
Pictures by Letter - I

Name the objects, people, or concepts that are depicted in these images.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: March 13, 2018
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First submittedMarch 13, 2018
Times taken26,169
Average score75.0%
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Level 85
Mar 13, 2018
Tried "idol" for the Inca picture and accidentally got Billy Idol. Freebie, since I wouldn't have known who he was from a photo! Also tried iPhone before Instagram.
Level 76
Mar 13, 2018
I wrote iPhone 3 times and then iPad twice before I believed it wasn't.
Level 86
Mar 13, 2018
That is an iphone, though, and I think iphones are more famous than instagram.
Level 70
Mar 13, 2018
Yes, please accept iPhone!
Level 70
Mar 14, 2018
I agree....... Iphone or ipad ....... long jump to instagram
Level 96
Mar 14, 2018
I kindof enjoyed the trip up, made me stop and think a bit more.
Level 68
Mar 14, 2018
The Instagram logo is the only thing displayed… iPhone would be WAY too easy!
Level 89
Mar 16, 2018
I went iPhone, iPod, iPad . . . never thought of Instagram.
Level 78
Jul 6, 2018
I agree that i-phone should be allowed. The I-phone design is much more prominent and recognizable than the instagram logo.
Level 59
Jul 6, 2018
I though of iPhone but then my eyes went straight into the logo inside the phone. If it would have been an iPhone then it could be a normal picture without anything inside it, but since there is something inside the iPhone, it must have some reasons.
Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
I strongly disagree, iphone should definitely NOT be allowed, if iphone doesnt work it is clear what answer they are looking for.

(besides, the iphone design is not apparent to everyone, to my eyes it is just a smartphone, if it wasnt an i-quiz I would have never even thought of iphone... (And try things as phone, smartphone, technology, communication etc etc)

And why arent you complaining that wall should be allowed for the ivy one, (besides that it doesnt start with an i. It is clearly in the picture and more prominent ( not, but the same goes for the phone, that is not where the focus is imo, even if it takes up more on the photo, so does a table where a glass is put on, but it clearly is about the glass in that case..)

Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
@ malbaby what do you mean long jump? it shows the logo of instagram.. what will the answer be... ow maybe instagram...
Level 70
May 14, 2021
@Sifhaven I agree with you but your argument makes absolutely no sense. Many people would think it is I-Phone, because of the letter, "I". A better alternative would just be the Instagram logo.
Level 66
May 23, 2023
I did too. I thought I typed it wrong.
Level 47
Jul 7, 2018
Yep, me too, on both counts. Except I never got Instagram. Just kept trying iphone, ipad, ipod, etc., and got very frustrated.
Level 78
Mar 13, 2018
I spelled Ibix like 5 times...dude...I've got to get better at spelling. Would have been 100%.
Level 42
Jul 6, 2018
And yet, you can't spell Ibex. Or can you?
Level 62
Jul 6, 2018
That's his point.
Level 63
Aug 28, 2021
same here. i was thinking, "if that's not an ibix, I have no idea which animal it is." Turns out it was an ibex.
Level 66
Mar 13, 2018
I was having the hardest time until I realized I was still on I, not J. Ya, and I agree with iPhone.
Level 94
Mar 14, 2018
It seems unfortunate that the quizmaster chose an iphone in the clue to show the image for instagram... Coincidence or something more sinister?
Level 73
Jul 17, 2019
It's inister at the very least.
Level 92
Mar 14, 2018
Really confused by that picture of the Hagia Sophia. I thought it was in Constantinople...
Level 68
Mar 14, 2018
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople…
Level 55
Jul 6, 2018
Istanbul since 1453
Level 86
Jul 6, 2018
Why did Constantinople get the works?
Level 78
Jul 6, 2018
That's nobody's business but the people who live in Turkey.
Level 73
Jul 6, 2018
What about those who don't live in Turkey, but identify as being from that country, either by birth, heritage or prior residence?
Level 81
Mar 15, 2018
It used to be. But then they carried it over to Istanbul
Level 62
Mar 17, 2018
Cue the song...
Level 87
Mar 20, 2018
That's nobody's business but the Turks.
Level 91
Jul 6, 2018
New idea for a quiz: How many quizzes reference that song in the comments.

Bonus points if the quiz itself makes the reference.

