Well, I live in PA and it's the opposite for me. New Jersey is a pretty sucky state IMO (no offense to New Jerseyans here). The only 2 states I've lived in are New York and Pennsylvania, and I feel like the people in both states kinda hate New Jersey.
It depends what type of person you are but if you're social person who doesn't mind leaving near people (not really me though) you would find NJ to be an nice place to live. Just stay out of some sketchy areas in the cities and you should be fine.
The media is based in NY. Most states have a competition with their neighbors. If the media was based in Ohio, everyone would be saying that Michigan sucks. (No offense to Michigan)
Jersey is beautiful. We have more than just cities like Camden. Ever been to the one of the answers above, the Pine Barrens? It's truly beautiful over here. Just because some of our cities aren't the most beautiful, at least ya don't have to pay to enter... I'm looking at you, New York (& PA, but PA is only, like, $5)
FWIW - Legend has it that the Pine Barrens are inhabited by a creepy, bizarre creature known as the Jersey Devil. This is why the NJ hockey team adopted the nickname "Devils" when the franchise relocated from Colorado in 1982.
It depends on how you define it, but kind of. Pretty much every part of the state is within commuting distance of either New York or Philadelphia. However, you'd need to be a bit masochistic to want to commute from Cape May to Philly every day.
I live in Jersey for a year. From that short amount of time I gathered that there must be some sort of a law (heavily enforced) that states bars must play at least one Bon Jovi song every 90 minutes.
It's because the media is based in NYC. Everyone trusts NYC, and lots of New Yorkers don't like New Jersey. If the media was based in, say, Ohio, everyone would be wondering, "Why does everyone hate Michigan?" (No offense to Michigan)
19/20 - not bad for a lady whose only personal experience is from a daughter's former boyfriend who visited here from Nutley. He watched our half-grown chickens stand beneath our cypress tree at dusk, and slant their backs to the ground so the baby chicks could run up their backs to the lower limbs of the tree. The chickens would then hop up to the next limb and do it again and again until eventually all the baby chicks were roosting in the top of the tree with the adult chickens. (They kept digging out of their pen and eventually the tree grew too tall for us to get them down each night, so it became their nightly roost.) The baby chicks couldn't reach the limbs and rather than leaving them there to cheep and alert predators, the mother of the older chicks got her chicks to help the younger ones since their own mother didn't seem to care. Boyfriend watched them each night he was here and said it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. He left a good impression about New Jerseyites.
10/20, not bad for someone who has also lived in New Jersey their entire life and has done better on other state quizzes, yea, it actually happened to me too lmao
"In what body of water would you find the original Jersey, after the which state is named?"
Correct me if I'm wrong but do you not need to swap around the 'which' and 'the' in this sentence for it to make sense, it makes more sense to me at least that way around??
after the which state is named
after which the state is named
Feels so passive aggressive writing these so sorry, just a thought though when playing!
BTW, In case you're wondering, I live in Passaic County.
the** streets of that city"
Correct me if I'm wrong but do you not need to swap around the 'which' and 'the' in this sentence for it to make sense, it makes more sense to me at least that way around??
after the which state is named
after which the state is named
Feels so passive aggressive writing these so sorry, just a thought though when playing!