
North Carolina True or False?

Can you guess whether these statements about the state of North Carolina are true or false?
Also see this harder quiz by FNWY4life
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: May 6, 2024
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First submittedMay 6, 2024
Times taken5,353
Average score73.3%
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1. The Research Triangle lies about 500 miles off the coast of North Carolina
The Research Triangle is comfortably situated inside the borders of the state
2. North Carolina has more people than South Carolina
3. The "Lost Colony" of Roanoke was located in what is today North Carolina
Founded by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1585, it lasted less than 5 years
4. People from North Carolina are known as "Tar Heels"
5. Before the Civil War, North Carolina and South Carolina were a single state known simply as "Carolina"
6. The Wright Brothers were born and raised near Kitty Hawk
Although the Wright Brothers made their first flight in North Carolina, they were from Dayton, Ohio
7. Duke University is located in North Carolina
8. North Carolina contains the highest mountain east of the Mississippi River
Mount Mitchell (elevation 6,684 feet)
9. North Carolina's largest city is also its capital
Charlotte is the largest city but Raleigh is the capital
10. North Carolina's tallest building is a megachurch shaped like a cross
The state's tallest building is the Bank of America Corporate Center in Charlotte
11. The pirate Blackbeard once operated in North Carolina
He was killed by the Royal Navy near Ocracoke Island in 1718
12. Asheville is located in the western part of the state
13. The Outer Banks are a string of barrier islands
14. Kamala Harris is from North Carolina
She is from California
15. The first battle of the Civil War happened in North Carolina
The Battle of Fort Sumter happened in South Carolina
Level 79
May 9, 2024
Level 92
May 9, 2024
"comfortably situated inside the borders of the state" - love the snark!
Level 71
May 12, 2024
Ok sorry, but how are 30% of people getting that wrong? It's very obviously false. Are people confusing it with the Bermuda Triangle? I really don't want to sound rude--I've had my share of dumb responses--but 30% is a lot for what seemed a really easy question to me. Can someone who got it wrong please explain what they were thinking?
Level 63
May 23, 2024
I've never heard of the Research Triangle, so had to guess!
Level 72
Jul 31, 2024
I misread it and thought "500 miles from the coast seems about right." It just totally didn't even register that the question meant 500 miles the other way. It still would've been the wrong answer, but not as obviously wrong.
Level 85
Jul 31, 2024
In my case, I interpreted it as 500 miles inland from the coast (apparently it's closer to 200 miles).
Level 67
Oct 21, 2024
I made the same mistake. I know exactly where the Research Triangle is. I just misread "500 miles off the coast" as "500 miles from the coast."
Level 77
Aug 2, 2024
It's not an issue of people being dumb, it's just that a lot of people (especially non-Americans) have never heard of it. In that context you have a 50/50 shot. Why couldn't there be a place dedicated to research out in the ocean?
Level 61
May 9, 2024
Yay! Glad to see the NC one :-)
Level 47
May 9, 2024
Is this a series?
Level 87
May 9, 2024
Figured I'd get 100% on one of these "State True or False" quizzes eventually. Wouldn't have guessed it'd be North Carolina. No offense or anything, it's just not a state I've had much contact with.
Level 48
Jun 9, 2024
I am here because it is the Quizmaster's least taken quiz!
Level 66
Jun 25, 2024
500 miles off the coast. I feel like such an idiot. I thought that meant inland.
Level 74
Jul 31, 2024
That answer would still be wrong if the clue meant "inland" because (1) the part of North Carolina furthest from the sea (Cherokee County, on the border with Georgia and Tennessee) is a little less than 500 miles from the Atlantic, as the crow flies, and (2) the Triangle is maybe 150 miles (as that same busy crow flies) from the Atlantic at its westernmost point in Chapel Hill.
Level 77
Aug 2, 2024
I misinterpreted the directionality also, but figured 500 miles is roughly the length of the whole state, so answered correctly.
Level 38
Jul 31, 2024
100% correct in 21 seconds second try, 38 seconds first try