Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Like the above, but more remote | The Outback | 89%
Reef along the coast of Queensland | Great Barrier Reef | 86%
Most famous rock in Australia | Uluru | 85%
Biggest land masses / islands | Australia | 83%
Biggest land masses / islands | Tasmania | 76%
Biggest land masses / islands | North Island | 75%
Biggest land masses / islands | South Island | 75%
Biggest land masses / islands | New Guinea | 59%
Highest mountain in New Zealand | Mount Cook | 49%
New Zealand's longest mountain range | Southern {Alps} | 47%
Longest river | Murray-Darling | 43%
Sea the above can be found in | Coral Sea | 42%
The rural areas of Australia | The Bush | 40%
Bay formed by the southern coast of Australia | Great Australian {Bight} | 32%
Strait between Queensland and Papua New Guinea | Torres Strait | 26%
Mountain range that runs from Queensland to Victoria | Great Dividing Range | 25%
Peninsula of far northern Queensland | Cape York | 23%
Biggest land masses / islands | New Caledonia | 23%
New Zealand's largest lake | Lake Taupo | 17%
Tahiti's archipelago | {Society} Islands | 13%
Biggest land masses / islands | New Britain | 12%
"Treeless" region on the coast of South Australia | Nullarbor | 12%
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