
Northernmost Countries A-Z

For each letter of the alphabet, name the northernmost country that starts with that letter.
Sovereign countries only
Country names according to Wikipedia
Based on the country's northernmost point, not including external territories
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: March 22, 2014
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First submittedMarch 22, 2014
Times taken167,200
Average score83.3%
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United States
Vatican City
Level 87
May 6, 2014
It's strange to see how most of the nouthernmost countries have different initial letters and thus make it to this list.
Level 76
May 15, 2014
Funny how Yemen, Oman and Qatar show up on southernmost countries too :P
Level 31
May 20, 2014
Level 31
Jun 13, 2014
Zimbabwe is lower my liege
Level 56
Dec 6, 2014
It's funnier how all 3 countries which are the only countries to start with O, Q and Y are on the Arabian peninsula.
Level 74
Oct 27, 2017
That might be in part due to the Arabic language. We have weird guttural sounds that can only be somewhat represented in English by uncommon letters. I'm talking about Oman and Qatar specifically (try googling their Arabic pronunciations!). Or it might just be pure coincidence.
Level 78
Feb 28, 2019
How is 'O' an uncommon letter?
Level 72
Aug 26, 2019
Yea there could easily have been countries starting with an o. And y could be used for j and sometimes i. And q could be instead of k and c
Level 72
Aug 26, 2019
I hereby introduce you to the countries of: Overseasia, Quarrelland, and Yokelland
Level 76
Aug 27, 2019
I'd just love to live in Quarrelland, the place where everyone always gets along....
Level 57
Apr 21, 2020
@Yanni47 Oman in Arabic doesn't begin with a vowel, it begins with a consonant which the closest I know of in any other language is the Afrikaans "h" - kind of like the noise you make when you're trying to cough but coughing hurts. In fact Oman doesn't even contain the letter O in Arabic (although it does contain a short vowel which isn't normally written down).
Level 47
Sep 5, 2020
If Quarrelland was named by the Vikings, everybody really would get along.
Level 67
Sep 28, 2022
@Sifhraven It is weird no other countries start with o or y, but for Qatar, English approximates the arabic [q] to [k], showing that the sound is formed further back in the mouth with the tongue touching the uvula
Level 44
May 31, 2024
It's even more funnier how all of them border Saudi Arabia
Level 36
Aug 27, 2019
for Qatar, it is the only country beginning with Q
Level 78
Apr 26, 2021
That's the joke. Yemen and Oman are the only countries starting with their letters, too.
Level 57
May 20, 2014
Good thing I only have to choose between zimbabwe and zambia hahaha :))
Level 24
May 20, 2014
gaaaaaa how did I miss iceland? it has ICE in the title :P
Level 51
Dec 11, 2016
Brain freeze...
Level 32
May 30, 2017
Iceland pretty much is green and lush and volcanoes, while Greenland is cold AF
Level 46
Aug 26, 2019
Thats a common myth. Iceland in comparison to Greenland is more green. But given its location, it can be very icy, so thats not a misnomer in any sense.
Level 34
Nov 26, 2024
Erik the Red a viking was exiled to Greenland and he named it that so that others would go to the island. (Well that is what I have heard although it doesn't sound like it actually happened.)
Level 81
Feb 13, 2020
Yeah, Iceland's definitely greener than Greenland, but it is also most definitely a cold and icy place. More than a tenth of it is covered in permanent ice. Even in the capital Reykjavik, one of the warmest parts of the country, temperatures can drop below zero in the summer. On this site's coldest capital cities quiz, Reykjavik comes in third with a year round average of 4.3 degrees and Iceland is ranked as seventh coldest amongst the world's 196 countries.
Level 74
May 20, 2014
I could have used more time.
Level 76
Aug 14, 2015
Thinking it has a bit too much time.
Level 75
Mar 3, 2016
I feel like it's a good amount of time, I finished with a minute to go and had to think about a few of them or try a couple options before getting them.
Level 45
Nov 10, 2018
same, it's the right amount of time
Level 33
May 20, 2014
I can't believe I managed to get Turkmenistan at the last minute but forgot the US and Germany.... what
Level 28
May 20, 2014
Was thinking England for E, but guessed Estonia was a little further north. Guess I was right. I noticed W isn't on the list because Wales is a country.
Level 17
May 20, 2014
It's sovereign countries only, so England+Scotland+Wales+Northern Ireland all come under "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".
Level 28
May 20, 2014
But each of England, Scotland, Wales are their own sovereign nations. They have their own governments.
Level 47
Sep 16, 2016
Maybe it's different in the UK, but where I come from (Pennsylvania) a "country" implies that it is independent
Level 39
Sep 17, 2016
I am from the UK and I can say that England/Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland are NOT there own countries, There are nations which make up the country 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland' so both gnuandrew and Matthew07 are right.
Level 70
Sep 9, 2017
For 'shinwasha'....... Wales and Northern Ireland are similar to Scotland's situation which is as follows: ....... Scotland is a country which is part of the United Kingdom (UK). The UK is a regionalised unitary state, and since the late 1990s, a system of devolution has emerged in the UK, under which Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have each been granted some measure of self-government within the UK.

Scotland entered into a political union with England in 1707, and since then has sent representatives to the Palace of Westminster, which became the British parliament. Currently, 59 Members of Parliament (MPs) represent Scottish constituencies at Westminster, and issues such as the constitution, foreign affairs, defence, social security, pensions, issues of medical ethics, and fiscal, economic and monetary policy are decided at UK-wide level. In 1999, an 129-member Scottish Parliament was established in Edinburgh; it has full power to make law in Scotland, except in reserved matter

Level 66
May 20, 2014
Incredible but I missed Canada.


