It's a loan word. English-speakers use it to describe regions of Russian-speaking countries. Do you refer to the Stavropol Shire? The State of Archangelsk? No..
I tried "omnivoyant" instead of oracle. Would that be acceptable? Also, I couldn't spell ornithology to save my life. I kept writing "orinthology". D'oh.
Was thrown off for awhile by the "plantation supervisor" clue. Was trying to think of a term specific to a plantation, but the answer really is not specific to a plantation at all. I think "supervisor" by itself might be a better clue...or "someone who supervises".
Actually an Octogenarian is anyone aged 80-90, not merely 80-89. (Otherwise you would exclude somebody aged 89.5, who is still an octogenarian.) Age, after all, is a continuous variable. I find that this this schoolboy error is becoming ever more common in the digital age.
Damn i was so close though.
i read "egg shells" instead of cells...
The schoolboy error here is acting all superior while making your own schoolboy error.