
Name that Object #2

Based on the picture, name these totally random objects.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: April 6, 2018
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First submittedApril 6, 2018
Times taken14,011
Average score75.0%
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Garden Gnome
Level 83
Apr 6, 2018
Huh, I thought the gazebo was a bandstand and the coffee filter was a bun case.
Level 76
Apr 9, 2018
Would have never guessed that's a coffee filter. Have seen many ashtrays and older design-glassima-thingy's filled with miscellaneous items and eatables looking just like that.
Level 72
Dec 14, 2018
our coffee filter are a triangle ( no joke)
Level 82
Jun 15, 2018
Agreed, what is called a 'gazebo' here would more often than not be called a bandstand in the UK, like that seen in many parks.
Level 65
Jun 15, 2018
I tried bun case, muffin case, cupcake case...
Level 72
Dec 14, 2018
cupcakecup I tried
Level 88
Feb 15, 2020
I tried cupcake pan. I was SURE that was what it was but that I just didn’t have the correct terminology.

Dear Quizmaster - It would be helpful if you included something else in the picture of the coffee filter to indicate the scale. Thanks!

Level 56
Mar 22, 2020
Patty case, patty pan is common in my area too.
Level 82
Apr 9, 2022
Muffin sheath, cupcake girdle
Level 74
Jun 15, 2018
We have bandstands in the US, too, but the smaller size and benches along the railing made it a gazebo for me.
Level 73
Apr 6, 2018
Coffee filter looks precisely like a cupcake liner -- can't tell scale in the photo. Wah.
Level 81
Apr 6, 2018
I made the same error.
Level 76
Apr 6, 2018
I think cupcake liners have sharper folds. Also especially on the left side that filter looks floppier than a cupcake liner is. The liners I know look like they'll hold the shape better.
Level 73
Apr 6, 2018
I don't know how many different words for a cupcake baking cup I've used. I didn't even think it's something else entirely.
Level 68
Apr 6, 2018
Cupcake liners don't flare out like that.
Level 73
Apr 6, 2018
It would be really appreciated if you could replace the foam hand image with one that doesn't target Indigenous peoples.

Here's a hand that is free to use, and will only hurt the musically sensitive :)

Level 63
Apr 10, 2018
nothing wrong with the foam hand. just with the overly sensitive people.
Level 72
May 25, 2018
Oh my goodness, I'm of Cherokee descent and am not offended that a baseball team is named the Indians. They are a group of people working together for the good of all in the "tribe". It's a sign that whites recognized and appreciated that trait in the native people even if they didn't treat us very fairly. In all honesty, I'm a little more concerned about "redsplat" than I am about a piece of foam rubber - just sayin...
Level 77
Jun 15, 2018
So... Chief Wahoo represents respect...
Level 80
Mar 7, 2021
Level 65
Jun 18, 2018
Oh brother...
Level 59
Jun 21, 2018
I am disappointed that it wasn't called "stupid pointy finger hand thingy."
Level 59
Apr 6, 2018
I've never heard of a French Press. We call them cafetiere's in the UK.
Level 82
Apr 6, 2018
I'm familiar with the term French press, but I typed cafetiere and it was accepted
Level 27
Apr 6, 2018
I tried cafetiere and it didn't work
Level 85
Apr 7, 2018
"A French press, also known as a cafetière, cafetière à piston, Cafeteria, press pot, coffee press, or coffee plunger" ~ Wikipedia
Level 59
May 11, 2018
I bought this kind of "french press" in London years ago, but they called it "a Percolator" then and that's the only word I've ever known or used for it.
Level 75
Jun 15, 2018
a percolator is something different. a percolator is something you heat over an element, and it makes the water boil and go through the coffee grounds.
Level 64
Jun 15, 2018
Having lived in the UK for 5 years, I bought two of these. One at an open air market and another at Tesco. Both were marketed as French press
Level 74
Mar 15, 2024
Lived in the UK for 61 years, and they've always been called cafetieres.
Level 67
Jun 15, 2018
In Australia we call them 'plungers' or 'bodums'. I tried 'coffee plunger' on my third attempt, and it worked. I've never heard them called a french press or a cafetiere.
Level 27
Apr 6, 2018
Would you be able to allow just sharpener for the pencil sharpener?
Level 78
Apr 6, 2018
Completely thought the French press was a lantern at first.
Level 83
Apr 7, 2018
Same, I tried "Davy lamp" first.
Level 80
Mar 7, 2021
Me too!
Level 69
Apr 6, 2018
Please accept "staple puller" or "staple eater"
Level 85
Apr 7, 2018
I call it an "anti-stapler", but it hasn't caught on yet.
Level ∞
Apr 9, 2018
Level 76
Apr 9, 2018
Anti-Stapler is the only name I've ever heard for it (in English), but it must be all this working with non-native speakers...
Level 48
Jun 15, 2018
Level 63
Jun 15, 2018
In Germany we jokingly call them Klammeraffe (German word for spider monkey). A "Klammer" is a clip, staple, bracket... ("Affe" = monkey) and to "klammern" means holding on tightly to somebody or something (which a monkey does to a tree or whatever), so in this case the staple holding on to the paper. As you may have noticed this probably describes a stapler better than the object but for some reason they both can be called that... Don't ask for the logic. Just a little fun fact.
Level 74
Jun 15, 2018
Unstapler would make more sense to me.
Level 78
Jun 15, 2018
I grew up calling it a staple-snatcher.
Level 62
Apr 8, 2018
I call it a rattlesnake
Level 75
Jun 15, 2018
I just call them "chompers"
Level 63
Jun 16, 2018
I've always heard these called an Alligator. Got it typing what it was used for.
Level 76
Apr 6, 2018
Also accept modem?
Level ∞
Apr 9, 2018
Not a modem
Level 72
Dec 14, 2018
If you google images for modem this is exactly what you get. There are modems that look like this.

