Has has. Saw Oblivion the other day. Another solid notch on his resume, though it wasn't great or anything. Friend I was with seemed to like it more than I did.
^ whoops. The movie I was trying to watch and getting bored with was actually Mr. Nobody. I downloaded Moon at the same time and just never got around to watching it. I watched it finally. It was okay. Also not great or anything. But more entertaining than Mr. Nobody.
I was doing much better on this than I do on most of these filmography quizzes but then when time ran out I saw that I should have gotten way more than I did... I think there are only 3 or 4 movies I never heard of before as opposed to most other actors where it's often between 40 and 70% of their resume. Couldn't for the life of me remember names for Rock of Ages and Vanilla Sky... can't believe I forgot Rain Man, Interview, A Few Good Men, Last Samurai, etc... I only got Austin Powers because of the clue that he was playing himself, I doubt that would have popped into my head otherwise.
After being accused by film critics of being on "Cruise" control through most of the 80s and 90s- repeatedly playing the same character, he has proven that he's a "Jack" of all trades.
Fictional or not, doesn’t matter. The point is these characters have been written with distinct persona, characteristics and descriptions and Tom Cruise doesn’t fit...in the same manner that he was miscast in The Firm.
You're missing the point mate. The character Reacher works because in the book he's 6'6, big square head and jaw, hands like slabs of meat. That, and the fact he's an ex MP Major explains why he's able to go into all of these small towns and resolve problems fighting bunches of guys at once. His character also takes massive amounts of punishment, again, due to his abnormal size.
If what you're claiming was true we could have Matt Damon play Malcolm X, and a kid who wasn't bitten by a spider play spiderman.
@kalbahamut And yet you keep failing to make any kind of point, except a vague "it's fiction", which was already counter-argumented. But sure, keep being all smug in your unfounded sense of superiority.
Plattitude, that's just nuts. The last two MI movies haven't just passed the low bar of being the best MI movies but are actually among Cruise's best movies period.
I swear to high heaven my brain makes no sense. I easily remembered movies I had only seen once or not at all, but couldn't recall the names of movies I had seen multiple times. WTF BRAIN?!!?!
One of my favourite actors. My favourite of these would be "A few Good Men' ..... with Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Pollack all playing great parts in a good story.
People tried real hard not to like Tom Cruise for a few years in the middle of the 2000's...but his movies are just too good, so everyone gave up. I kinda prefer it the way it is now, where we can all agree that he seems bonkers but we're not going to act like we don't want to watch Edge of Tomorrow for the seventh time.
eh... he's had a few stinkers. All the Mission Impossible movies after the first one were pretty terrible. The Mummy remake was a turd. I just saw American Made and while it was okay... it's the sort of movie I will never watch again and in 5 or 6 years won't be able to recall if I saw it or not. Minority Report was obnoxious in how it underestimated its audience. and... before Rain Man he had as many misses as hits.
but overall... strong resume. Still... can we dislike him as a person? He's clearly nuts.
Oh, there are for sure some bad movies here. I was commenting more generally that he is in a lot of great movies. I just find it amusing that there was this "We're finished with Tom Cruise!" movement for a moment...and then everyone decided that giving up his movies was hard, so we're just not going to do it.
It's only been a year and as I forecast, I already forgot that American Made existed. :) That one, Valkyrie, and Edge of Tomorrow were among my "d'oh!"-can't-believe-I-missed-thems this time around. The ones I've never guessed right include Taps, Lions for Lambs, and Endless Love.
They could have used that adjective to describe his characters in Jerry Maguire, Rain Man, Minority Report, The Firm, Edge of Tomorrow, A Few Good Men, Days of Thunder, and Interview with the Vampire, but exercised restraint. It's one of the three gears he's most comfortable shifting to, the others being passionately enraged and/or intensely desperate/frantic.
I've seen fewer of these than I thought, remember even less - and I don't care. He's one of the only actors that really doesn't ever seem like his characters, but rather seems like "Tom Cruise actiing," if you know what I mean. Also, all his characters are practically the same person, with the rare exception.
There's a review on Roger Ebert's website for one of the Mission: Impossible sequels, titled "Tom Cruise Is the Best," and it goes through how most of his characters are the best at everything but have no discipline and need to be reined in by wiser by less talented people looking out for him. It's a pretty amusing analysis.
If what you're claiming was true we could have Matt Damon play Malcolm X, and a kid who wasn't bitten by a spider play spiderman.
but overall... strong resume. Still... can we dislike him as a person? He's clearly nuts.