
Pre- Vocabulary Words Quiz

Based on the definitions, guess these words that start with the letters "pre".
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: August 27, 2018
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First submittedMay 11, 2010
Times taken39,965
Average score60.0%
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To warm the oven beforehand
To order a drug for a patient
A tough spot. A bit of a pickle
First part of the U.S. Constitution
Introductory musical piece
It keeps food fresh
Like a tail that can grab things
Of the time before recorded events
Police district
Rain or snow, for example
Slang for a pre-wedding legal agreement
The beginning part of some words
What a child prodigy is
Like a crime that was planned in advance
Prior to birth
Type of human tooth
To enter the plane before others
One of the parts of speech
Level 72
Jun 25, 2010
15/20 PRE Vocab.
Level 79
Jul 29, 2010
I didn't get preoccupied...I must have been!
Level 51
Apr 24, 2015
Level 58
Nov 14, 2016
Preoccupied doesn't mean distracted, does it?
Level 40
Oct 10, 2011
14/20 - and I didn't get prehead !! :(
Level 70
May 5, 2017
I wonder why?
Level 37
Nov 15, 2011
Preloved should definitely by accepted for used - just as valid as preowned
Level 49
Aug 29, 2013
Exactly, preloved is the only term I could come up with and the only one I've heard before
Level 65
Apr 11, 2017
What ??
Level 41
Feb 6, 2012
Am I the only one who never even heard of the word "prelapsarian"??
Level 82
Feb 10, 2012
Seriously....pre-pubescent is not accepted for ages 9-12?
Level 44
Feb 11, 2012
why won't this quiz accept just the part of the word that is being sought? Other vocab quizzes accept just the latter part.
Level 77
Mar 22, 2012
I went to a Christian college and took theology classes and have never heard of prelapsarian..and neither has my spell check :)
Level 19
Mar 25, 2012
please accept prescription for prescribe
Level 15
May 23, 2012
could prehistory work for the prehistoric question, or would the phrasing of the question make my suggestion not work?
Level 96
Aug 1, 2012
Prelapsarian... wow, never heard that one before. Tried a dozen permutations of premortal and similar, but to no avail :S. Thanks for the new word!
Level 13
Oct 13, 2012
yeah. Prelapsarian! That one came from a very dusty dictionary ;) I tried so many things: prefall, premalus, predamnation, prepeccato... felt like a monkey with a typewriter.

Love the fact that you put one word there which is nearly impossible to guess, just to taunt people :P where would the fun be without the challenge? nicely done.

Level 19
Dec 22, 2012
Prior to birth I put pre-life lol... Well.. I thought it was funny
Level 45
Apr 28, 2013
Surely, prior to birth you're pregnant.
Level 81
May 5, 2013
More like prior to giving birth. Though... kids these days are doing things younger and younger so...
Level 94
Jan 24, 2019
very few babies are pregnant before they are born
Level 74
May 11, 2013
2.53 left. yay me!
Level 26
Jul 4, 2013
I really shouldn't make so many presumptions
Level 24
Feb 9, 2014
I think 'Premeditate' without the 'd' should be an acceptable answer. Other than that, I did really well. I like these kinds of quizzes. :)
Level 21
Feb 13, 2014
For a tough spot or a pickle, precarious should be allowed?
Level 75
Jun 14, 2021
noun/adjective mismatch
Level 48
Apr 28, 2014
Looks like a lot of people are not precocious.
Level 74
Sep 16, 2014
I tried pretreatment for keeping food fresh, such as dipping apples slices in a citrus solution or blanching veggies before freezing.
Level 8
Dec 13, 2014
Level 56
Jan 23, 2016
Preserve should be allowed for preservative I think
Level 75
Apr 1, 2017
Knew it was wrong but only thing I could of for what a child prodigy is - preferred
Level 41
Feb 23, 2018
I never heard the word prehensile in my life, and I have literally forgotten what it means in the time it took me to scroll down to the bottom of the comments section so I could post this comment! Maybe I am tired....?

However, one thing I do know is that a predicate is not a part of speech.

A sentence has a subject and a predicate. A subject is not a part of speech either. The subject tells you who the sentence is talking about. The predicate tells you what the subject is doing.

Level 62
Apr 22, 2018
Could preternatural work for the child prodigy question?
Level 42
Jun 14, 2018
What about predicate for a part of speech?
Level 72
Dec 19, 2018
Could precariousness not be correct for predicament? And I would ve thought the preposition answer would be part of language or perhaps grammar, instead of speech. With speech I think about diphtong for instance. So not and grammar, but things to do with the mouth and pronounciation. Speaking. So it confused me and didnt think about terms for part of a sentence.
Level 72
Oct 7, 2022
Predicate should be accepted as a part of speech.
Level 91
Feb 19, 2023
Preserved food is no longer fresh. Preservatives prevent food going off, but the end product is not fresh
Level 67
Jul 23, 2023
Prescription and Preserve should be accepted imo
Level 82
Jan 25, 2024
Used is increasingly described as pre-loved. Not saying I like it, but it is a thing.