If you still disagree, can you please explain why this wouldnt be a modem.

Level 37
Apr 7, 2018
IPod , ? IPad Maye
Level ∞
Apr 9, 2018
Not an iPad
Level 87
Jun 15, 2018
But it could be any mp3 player.
Level 71
Apr 8, 2018
In England a French press is a cafetiere. Can this be allowed?

I also agree about the coffee filter, it looks exactly the same as an English fairy cake case.

Level ∞
Apr 9, 2018
Cafetiere is accepted
Level 73
Apr 19, 2018
I tried it and it wasn't accepted, although I did check the spelling online and it showed it spelt with two "F's" and two "T's". I have no idea which is correct, but possibly a bit more leeway on the spelling.

The coffee filter alos looks like a cupcake holder to me, but a lot seem to have the same issue.

Level 87
Jun 15, 2018
One f and one t since it comes from French. It normally has a grave accent : cafetière. It's a false friend actually, what we call "cafetière" in French is a coffee pot. And, anyway, the only time that I saw this thing used to make coffee is by a Swedish man in Pisa ^^.
Level 59
Jun 21, 2018
Arp2600: A Swedish man in Pisa, huh? Did he use Colombian coffee? Very international.
Level 70
Apr 19, 2018
I saw a postcard of a gnome on the underground (tube) in Paris and he had the name 'Metrognome'
Level 74
Jun 15, 2018
I like it.
Level 54
May 11, 2018
If you can't get "eraser", I'm seriously concerned
Level 47
Feb 23, 2019
Other countries call it a rubber
Level 72
Jun 15, 2018
I went with "viewmaster" and "fuzzbuster" before I realized that clipart was a router.
Level 54
Jun 15, 2018
The thing that says staple remover is actually used to "staple" papers together without using staples.
Level 63
Jun 15, 2018
Good luck with that.
Level 45
Jun 15, 2018
Does anyone else call a wifi router a modem?
Level 62
Jun 15, 2018
A wifi router is not the same thing as a modem, though they are sometimes combined into the same device. I have modem that the cable connects to and a router that handles the traffic of multiple devices, which a modem can't do.
Level 56
Jun 15, 2018
They are two different machines. The modem is the machine that connects the router to the network, and the router is the machine that broadcasts and receives WiFi. Anyone with a wired internet connection is using a modem, but only those with WiFi are using a router. (At least I think that's how it all works.)
Level 82
Jun 15, 2018
Close. You could also be using a router that is not wireless, just routing to different machines. The one in the picture is the classic lynksys wireless G router.
Level 72
Dec 14, 2018
I might be getting you wrong but the way you word it seems to be the wrong way around. In short, your router creates a network between the computers in your home, while your modem connects that network—and thus the computers on it—to the internet. (though nowadays they are often combined into one)
Level 44
Jun 15, 2018
Yep - and at least in my (limited) experience most consumer routers in Australia are also modems.
Level 40
Jun 15, 2018
I've always heard the "staple remover" being called a "vampire", and I've been surprised it wasn't accepted. I guess it's a local thing.
Level 23
Jun 15, 2018
This is good, but could do with some type-ins.
Level 89
Jun 15, 2018
I had no idea on that first picture and still don't really see what makes it evident, but apparently I'm in the minority since 88% of people got it right.
Level 74
Jun 15, 2018
