think. The picture looks similar to several other types of pepper. I think chilli pepper should suffice.
Level 50
Aug 21, 2019
Samosas look like Keelber elves that have been battered and deep fried.
Level 27
Sep 1, 2019
Why not chillies?
Level 80
Oct 10, 2019
Surprised by the high average score - I only got 8/20.
Level 20
Nov 6, 2019
Fun quiz, worked well to start a team meeting at the food shelf where I work :) One thing though...that stuff on the rice, isn't that nori?
Level 49
Jan 16, 2020
The mozzarella picture is wrong. Thats actually bocconcini cheese.
Level 43
Apr 21, 2020
Chili peppers should be accepted for jalapeno. Jalapenos are a type of chili pepper.
Level 73
Jul 20, 2020
Chili is a pretty broad category though, including Anaheims, serranos, poblanos, cayennes and many others. The picture is specifically jalapeno.
Level 21
May 12, 2020
Great quiz, I haven't heard of most of them :)
Level 19
Jul 24, 2020
Thank you, Avengers, for introducing me to shawarma.
Level 29
Aug 9, 2020
Ah, unagi!
Level 14
Nov 15, 2020
I really wanted to get the points for this quiz, so I grabbed my mom so that she could help me and I also checked the comments for answers. Am I the only one who did this? XD
Level 25
Dec 28, 2020
I just wanted to say, I put in sprouts, it didn't let me have it, I wasted lots of time checking how I spelt SPROUTS! Why can't I just have sprouts, why do I have to put in 'Brussel Sprouts'?

Not the best quiz I've taken.

Level 18
Jan 26, 2021
Awesome quiz but I had to look up what Prosciutto di Parma was
Level 34
Jun 2, 2021
Please accept gabagool for proscuitto!
Level 71
Aug 1, 2021
I know right! I've been watching so much Sopranos and I was so excited to see that
Level 71
Aug 1, 2021
Making me hungry
Level 31
Dec 12, 2021
Please, change it to Kiwifruit instead of Kiwi. In NZ, New Zealanders are known as kiwis, and the fruits are known as kiwifruit. Thanks!
Level 71
Feb 16, 2023
I know them as Chinese gooseberry :)
Level 26
May 5, 2022
that's not mozzarella it's bocconcini
Level 46
May 16, 2022
fish eggs are caviar
Level 85
Jul 3, 2022
Being from Mexico made me almost fail the kebab one!

One of Mexico myriad of tacos are the "Tacos al Pastor", which are prepared in a similar vertical rotisserie (known as "trompo"), often crowned with a pineapple or onion. This is basically because their origins are the shawarmas from Lebanese immigrants.

For many Mexicans it's not only the best taco of all, but it's also the quintessential Mexican taco. So much that a filled trompo is the common taqueria icon (more than a taco itself).

If you come to Mexico, you should definitively trying them.

Level 70
Dec 2, 2022
Tacos al pastor are amazing. They're here in Texas too. I imagine they're in other border states as well. The best ones are found in old mom-and-pop tacquerias, but "street tacos" are a popular food fad that borrow heavily from traditional Mexican recipes and those are popping up in over-priced food trucks and trendy neighborhoods.
Level 66
Feb 11, 2023
I'm surprised I don't see anyone commenting that a morel is not truly a mushroom but is a type of fungus.. oh no, I'm the one doing it.
Level 81
Mar 22, 2023
That is Bocconcini and not mozzarella
Level 65
Mar 24, 2024
agreed. i typed it multiple times. even the wikipedia picture is the same thing.
Level 52
Mar 29, 2023
'What's on top of the fish' would be a better clue for the unagi one. There is soy sauce and fish on top of the rice before you get to the unagi!
Level 69
Nov 7, 2023
Tough quiz to take when it's suppertime after a long day!
Level 15
Nov 22, 2023
Good quiz
Level 17
Dec 20, 2023
Excellent quiz. But I couldn't get the sushi one.
Level 26
May 8, 2024
Seriously? Can't you just make the quiz a little easier? I'm gonna nominate this quiz 1 star.
Level 26
May 8, 2024
And I'm nominating it right now.
Level 17
Nov 3, 2024
I scored 20 out of 20 correctly which is 100%!!!