
Norway Country Quiz

Can you guess these facts about the country of Norway?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: May 31, 2020
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First submittedMarch 22, 2014
Times taken54,767
Average score54.2%
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Capital city
Second largest city
World's northernmost town
(population > 10,000)
1994 Winter Olympics host town
Bordering countries
Traditional dish of fish aged in lye
Sport of skiing and rifle shooting
Sea that lies between
Norway and Britain
North Sea
Far-north Norwegian island chain
Word for a long, narrow ocean inlet
Biggest export
3x Olympic figure skating champion
Sonja Henie
Founder of the first
Norse settlement in Greenland
Erik the Red
First person to reach the South Pole
Roald Amundsen
"A Doll's House" playwright
Henrik Ibsen
Painter of "The Scream"
Edvard Munch
Four-letter word for
an epic story of the Viking Age
Most common family names
Level 50
Apr 28, 2014
That was fun! Of course, it helps that I have friends in Norway...
Level 76
Jan 6, 2017
Norwegian is so fun to read I couldn't help myself: here's this quiz in Norwegian :)
Level 50
Jan 8, 2017
Cool! I didn't do quite so well over Norwegian spelling isn't so great. And I don't know the Norwegian for "biathlon".....but I still got 20. Got any quizzes in Swedish???
Level 81
May 17, 2014
More proof that I'm really not very good at my European country trivia.
Level 50
May 17, 2014
Most common family names

(hint: all end in -sen)

Well, 2-3, but 5? It's useless.

Level 56
Dec 2, 2020
Yeah that was lame
Level 75
Dec 16, 2020
Yeah, someone needed to increase the question count at the end...

This was a tough one to complete - there were a few very tricky questions tucked away.

Level 59
Mar 4, 2022
Agreed. A couple of those questions could've been dedicated towards something else such as Norway's most popular sport. Or their official language. Or the name of their currency.
Level 82
Jan 10, 2017
All 5 of those are fairly common here in the US, at least in my neck of the woods (lots of Scandinavians in MN!).
Level 84
Oct 3, 2019
In the Northwest too. I know people or have relatives with all those last names (or the Swedish equivalents).
Level 91
Oct 27, 2020
I find that the more populous the country, the better I tend to do on that country's quiz.
Level 71
Oct 27, 2020
Yeah, I struggle with European ones too. While large population ones are the easiest, some of the more obscure countries are also easier because no one would get specific clues about the country so all of the questions are more general.
Level 32
May 17, 2014
The European trivia ones are my favorite.
Level 57
May 17, 2014
Somehow all I could think about was the Lofoten archipelago and I was certain the Quizmaster had misspelled it so I tried every possible variation of that word. Svalbard never even crossed my mind. I feel silly now.
Level 69
May 18, 2014
That's 5040 possibilities, you must be the fastes typer on this quiz, or did you run out of time? BTW, I guessed Lofoten too.
Level 79
Nov 19, 2018
I also guessed Lofoten first as it really is an island chain. Svalbard is an archipelago but doesn't resemble a chain - more a clump really (and yes, I have visited both and recommend them, though for different reasons).
Level 74
May 17, 2014
Thank you, my Norwegian son-in-law.
Level 51
Aug 11, 2014
As a Norwegian I feel sad for forgetting Sonja Hennie and Erik the Red.... also forgot the English word for biathlon.
Level 55
Jan 6, 2017
I am watching a biathlon competition on tv right now while taking this quiz :) Took me too many seconds to remember the word even when I can see the word "IBU world cup" right in front of me. Just couldn't remember what B stands for (did it finally though).
Level 85
Mar 28, 2017
I only got 14/24, but feel better now for getting Henie and Erik the Red. :-)
Level 68
Aug 12, 2015
19/24 - Tough quiz but accessible enough to have fun! <3 Norden.
Level 83
Oct 19, 2015
No mention of Grieg??
Level 34
Feb 29, 2016
Jeg fortjener ikke 3 point for kun at have svaret rigtigt på 14... Jeg burde skamme mig
Level 38
Jan 6, 2017
Isnt Longyearbyen the northernmost settlement?
Level 36
Feb 23, 2021
Not over 10 000 people
Level 27
Dec 31, 2024
Hammerfest isn't either, the municipality has 11k but the actual town has 8k. Only like half of Norway's municipalities even share the name with the administrative center, they are not the same thing.
Level 75
Jan 6, 2017
Sonje Henie's tutu!
Level 67
Jan 6, 2017
Went to Norway two years ago and absolutely loved it. But man, is it expensive.
Level 89
Jan 6, 2017
[Sadly?] Sonie Henie and Caddyshack will always be linked in my mind.
Level 91
Jan 6, 2017
13/24. Good enough, I guess. Don't know much about Norway.
Level 91
Oct 27, 2020
Did a little better this time. Got 18 right.
Level 57
Jan 16, 2017
I got 21
Level 47
May 14, 2022
Level 85
Mar 28, 2017
For Scandinavians, this is no doubt a no-brainer, but for someone from the U.S., I feel just a tiny bit shrewd for noticing that if names end in -sen, they're likely from either Norway or Denmark, but if they end in -son, they're likely from Sweden. No idea why, but that's the pattern I've noticed, with very few exceptions.
Level 76
Feb 14, 2019
To simplify things very much: East Norse and West Norse.