It's the S and N on opposite ends - labeling the magnetic poles gave it away.
Level 82
Jun 15, 2018
Too coffee-centric!
Level 59
Jun 21, 2018
I see what you did there.
Level 66
Jun 15, 2018
referee! Bandstand! And fairy cake case!
Level 36
Jun 16, 2018
More people know what a rickshaw is than a coffee filter? Interesting... That's like identifying a printing press over a computer.
Level 87
Jun 16, 2018
As many others said above, that coffee filter looks like a pastry case. This would be less ambiguous imo :
Level 65
Jun 18, 2018
It looks like nothing other than a coffee filter to me. It didn't resemble a cupcake liner to me. I guess it's all in how you look at it.
Level 72
Dec 14, 2018
@Arp2600exactly, that is what a coffeefilter looks like to me

@ctleng76 it looks nothing like a coffeefilter to me, after knowing the answer, with a bit of imagination I can see it, but seems way too shallow and floppy. But I guess they use it as a coffeefilter somewhere atleast ;)

Level 81
Jun 17, 2018
There are tons of people who have never made their own coffee before, or never consumed coffee before, or made it some way other than by using a filter that looked like that. Very few people today have never seen a computer (including 0% of the people at this website).
Level 72
Dec 14, 2018
yea I dont drink coffee but I know what a perculator is ( just didnt know a name for the french press thing...) coffeefilter had never occured to me (as to many others in this thread)
Level 44
Jun 24, 2018
Coffee filters don't really look like that one where I live. I figured it was that paper thingy used for muffins.
Level 85
Apr 8, 2020
I used coffee filters before and I've never seen one looking similar to this one. I even went so far to say it can't possibly be a coffee filter because I've never seen one with corrugated sides and I have no idea what use they could have.
Level 90
Jun 18, 2018
I tried "oxymoron" for the foam #1 finger that said Cleveland Indians on it! ;)
Level 72
Jun 23, 2018
You have to type "mortar AND pestle"?!! I tried both words separately and neither was accepted.
Level 85
Apr 8, 2020
It is kind of redundant because a mortar will always come with a pestle. Otherwise it would be a bowl.
Level 72
Dec 14, 2018
ugh didnt accept riksja, so I thought in english there was a totally different name. I was thinking too difficult for the staple remover, I thought I had a specefic name, did try destapler though. Never heard of french press, typed percolator.. and thought the coffee filter was something you made cupcakes in for instance...
Level 72
Sep 30, 2019
some type-in suggestions:

Pavilion for Gazebo

Sugar cane for Candy cane

Ricksha for Rickshaw

Level 84
Feb 17, 2020
In the UK that is a bandstand rather than gazebo
Level 67
Mar 27, 2020
That staple remover looks just like the one in the Lego movie!

Also, could Quizmaster use a different photo for the coffee filter? I tried so many different ways of saying 'muffin wrapper', and it wasn't even that! Otherwise, this is a great quiz

Level 82
Jul 2, 2020
In the UK, that is a gazebo. I am in the UK, and I know what a gazebo is. It does look rather like a small bandstand though, so flexibility on that point wouldn't seem too lenient.
Level 75
May 10, 2022
perhaps allow staple puller?
Level 76
Feb 4, 2023
Everyone in the UK would call that a bandstand or pavilion rather than a gazebo. Can you accept one of those?