Still wondering why I'm (seemingly) the only one in whose quiz the "a place of suffering for the damned" is a 'curse' word that blocks the quiz from being released with that particular word... Come on censor, cough up the answer! (As I asked, QM washed hands by "it wasn't me"-statement.) :D
I got really stuck on the celestial clue because I kept ready it as diet-y and trying to think of food songs. Then I realized it was meant to be DEITY! GOT IT!
Also, probably not quite what would be considered a "popular song." I've listened to plenty of Human League, never heard that one though. That's on me.
hmmm...typed "no business like show business" and it didn't take it. I've seen way worse being accepted than me missing a trivial word "There's" at the beginning
Just another day of feeling old. Cake By The Ocean? I mean, I usually end up hearing almost any and all popular songs eventually, but this one completely missed me.
Good quiz, but there are plenty of adults with y chromosomes who aren't men and plenty of men without y chromosomes, so that part of the prompt is inaccurate.
Couldn't get the Shangri-Las' "Walking in the Sand" to work for the silicon dioxide clue.