Date | Year | Clue | Answer | % Correct |
Nov 9 | 1989 | This wall comes tumbling down | The Berlin Wall | 95%
Nov 21 | 1905 | This scientist publishes his famous formula: E = MC2 | Albert Einstein | 93%
Nov 22 | 1963 | This political leader is assassinated in Dallas | John F. Kennedy | 92%
Nov 12 | 1927 | This dictator gains undisputed control over the Soviet Union | Joseph Stalin | 91%
Nov 24 | 1859 | This naturalist publishes "On the Origin of Species" | Charles Darwin | 89%
Nov 17 | 1869 | This canal, connecting the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, is inaugurated | Suez Canal | 88%
Nov 11 | 1918 | An armistice is signed ending hostilities in this war | World War I | 88%
Nov 14 | 1948 | This British prince is born | Prince Charles | 87%
Nov 4 | 1979 | Hostages are seized from the U.S. embassy in this country | Iran | 83%
Nov 3 | 1903 | Prodded by the United States, this country separates from Colombia | Panama | 80%
Nov 23 | 1991 | One day before his death, this singer reveals that he is HIV positive | Freddie Mercury | 79%
Nov 19 | 1863 | Abraham Lincoln gives a famous speech at this battle site | Gettysburg | 79%
Nov 27 | 1095 | Pope Urban II calls for this holy war | First Crusade | 76%
Nov 5 | 1605 | This Gunpowder Plot conspirator is captured | Guy Fawkes | 74%
Nov 30 | 1939 | The USSR invades this country to start the Winter War | Finland | 71%
Nov 28 | 1717 | This pirate captures a French ship which he renames "Queen Anne's Revenge" | Blackbeard | 69%
Nov 2 | 1930 | Haile Selassie is crowned emperor of this country | Ethiopia | 68%
Nov 25 | 1986 | The King Fahd Causeway is opened connecting Saudi Arabia to this nearby island | Bahrain | 66%
Nov 1 | 1957 | The Mackinac Bridge connects the two peninsulas of this U.S. state | Michigan | 66%
Nov 13 | 2015 | ISIS terrorists attack the Bataclan theatre in this city | Paris | 65%
Nov 18 | 1978 | Over 900 Jonestown cult members commit suicide by drinking cyanide mixed with this sweetened beverage | Flavor Aid | 60%
Nov 8 | 1519 | This conquistador enters Tenochtitlán | Hernán Cortés | 60%
Nov 7 | 1800 | A law is passed making it illegal for women in France to wear these (it would be repealed in 2013) | Trousers | 60%
Nov 20 | 1820 | This type of whale attacks and sinks the whaling ship Essex | Sperm Whale | 56%
Nov 10 | 1871 | Henry Stanley presumably finds this explorer in the interior of Africa | David Livingstone | 54%
Nov 26 | 1976 | This band releases their debut single "Anarchy in the U.K." | The Sex Pistols | 54%
Nov 16 | 1988 | Benazir Bhutto is elected prime minister of this country | Pakistan | 53%
Nov 15 | 1920 | This city on the Germany / Poland border becomes a quasi-independent city state | Danzig | 51%
Nov 29 | 1877 | This musical device is first demonstrated by Thomas Edison | Phonograph | 49%
Nov 6 | 1861 | This politician is elected President of the Confederate States | Jefferson Davis | 40%
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