Guys. I have a new quiz "NBA Top 10 League Leaders of the 2010s" for all NBA fans out there. I have many unique quizzes in my profile you gotta try these hard quizzes. Thanks more power jetpunk!.
Surprised by two things on here. 1. LeBron has only won once. 2. Chamberlain's dominance. I know he was dominant, but every time I see the numbers, I am just in awe of just how incredible he must have been to watch (except during free throws).
I must say, I am incredibly proud of myself for getting Max Zaslofsky, although I admit I only know him from reading "The Big Book of Jewish Sports Stars."
James Harden may be the current scoring champ, but he is also the worst (read: laziest) defender in league history. Here's just a smattering:
Guys. I have a new quiz "NBA Top 10 League Leaders of the 2010s" for all NBA fans out there. I have many unique quizzes in my profile you gotta try these hard quizzes. Thanks more power jetpunk!.