Completely unrelated to the quiz, but I met Silvio Berlusconi in Milan in about 1991 or 1992. I was working at Lainate Airport Private Aviation Terminal, nice man that was friendly to all the staff from the cleaner to the CEO.
Dante's burial in Ravenna, not Florence, was the fitting capstone to his life. Exiled from Florence while on a diplomatic mission, he spent the next twenty years without a permanent home, dependent on the generosity of patrons.
But he still hoped to return, even though he knew it was increasingly unlikely. As he wrote in Canto XXV of Paradiso:
Never heard of the race-car driver who died at the Grand Prix. Surprising that his name was better known to so many quiz-takers than were the names of Shelley and Keats! Must be Rod Stewart fans....
But he still hoped to return, even though he knew it was increasingly unlikely. As he wrote in Canto XXV of Paradiso:
Se mai continga che 'l poema sacro
al quale ha posto mano e cielo e terra,
sì che m'ha fatto per molti anni macro,
vinca la crudeltà che fuor mi serra
del bello ovile ov'io dormi' agnello,
nimico ai lupi che li danno guerra;
con altra voce omai, con altro vello
ritornerò poeta, e in sul fonte
del mio battesmo prenderò 'l cappello . . .
(English translation in following post)
this work so shared by heaven and earth
that it has made me lean these long years
can ever overcome the cruelty
that bars me from the fair fold where I slept,
a lamb opposed to wolves that war on it,
by then with other voice, with other fleece,
I shall return as poet and put on
at my baptismal font, the laurel crown . . .
Paradiso XXV: 1-9. Unfortunately it never happened.