
Neighborhoods of New York City

Can you name these famous neighborhoods, districts, and areas in New York City?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: November 6, 2017
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First submittedJanuary 18, 2015
Times taken16,615
Average score47.6%
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Where the busiest pedestrian
intersection can be found
Times Square
World Trade Center area
Financial District
Chinese area in Manhattan
"The Village"
Greenwich Village
Most famous African-American
Hispanic neighbor of the above
Spanish Harlem
Famous Italian neighborhood -
not very Italian now
Little Italy
Literally, north of the above
Triangle below Canal Street
South of Houston
Where Jerry Seinfeld lived
Upper West Side
Beach and amusement area in Brooklyn,
not actually an island
Coney Island
Russian neighborhood near the above
Brighton Beach
Manhattan's central business district
Formerly gritty area now gentrified
Hell's Kitchen
Brooklyn neighborhood famously
infested with hipsters
Area that once had a large meat industry
Featured in "Gangs of New York"
Five {Points]
Queens site of the 1964 World's Fair
Brooklyn neighborhood with trendy moms
Park Slope
Fashion industry center. Former
clothes manufacturing area
Garment District
Level 76
Jan 20, 2015
So "Meat Packer's" is completely unacceptable?
Level ∞
Dec 17, 2016
Level 81
Nov 6, 2017
That's a section of Greenwich Village
Level 36
Nov 6, 2017
No, it's not! It runs roughly from the area around 14th/19th Streets between 9th Avenue and the Hudson River.
Level 81
Nov 6, 2017
You're thinking of the Meatpacking District. I'm talking about the Meat Packer's district. Different things.
Level 82
Dec 2, 2020
Hmmm. Contentious.
Level 79
May 2, 2015
There are some phenomenal restaurants in the Meat Packing District...Valbella, STK...
Level 59
May 4, 2015
In just a few more years the "Hipster" question will also include Bushwick, Greenpoint, Fort Green, Bed-Stuy and pretty much all points beyond. Dug the the quiz though.
Level 72
Nov 6, 2017
I actually typed Bed-Stuy first.
Level 82
Nov 6, 2017
I typed Greenpoint first, then realized I was forgetting the obvious one.
Level 40
Dec 27, 2016
live from bedford stuyvesant, the livest one, representing BK to the fullest
Level 75
Nov 6, 2017
Could UWS be acceptable for Seinfeld's neighborhood?
Level 26
Nov 6, 2017
cant believe only 38% got tribeca
Level 70
Jul 21, 2022
This may shock you but people outside of NYC don't know a whole lot about the neighborhoods... because we don't need to. Literally ever.
Level 36
Nov 6, 2017
Tribeca = TRIangle BElow CAnal (Street)

Nolita = NOrth of LITtle ItAly

Soho = SOuth of HOuston (Street)

DUMBO = Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass!

Leave it to the Real Estate hawkers to rename your neighborhood in order to bring the big-bucks from naive newcomers.

Level 72
Nov 6, 2017
Level 57
Nov 7, 2017
Jerry Seinfeld grew up on Long Island, in Massapequa. Perhaps it would be better to say the character Jerry Seinfeld because the real person lived on Long Island.
Level 68
Nov 16, 2017
But Long Island isnt part of NYC and thus Massapequa isnt a NYC neighborhood. SO the question is fine as asked.
Level 36
Nov 7, 2017
Kalbahamut: There is NO "Meat Packers" district in NYC. You must be thinking of some other state.
Level 81
Nov 7, 2017
oh trust me. It's there.
Level 68
Nov 16, 2017
Its a joke. Get over it already. "Meat Packers" is a derogatory term for gay men. Village... ipso facto... if you dont get it by now then forget it.
Level 36
May 31, 2018
Thanks. (Seriously, thanks), I had no idea of the "meat packers" district. The joke is on me!
Level 82
Nov 14, 2017
What about Flatbush? Isn't that a neighborhood of New York?
Level 68
Nov 16, 2017
what about it? there are hundreds of neighborhoods in NY
Level 79
Mar 11, 2018
This is not a complaint. I just wanted to comment that Brooklyn has a China Town (8 Ave main shopping street) that I think by now is at least as large as the one in Manhattan.

Also, I heard that an old Italian woman was evicted from her apartment in Little Italy in order to turn the building into a museum dedicated to the history of Little Italy. I'm not sure if that is the truth or an urban legend.

Level 36
May 31, 2018
Stranger things have happened, so I wouldn't dismiss the story out of hand. The things we do to our elderly is shameful, to say the least.
Level 39
Jan 18, 2021
Should accept Corona for world's fair. That's where the globe famously is…
Level 58
Dec 3, 2024
That's what I tried first--surprised it didn't work, and then I had to think of the neighborhood outside the park.
Level 64
Jan 20, 2023
Isn´t the busiest intersection, Shibuya in Tokyo?
Level 85
Oct 26, 2023
The busiest pedestrian intersection in New York is in Shibuya, Japan. Makes sense. On a quiz titled "Largest Cities in Europe", would you comment that the largest city is actually Tokyo?
Level 58
Dec 3, 2024
20/21 because all I could think of for a Brooklyn neighborhood with hipsters was Bushwick. It's my own brain fart, but should we all agree that most all of Brooklyn now has hipsters?