Generally meaning son as in the male child. So e.g. Eriksen = Son of Erik, Svensson = Son of Sven.

Level 59
Oct 18, 2017
Fish in LYE ? are you sure ? I think lye is to make soap with and it is caustic and poisonous.
Level 83
Jun 15, 2018
According to Wikipedia, this is correct.
Level 87
Sep 2, 2018
There's a reason the dish hasn't caught on in the U.S. like, say, sushi has.
Level 72
Mar 10, 2020
Lye is used for many food items including pretzels and ramen noodles, 2 examples which I believe áre popular in the US
Level 86
Jul 8, 2020
Lye is definitely caustic and poisonous - but the important thing is that it's used to treat the food, then rinsed away. The same is true for converting corn into hominy / grits. The strong alkaline treatment improves nutritional value, and reportedly flavor, as well. If you're interested in the chemistry of the process, look up "nixtamalization."
Level 70
Dec 29, 2017
Great country!
Level 36
Apr 24, 2018
I never knew that Norway bordered Finland. Isn't Sweden between them.
Level 87
Sep 2, 2018
And yet you're not surprised that Norway borders Russia?
Level 87
Sep 2, 2018
Damn! How do I keep forgetting the existence of a town with a name as cool as "Hammerfest"?

Also, as someone who grew up in Minnesota, I feel deep shame at only getting 2 of the 5 family names.

Level 66
Oct 20, 2018
I knew all the Norweigan last names by guessing the last names of some of my friends. And it helps that knew my Great Great Great Grandpa's last name (Olsen). Fun Fact: both my Grandma's family had the last name Olson and my Grandpa's had the last name of Olsen. No relation between them.
Level 45
Mar 18, 2019
Well thank you Tine (dairy brand in norway) for reminding me of Amundsen. Before that milk promo I could never remember his name, now I can't forget it ahah
Level 60
Jul 7, 2019
the northernmost city is longyearbyen, which literally translates to 'the city of long year'
Level 72
Mar 10, 2020
yea it sounds great but is simply named after a fella called Longyear. He owned the coal mining company that established the settlement on Svalbard.

Edit:Of dutch decent I just found out (I believe further down the line german though, but gonna quit now, got lost for hours on genealogy sites and old recordings of baptisms haha. Interesting though, but I shouldnt forget to get up and eat)

Level 66
Oct 16, 2019
Never hear that word for ski shooting before.
Level 70
Jun 26, 2020
A couple of comments...Eric the Red was Icelandic and the Sagas were written by Icelanders, although some of them do discuss events where Icelanders had dealings with Norway. Iceland was a possession of Norway back then. The Norwegians and Danes are famous for trying to take credit for Icelandic accomplishments.
Level 73
Sep 17, 2020
Not much grace on the spellings...but...

Also Hammerfest has fewer than 10,000 inhabitants, so maybe the question should be >5,000. I tried Alta and Tromso a few times, but then gave up.

Level 63
Oct 27, 2020
No Spitsbergen for Svalbard?
Level 66
Oct 27, 2020
Yeah. Spitsbergen is only one of the islands in Svalbard. I know it says Spitsbergen on the weather forecast, but that's probably because it's the biggest island and the only island that is actually populated.
Level 68
Oct 27, 2020
17/24. Couldn't spell the figure skaters name - Tried Henne.
Level 81
Oct 27, 2020
Could add a question about the reigning chess champion - too obscure?
Level 76
Dec 20, 2022
I think that should be added.
Level 82
Oct 28, 2020
Am I the only one who tried "epic" for "saga"?
Level 64
Oct 28, 2020
I'm from North Dakota, so I just guessed names of people from my hometown and got 4/5.
Level 69
Oct 29, 2020
I thought the northernmost city is Longyearbyen?
Level 84
Oct 29, 2020
It is not really a city, too small even by Norwegian standards!
Level 67
Jan 1, 2021
did we really have to guess the surnames?
Level 62
Jan 14, 2021
Agree, it was lame. This quiz should have a question about Grieg or the royal familiy.
Level 71
Jan 23, 2021
Does anyone else always get Edvard Grieg and Edvard Munch mixed up? I can never remember which one is the musician and which one is the painter.
Level 58
Feb 7, 2021
5 points on family names is a bit too much in my opinion. It would have been great to add more culture/geography questions.
Level 60
May 8, 2021
No Roald Dahl?
Level 68
Dec 22, 2022
Magnus Carlsen is the GOAT

Norway most winter olympic golds

Douglas Adams reference

Christmas tree to London

Politician whose name is synonymous with traitor

Level 52
Feb 6, 2025
All of these would be much better questions than those horrendous last name ones
Level 67
Jan 8, 2023
Definitely time for a break from the quizzes when you realise you completely didn't see two of the questions and for another you're trying to think of a famous viking ape (misread age)
Level 62
Feb 16, 2023
Level 62
Oct 12, 2023
fole hard