28/28 56 seconds. Using plot clues instead of filling in the title would certainly have required of me more than 2 seconds per answer. Coincidentally I came across this quiz while watching Lawrence of...
Agree about accepting more type-ins. It's a knowledge quiz, not a spelling quiz. I can spell it but I'm generally pretty good at spelling and I've been there -- and escaped from it ;)
Some folks have ability-related spelling impediments but still know the answer -- no need to punish them.
Good quiz, I kept trying to enter 'The Bridges of Toki Ri' ...... why is it although you try something and it doesn't work you keep entering it in case you get lucky and the quiz changes it's mind?
Who could forget such classics as War of the Stars (A Hope of the New), Menace of the Phantom, The Strike-Back of the Empire, The Awakening of the Force, and the Last of the Jedi?
Haven't seen most of these but got 100%. This quiz just shows my annoying absorption of minutiae that I don't even wish to remember.
Just shows you how much easier it is to remember words and phrases than raw numbers, I guess. Same reason we still all remember radio commercials from our youth and what not.
There's an older version with Jack Nicholson. I was devastated to come home from the video store with that version instead of the funny musical one I wanted to see.
Travelling pants! Ha ha! Never heard of the film but had to laugh out loud. Obviously in English pants are what you wear under your trousers so that seems like a mental title for a film
I immediately thought "Sound of Silence", and wondered why it didn't work. Then I remembered I watched the Sound of Music a couple of weeks ago. Who feels stupid now!
You should probably make alternate answers for a few of the questions. For example, Secret Life of Pets could also be Secret Life of Bees, the 2008 film, and Wizard of Id movie from 1970.
I made a personal commitment in 2022 to watch 100 well received or classic films and 5 were on this list (Lawrence, Terms, Christ, Field, Bridges). Previously seen the remainder, save for Sisterhood and Secret Life of Pets. Nevertheless, 100% on this quiz. Good work!
I would recommend Prince OF Egypt, The Best Years OF our Lives, and Hunchback OF Notre Dame, and X-Men: Days OF Future Past. Maybe make a part 2? Great quiz!
accept moroccans for mohicans? sounds kinda similar; i have never heard the last movie being referred to as "the secret life of pets". in my country its just "pets"
Last of the Cookies
500 (100) Days of Solitude
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
ok fun quiz
💙 🎥 🎈 🧡
Some folks have ability-related spelling impediments but still know the answer -- no need to punish them.
Trust me, you won't regret it.
Little Shop of the Pets.
Shaun of the Sheep.
Nice, Matt. You did a good job.
Just shows you how much easier it is to remember words and phrases than raw numbers, I guess. Same reason we still all remember radio commercials from our youth and what not.
Clearly I did not :P
Me: It's gotta be sheep right?