Level 67
Mar 15, 2018
Why not just display the Instagram logo on its own instead of showing it on an iPhone, which is both the most prominent thing on the photo AND a word in "I" as well????? I admit I'm completely puzzled by this choice.
Level 78
Jul 6, 2018
Ditto. It should at least be a type-in.
Level 42
Jul 6, 2018
Yeah, guys. That is a +1.
Level 44
Jul 6, 2018
I agree that it was confusing, and I did try i-phone before getting Instagram. In the Quizmaster's defense though he has said on several occasions that he only uses free photos from the internet. He never buys photos, since that would likely mean he would have to run this site at a loss. I've had to create projects of different types with just free photos, so I honestly sympathize with QM quite a lot on this, as finding the image you want is sometimes really hard. Putting i-phone as a type-in is a good suggestions though.
Level 70
Jul 6, 2018
Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
definitely not, and the most prominent is the logo, that is where the focus is, the phone is just background noise.

But I guess we got some iphone fixated people here or something. Maybe sounds a bit rude, but I am baffled by the comments, if it was a teacup on a table noone would complain the answer was the teacup and not the table... so it clearly is some kind of fixation (not nececarilly meaning that they are obsessed with it, but apparently trained to immediately pick an iphone out of a scene and the attention going there whenever you see one, and not seeing it as a phone but specifically an iphone)

really it is clearly about the logo and I dont get all these people... i understand as far as trying it, since the quiz does start with an i and if you think of that first... but other than that, that people demand the answer to be changed and dont get the choose of the quizmaster and are all confused etc. An extremely strong and weird reaction imo. It is just the background!

Level 76
Apr 12, 2018
Level 42
Jul 6, 2018
Eternity begins with an E. Please fix your spelling. I would recommend Grammarly.
Level 58
Jul 6, 2018
Inupiak or Inupiaq should also be accepted. This from someone who teaches Alaska Studies...
Level 77
Jul 6, 2018
Does Inuk work (since it's only one person)?
Level 73
Jul 17, 2019
Yes, Inuk would be acceptable, and should be permitted as a type-in. By the way, I highly recommend the film 'Angry Inuk' (2016)! It is excellent and freely available online.
Level 69
Oct 24, 2024
I was gonna say, inuk isn't accepted but it should be
Level 65
Jul 6, 2018
My first thought for the Istanbul one was "Islam"
Level 56
Jul 6, 2018
You know, that's also an iPhone and Instagram.
Level 28
Jul 6, 2018
The "inca" picture actually comes from the gate of the sun at Tiawanaku, a pre-inca site
Level 70
Jul 6, 2018
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Level 55
Jul 7, 2018
I... I missed iguana...
Level 80
Jul 7, 2018
I couldn't even see the picture of Spain and Portugal, it was so light. I thought there was no question there.
Level 73
Jul 13, 2018
Inuk should have worked -- Inuit is plural
Level 73
Jul 17, 2019
Yes, Inuk should be accepted as it is the singular of Inuit. Also, Inupiaq should be an accepted type-in, since Inupiat is accepted. Fun fact: Inuuk is the dual form of Inuk. One Inuk, two Inuuk, three+ Inuit.
Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
Level 56
Aug 4, 2018
infinty and Infiniti both didn't work...
Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
neither does infintiny..
Level 25
Aug 29, 2018
Ok i spent ages trying to figure out why it was not accepting Billy Idol when i knew that was his name ... At least put the answer as Billy ___ or get it to accept his first name as well as that was really rather annoying
Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
seems more annoyingthat peopledemand stuff that doesnt start with an i...|

if it was the other way around I could slightly sympathise. If the quiz asked for the first name, and the site usually accepts simply the last name

but if you knew his full name I see no reason why you added his first name. (And dont get why you didnt get an aha-moment after it not being accepted at first. You do realize it is an i-quiz right?

Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
seeing that the average was 12/16 I wondered what 4 most people didnt get. I figured idol and ibex, but wondered which other 2, was surprised to see iris ans inca, didnt expect that! seem rather obvious to me and iris isnt exactly an obscure flower, but I guess if it isnt a tulip or a rose, most people dont know flowers?
Level 25
Dec 29, 2020
Hi, being still in single figures of age, I am 'called' smart by everyone. Where is ice? or specifically 'ice-cream'?

Also, not the best picture for 'idol'.

The picture for 'instagram' is technically a picture for 'iphone' or ipad'. If you really wanted to put 'instagram' then maybe just put the Instagram symbol or something similar.

The infinity symbol, well, I put 'infinite' not 'infinity', so maybe change the type-in so the quiz will take 'infinite'.

Not the best quiz.

Level 46
Mar 26, 2021
All the images are reasonable, no one cares about your age, or that your mom called you smart once when you got an A- on a quiz. I swear this site is riddled with nitpickers and people that need some sunshine.
Level 70
May 14, 2021
@KrazyKookieKing you definitely need some sunshine
Level 73
Apr 14, 2022
It's the perfect picture for idol since the person's name is Billy Idol....