Almost missed Callixtus (was spelling it Callistas) and Eleuterus (I swear I learned it Eleutherius). But the worst part, is I almost didn't guess Peter, mainly due to a conversation I was having with a Catholic friend about how the Popes have an unwritten rule to not choose that name...
Also, I wouldn't feel too bad about missing Peter. He wasn't really pope anyway. The early ones are not even bishops. Miltiades was the first bishop of Rome to really exert any sort of power like what the Popes of Catholicism's zenith had. The line back to Peter was of course retconned to try and give the Vatican more authority and legitimacy.
Or it could be that popes are perfect and infallible, speak directly to god, and there was a man once who lived inside a giant fish. That's equally plausible.
When I last read the Acts of the Apostles, it seemed to me that Peter had the primacy. He was prepared to listen to the arguments of others and change his mind because of them, but it read as though he was the boss.
Argh, forgot about Sixtus! There have only been 5, and I was hoping Francis would take that name so he could be Pope Sixtus the Sixth. That's just fun to say. :)
There's one Mark. As for the others, I guess that popes don't use take like Jesus or Peter because of respect for the originals. And it would be a lot of pressure to take one name when you know you won't be able to measure up to the first one who bore it.
Interesting fact about the Johns: Popes John XVI and John XX did not exist. Apparently John XVI is an Antipope, and John XX was missed out to account for another pope that they thought had been missed out... but that missed out pope was also an Antipope.
Why is there a Felix 1, 3, and 4, but no two? The numbers do not add up on many of these. I can’t imagine that it’s because of historical errors because this stuff was kept track of diligently.
Dang, I tried Valentinian and Valentinius and several other variations, but not Valentine, even though I had guessed it correctly on a previous take. So it goes.
Just kidding, that sucked :
Pope Adrian or Pope Hadrian may refer to:
Pope Adrian I (772–795)
Pope Adrian II (867–872)
Pope Adrian III (884–885)
Pope Adrian IV (1154–1159)
Pope Adrian V (1276)
Pope Adrian VI (1522–1523)
thirteen Innocents, a bunch of Antipopes that somehow ended up as Pope, and Lando Calrissian all in the same room