
Pictures by Letter - B

Name the objects, people, or concepts that are depicted in these images.
All the answers are a single word
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: March 8, 2018
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First submittedMarch 8, 2018
Times taken37,836
Average score68.8%
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Level 74
Mar 8, 2018
Bitcoin symbol same as Thai Baht
Level ∞
Mar 8, 2018
Not quite
Level 68
Mar 8, 2018
I reflexively thought of THB as well, but it's definitely not the same symbol.
Level 81
Mar 9, 2018
and Thai baht definitely don't look like that
Level 71
Dec 29, 2024
Then again, bitcoins don't look like that either.
Level 92
Mar 8, 2018
As a science teacher, I'm going to be a little nit picky. Your picture of a beaker is a picture of a flask and of a test tube, not a beaker in sight.
Level ∞
Mar 8, 2018
Ha, you're right. Since there are no good pictures of actual beakers I changed the answer to Bedouin.
Level 42
Mar 10, 2018
Can you also accept Berber ?
Level 45
May 20, 2018
Thanks #bobroo
Level 80
Mar 27, 2020
Could you accept Berber?
Level 63
Mar 8, 2018
Could 'bark' not work for the tree image?
Level 79
Mar 16, 2018
I tried that as well, thinking it was a nice pun after Bach
Level 25
Dec 28, 2020
I tried that too, then realised it was 'birch'.
Level 94
Mar 8, 2018
Beard could also work for the picture of the bedouin
Level 60
Jan 22, 2019
Not only that, the photographer's last name was Bonfils, which also starts with a B.
Level 76
Mar 8, 2018
Hey. These new tools for making quizzes are quite cool. When can the rest of us quiz makers have access to them? (Still waiting for word banks.)
Level 59
Mar 9, 2018
They ARE available. Go ahead and make a quiz yourself.
Level 61
Mar 9, 2018
These all already exist
Level 80
Mar 9, 2018
picture 1; I was adamant it was blonde for a while.

picture 8; bark (amusingly straight after the composer of similar name).

picture 10; blade.

It's funny what your brain thinks of straight away when seeing a picture

Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
I didnt get what the previous person meant that it was funny if bark came after bach. When reading your similar comment I thought the same. I thought what do you mean similar name... it both starts with a b, yes..?

But I suppose you pronounce bach weirdly so that it sound like bark? That thought hadnt even crossed my mind and before your comment and just based on the previous mention, I would have never figured it out..

Level 47
Mar 9, 2018
I'm good with learning the correct answer of Bedouin, but can anyone point out how it is visually distinctly different from a Berber?
Level 81
Mar 9, 2018
There are actually many different people called bedouin... and not all berber are exactly the same, either... but I'll make an attempt.

The thick black cord that looks like a rope spiraled around his crown, that's called an egal (spellings vary), and it is an accessory worn on the head mostly by proper Arabs (those on the Arabian peninsula, some in Sudan), not so much by the Northwest African berbers. Also the patterned cloth that makes up the man's keffiyeh or shimaq is more like those traditionally worn by bedouin (though it's not typical of what's popular today: white patterned cloth with black, red, orange, or offwhite checkering. I'm guessing this is an older drawing). Berbers tend to prefer solid color head wrappings, and usually they are brightly colored maybe bright blue or red or green.

Finally his face doesn't look berber to me, definitely more rural Arab (bedouin), but that's harder to explain why.

Level 47
Mar 10, 2018
Thank you. The one thing I did notice was that Berbers seemed to prefer solid colors.
Level 79
May 19, 2018
Apart from the stripy jackets in Berber Shop Quartets
Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
Yea I came up with the same thing in my reasearch ( though I wouldnt have been able to tell you exactly the difference beforehand, well the difference in appearance that is)

Berber people don;t have that 'ring' on their heads, and have the fabric wrapped around several times, not just one layer. And usually in a single bright colour.

The difference between berber and bedouin women is much greater, and very easy to distinguish.

Btw the picture used in this quiz is not a drawing but a black and white picture coloured in. I allready knew/saw that, but just now I was trying to find the source and apparently the picture is from about 1890-1900 Showing the chief of palmyra/tadmur in syria Entire series of photos

Level 81
Mar 9, 2018
I got bedouin and missed Bach.
Level 81
Mar 9, 2018
Also, technically, that's a bedu/badu... bedouin is plural. but perhaps that's just in Arabic. Like... djinni is also plural in Arabic but the bastardized English form genie is usually used as a singular.
Level 70
Mar 11, 2018
Good quiz, good pictures, good fun.
Level 74
May 19, 2018
You took the words right out of my fingers.
Level 74
May 19, 2018
Could be bladesmith of blade for the blacksmith
Level 58
May 19, 2018
I had no idea who Bedouin was, so I guessed beard instead.
Level 36
May 21, 2018
It's not a who, it's an ethnic group of sorts. The Bedouin Nomads.
Level 77
May 19, 2018
could blood hound be a basset hound. Not sure about the spelling but I'm sure that's a similar breed.
Level 52
May 19, 2018
That's what I was thinking. Couldn't come up bloodhound at all.
Level 71
Jun 5, 2018
Basset hounds are usually two or three colors, as opposed to the one-colored bloodhound.
Level 72
May 7, 2019
I've had both breeds and about the only thing that they have in common is that they are both hound dogs.Check out pictures of both and you will immediately see the differences.
Level 72
May 20, 2018
Berber should be accepted for bedouin
Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
Why ? and shóuld? just because it is the first thing that came to you mind doesnt mean it should be accepted. It was my first thought too, but the two arent interchangeable and after doing research this is definitely bedouin and not berber.

So there is no reason to accept berber.

Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
It is like accepting indian for a picture of an inuit....
Level 59
May 22, 2018
How sad that 100% recognised Barbie but only 93% recognised a banjo or the Brazilian flag!
Level 81
Jun 2, 2018
Could be because it is the first clue
Level 20
Nov 11, 2022
i had no clue what the flag was until you said this comment
Level 90
Oct 6, 2019
#2 Nice hair.

#6 Much better.

Level 79
Dec 7, 2021
Bedouin - nomadic tribes active in areas including North Africa. Berbers - an ethnic group native to North Africa. Sure, they are distinct terms, but the photo is ambiguous.
Level 64
Feb 11, 2022
There is no blacksmith in the picture. Just an anvil
Level 44
Sep 29, 2024
Am I the only one who saw the beijing one and was dumb enough to say "building"
Level 71
Dec 29, 2024
Better than me — I was scratching my head like "borfidden city?"