Level 35
May 23, 2014
This is a really hard quiz, but it's fun. I like it. Keep making more geography quizzes please.
Level 32
Dec 29, 2014
got all 24! Remembered austria with 2 seconds on the clock and got the last a as it turned to 0 :-)
Level 57
Apr 21, 2020
Me too! Kept on typing in "Andorra", "Andorra", am I not spelling this right? "Andorra" etc.
Level 51
Apr 25, 2015
Great quiz! Got them all first try thanks to all I learned while taking the countries of the world quiz on this site. :D
Level 56
Aug 10, 2015
I got 100%, got Turkmenistan with 1 second left
Level 33
Aug 14, 2015
Forgot Mongolia and the vatican
Level 33
Aug 14, 2015
YAY 20/20 :)
Level 55
Sep 22, 2015
Isn't Georgia further north than Germany?
Level 28
Jan 3, 2016
no, its not. look at your map or globe
Level 72
Aug 26, 2019
What??? Germany borders denmark... and last time i checked georgia isnt lodged somewhere between norway and sweden or something.
Level 56
Feb 18, 2021
Georgias northernmost point is south of Germanys southernmost.
Level 22
Dec 29, 2015
Funny how I missed Qatar, Yemen and Oman when they're the only country beginning with those letters!
Level 58
May 23, 2016
Tetherlands :)
Level 70
Jun 8, 2016
Missed only Vatican City, surprised I got Turkmenistan.
Level 38
Jun 9, 2016
ALMOST FORGOT POLAND i struggled on p a little bit. i put pakistan, panama (idk???), palau, etc. and then i forgot germany's neighbor, poland :)
Level 69
Aug 27, 2016
Was trying to think of a country in northern Europe that started with a G. I lived in Germany for a year.
Level 33
Sep 16, 2016
When Wallis and Futuna break independent we gonna have a 'W'
Level 69
Sep 16, 2016
Level 66
Sep 17, 2016
Great Quiz
Level 38
Sep 17, 2016
Level 26
Sep 18, 2016
Mustria City
Level 62
Oct 11, 2016
How did I get Turkmenistan but miss Canada?
Level 43
Oct 25, 2016
It would be more of a challenge if you yellow-boxed it to where people would have to fill in the country matching that specific letter, otherwise most people can just fill in northern countries randomly and get half the answers right away :)
Level 70
May 20, 2017
What did you do JetPubk, I suppose you only moved on from A when you had worked out what A would be, or did you have a shot at a northern country beginning with A like all of us.
Level 88
Nov 14, 2016
OK, new one in the T series for November 2016: wait a few months and the northernmost T will be called Trumpland
Level 36
Dec 7, 2016
or Thumbland
Level 68
Dec 22, 2016
Tireland ;-)
Level 68
Jan 6, 2017
Level 64
Apr 8, 2017
Missed Turkmenistan
Level 70
May 20, 2017
Good quiz, with 6 seconds to go I remembered Turkmenistan :o)
Level 43
Aug 9, 2017
God damn Austro-Hungarian empire! So forgettable! Not like you started a world war or anything
Level 59
Aug 11, 2020
I know, it’s not like Austria-Hungary was the birthplace of the people that started both world wars or anything. Neeeever.
Level 91
Aug 9, 2017
almost missed estonia and turkmenistan
Level 40
Nov 4, 2017
Over a minute to spare very happy with that. Good quiz
Level 23
Nov 20, 2017
Level 65
Dec 30, 2017
Level 30
Jan 7, 2018
You guys are only talking mostly European Countries, now South Americans: Trazil Truruguay Trargentina Traraguay Trile Teru Tecuador Tolombia Tolivia Tenezuela Tuyana Turiname (And Trench Truyana)
Level 70
Feb 6, 2018
Moving on: Tchina, Taustralia, Tanada, Tew Tealand, Tindia etc.
Level 72
Aug 26, 2019
Well Ticeland is obviously the most northern country starting with a T so the others arent relevant
Level 72
Aug 26, 2019
And it it Trench Truiana btw.. there is no y in there
Level 64
Feb 22, 2018
23/24 It's a sad day when you get Turkmenistan but not Russia:(
Level 62
Jul 1, 2018
how could I miss USA??? :'(
Level 70
Sep 17, 2018
You mean TUSA, right?
Level 68
Feb 28, 2019
Got them all but M. I did a report on that country in grade school.
Level 82
Aug 26, 2019
Level 66
Dec 17, 2019
got all but canada
Level 60
May 23, 2020
was trying to figure out why czechia didn't work... wow
Level 60
May 23, 2020
i guess my brain doesn't work at 1 am
Level 59
Oct 6, 2021
You silly. China is more north than Czechia, of course it didn't work. :-)
Level 36
Feb 28, 2021
Got Hungary in last 2 seconds :p
Level 24
May 2, 2021
I just gave up after 16/24 because time was running out
Level 29
Oct 6, 2021
got all with 1:24 left
Level 44
Oct 16, 2021
I forgot Turkmenistan, i could only think about Tajikistan
Level 66
Nov 23, 2021
Took me WAY too long to think of Austria...
Level 30
Mar 11, 2022
apparently I spelled Denmark wrong because it didn't show up :(((
Level 41
Jan 31, 2023
got belarus with a second to spare
Level 62
Feb 11, 2023
22/24 can't believe i missed Kazakhstan & Turkmenistan
Level 69
Mar 23, 2023
Fun quiz, it got me thinking. Got them all, fairly easy.
Level 63
Sep 6, 2023
I cannot BELIEVE I missed Russia! Such a dumb move on my part. Great quiz.
Level 47
Oct 3, 2023
Got Austria with only 15 seconds left. Funny how I got everything right before getting the answer of A