It's true, people are more likely to think something is valuable and worth buying if it costs more. One of Starbucks' chief innovations that led to their success was charging $3+ for something that everyone else was selling for 50 cents. People are schmucks.
I know you're being facetious, but Starbucks doesn't really fit the definition of that clue. At least, I don't think Starbucks is a status symbol based on its price... but then again, maybe Americans are more judgmental about their coffee.
I'm actually not being facetious at all... I watched a documentary about the origins of Starbucks and that's the one thing that really made their business take off: stupidly and arbitrarily inflating their prices. And people thought: well, if it costs so much, it must be for some reason, and paid it. They started rapidly gaining business and popularity, and a reputation for having high-quality premium coffee, only after the price hike. And they're far from the only brand to do something similar. Most designer fashion labels are basically charging you a 1,000 - 10,000% markup to put their name on your clothes. Sometimes they use higher quality materials in manufacturing, but not always, and not enough to justify the difference in price. You are paying for the the feeling you get when you spend a lot of money on something expensive, and the illusion that this creates in yours and others' minds that high price = quality or luxury, when often it only = status, or even nothing at all.
A little more leeway on the spelling of TK would be nice. That is NOT an easy name to spell.
Also, the TV question is probably too obscure, judging by the low % it has, and this is coming from someone with an Economics degree, albeit a few decades ago.
In the spirit of not just complaining, but offering a replacement, I had a quick Google, but it doesn’t look like there are any suitable alternatives. Bar people who are equally obscure. Possibly, TV should go the way of TZ!?
I think that is the first time I have ever got zero points on a JetPunk quiz! 😂 I am pretty bad with famous people, especially if they are mostly American. Of the 13 I didn't get, I hadn't even heard of six and for most of the others the clues meant nothing to me...
Oh well, I guess we all have our strengths and weaknesses!
Your talent and tenacity after that horrible accident you endured kickstarted one of the best things this world has: Heavy Metal!!!!!!
Also, the TV question is probably too obscure, judging by the low % it has, and this is coming from someone with an Economics degree, albeit a few decades ago.
In the spirit of not just complaining, but offering a replacement, I had a quick Google, but it doesn’t look like there are any suitable alternatives. Bar people who are equally obscure. Possibly, TV should go the way of TZ!?
Oh well, I guess we all have our strengths and weaknesses!