Probably because Lyndon was popularly referred to as "LBJ" - which is a type-in for him. It's a similar situation for the Roosevelts - "FDR" is a type-in for Franklin.
I mean... Ulysses S Grant's middle initial means nothing because his initials would have spelled the word "hug" and so he changed his middle name to his first name and added an S as an initial
Wikipedia says Tyler started as a Democrat but switched to Whig due to his opposition to Andrew Jackson during the Nullification Crisis. Either way, he was nominated as William Henry Harrison's running mate from the Whig Party.
Millard Fillmore and Chester A. Arthur are the only presidents I consistently forget every time I do a quiz. Even if I force myself to remember them I can never do it quickly to speedrun. Such forgettable people.
I wish they hadn't made the change to the badge system. I lost half of my badges at once, and I had worked so hard especially on this quiz to get the USA badge.
I got 41 out of 45 91% this quiz is hard i have been practicing every since i stated going on this website its really hard to complete when you'er not an American person
After nearly a year i finally named all the 45 presidents of the US im not American which makes it harder becuase ur not taught this at school im South African so we are only taught South African presidents like Nelson Mandela and our ucrrent president Cyril Ramaphosa and soon on the 28th ot the 29th of May are elections this year 2024.
The years in this quiz are done just like the Oscars - the elections being held in the previous year to the actual handover. Makes it harder to remember.
I’m sure Biden won the 2020 election, but he only becomes president the next year.
I guess this is just standard for Jetpunk quizzes?
I am screenshotting this comment and seeing how accurate it is over the next 13 years. I actually don't think I'd mind this line of succession. I despise Trump and Vance, but, hey, if they only get eight years, with Trump going partway through, then it might be bearable. And Pete Buttigieg is freakin' awesome! Though, I hope he'd get to serve for eight years and not just four.
Trump probably won’t die in office but I wouldn’t rule it out as a possibility. I don’t know if Vance is popular enough with the non-MAGA crowd to get elected in four years; if the economy goes south real fast he definitely won’t get elected. I wouldn’t mind having Pete be President even if I have to wait a while.
Like this,
But maybe this quiz is meant to be easier, since it's a badge quiz.
I enjoy taking it to practice, along with the chronological, and the picture quizzes.
When Johnson fills in, I get a ton of presidents for free (L J G H G A C H C M)
Spelled: Buchanan, and Wilson (Accordingly)
looked at the comments
This beats or equals 32% of test takers
The average score is 28
Your high score is 20
First ever try, working towards the USA badge. Thought I’d get more, but it was my first time ever doing this
I’m sure Biden won the 2020 election, but he only becomes president the next year.
I guess this is just standard for Jetpunk quizzes?
47. Donald Trump(2025-2028) dies in office
48. JD Vance(2028-2033)
49. Pete Buttigieg(2033-2037)