Shouldn't they all be type-ins? Teddy Bear Suicide, God Hates Figs, Department of Homeland Obscurity, Flames For Flames, Muscle Confusion, Nothing Rhymes With Orange, Everything Rhymes With Orange, Punch Face Champions, Rad Wagon, Puppy Pendulum, Possum Pendulum, P.... Pendulum, Handrail Suicide, Angel Snack, Just The Tip, Jet-Black Pope, Four-Skin, Three-Skin, RatMouse, Scarecrow Boat, Tackleshaft
Oh sure, his departure is noted and explained, but then he's never brought up again. They even have a whole episode about finding someone to design the new park when Mark specifically left them plans for it.
Definitely second or third or fourth that the library department isn't the enemy of the parks department. Sewage is the answer if there is one. Maybe rewrite it for the city department that one of Ron's exes works for or replace it with country their sister city is located or Ron's political affiliation.