
U.S. Presidential Quotes

Can you name the U.S. Presidents who are associated with these quotes?
Starred quotes are apocryphal
The answer must correspond to the selected box
Hint: no answer is used more than once
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 5, 2020
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First submittedFebruary 2, 2011
Times taken42,157
Average score57.1%
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The only thing we have
to fear is fear itself
Franklin Roosevelt
Ask not what your country
can do for you
John F. Kennedy
I feel your pain
Bill Clinton
We must guard against...
the military-industrial complex
Dwight Eisenhower
The world must be made
safe for democracy
Woodrow Wilson
The price of freedom is
eternal vigilance *
Thomas Jefferson
Facts are stubborn things
John Adams
They misunderestimated me
George W. Bush
I will build a great, great wall
on our southern border
Donald Trump
I cannot tell a lie *
George Washington
I'm not a crook
Richard Nixon
Speak softly and carry a big stick
Theodore Roosevelt
A kinder, gentler nation
George H.W. Bush
Four score and seven years ago...
Abraham Lincoln
They cling to guns or religion
Barack Obama
If men were angels, no government
would be necessary
James Madison
We in America today are nearer to the
final triumph over poverty than ever
before in the history of any land
Herbert Hoover
I can't deny I'm a better ex-president
than I was a president
Jimmy Carter
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
Ronald Reagan
The buck stops here (sign on desk)
Harry Truman
Tippecanoe and Tyler too
(campaign slogan)
William Henry
Level 71
Aug 14, 2014
This was an interesting quiz!
Level 67
Jul 8, 2015
Geez, Woodrow Wilson? Who voted that guy in?
Level 43
Dec 16, 2016
The first time, the Republicans split their votes between Taft and Teddy Roosevelt (3rd term was legal back then). The second time, it was close, but California gave him the reelection over Charles Evan Hughes.
Level 43
May 7, 2017
Teddy Roosevelt wasn't going for a third term, he was going for a second after his magical mystery safari while Taft kept his seat warm.
Level 32
Mar 15, 2023
Roosevelt didn't run for a term in 1908 because he personally believed he had taken two terms event though technically he would be allowed to run again today
Level 78
Mar 22, 2018
@DavisShuer123 He served two terms from 1901-1909, he was running for a third in 1912
Level 51
Dec 17, 2021
nope - first term didn't count as he was vice president before McKinley got assassinated
Level ∞
Dec 5, 2020
I have to say that Wilson is one of my least favorite Presidents. He seems like the self-righteous killjoy type. In 1916, he campaigned against the U.S. entering WWI. But once the U.S. did enter, he signed unconstitutional laws which penalized people who spoke against the war. There are lots of other reasons to hate him as well. Too bad Teddy Roosevelt didn't get another shot.
Level 84
Dec 5, 2020
Curiously he's one of the most popular presidents worldwide and his 14 points are taught in schools.
Level 65
Feb 25, 2024
which schools, where?
Level 51
Dec 6, 2020
Yep. The amazing thing though is that in most cases he's portrayed as one of the best.
Level 54
Dec 7, 2020
And QM didn't even mention all the incredibly racist things he said
Level 80
Dec 14, 2020
Racism is relative to the era in which one lives
Level 81
Jan 8, 2021
Wilson was embarrassingly racist even by the standards of the 1910s, but he was also a good president in many other ways, even as opinions of him held by presidential historians seem to continually be revised down.
Level 78
Feb 24, 2023
Yeah, Wilson was pretty racist for the 1910s.
Level 65
Feb 25, 2024
and, more importantly, that he did.
Level 78
Mar 27, 2021
Keep in mind that Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and jailed people without trial during the Civil War. FDR oversaw the creation of Japanese concentration camps. So the guy who created the predecessor to the UN is in some... notable company.
Level 58
Apr 13, 2021
Yeah, he was a terrible racist. Correct me if I'm wrong but he was the first president to ever screen a movie in the White House and the movie he screened... The Birth of a Nation.

(I'm talking about Wilson)

Level 64
Dec 6, 2020
We can proudly say, "No one on JetPunk."
Level 80
Jan 28, 2016
Incomplete without Millard Fillmore's parting words, "The nourishment is palatable."
Level ∞
Nov 9, 2016
He truly had a way with words.
Level 74
May 7, 2017
That's why he's the most memorable president, and everyone's favorite. :)
Level 90
Dec 23, 2018
Funnier than Mallard Fillmore.
Level 66
Dec 5, 2020
Who could forget Millbert Filcher?
Level ∞
Dec 20, 2020
2020 update: I looked this up. He never said it. Too bad.
Level 54
Dec 7, 2020
@ander, except........ he signed the fugitive slave act
Level 65
Apr 17, 2016
Minor point: "JFK" and "FDR" are accepted, but "TR" is not for Teddy.
Level 75
Sep 28, 2016
Or "Ike" for Eisenhower. I like Ike.
Level 59
Nov 11, 2016
I still like Ike
Level 75
Sep 28, 2016
OK, I can see why no "Silent Cal" Coolidge quotes were included, but to snub Millard Fillmore???
Level 43
Dec 16, 2016
But you could include "You lose" for Silent Cal.
Level 90
Nov 9, 2016
My favorite Presidential quote -

"Do not believe everything that you read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

Level 80
Dec 14, 2020
Disclaimer: That's not a real quote from Lincoln
Level 63
Mar 27, 2021
No, I was there when he said it
Level 67
Mar 29, 2021
Why should I trust you?
Level 60
Mar 29, 2021
@JackintheBox, i don't believe you :)
Level 75
Apr 18, 2017
How is Henny Youngman not included?? Sure, he was never president, but he was funny!
Level 58
May 8, 2017
reporter: Mr. president did you know 4 Brazilians were killed in Iraq?

Bush: how many is a brazilian?

Level 54
Dec 7, 2020
Reporter: 36 tamilians killed in the Civil War

Lincoln: How many Millions are in a "Tamillion"

Level 67
Mar 28, 2021
Bush has so many great ones, but "Is our children learning?" and his utter mangling of the "Fool me once..." adage are my favorites.
Level 12
Jul 19, 2017
Only got "read my lips;no new taxes" from Animaniacs' presidents song
Level 65
Jul 19, 2017
You have no idea how much I hate people who make us have to fill in answers in order.
Level 80
Dec 14, 2020
You don't have to fill them in any particular order; you can skip some to fill another box first
Level 78
Aug 23, 2022
Yeah, otherwise it just becomes a "name the Presidents" quiz.
Level 4
May 3, 2018
I did badly on this quiz
Level 75
Jun 16, 2019
Level 75
Jun 16, 2019
How about "Make America great again!"
Level 81
Oct 20, 2019
But that could be Reagan or Trump, who copied it.
Level 80
Mar 29, 2020
But to be precise, Reagan's slogan was 'Let's Make America Great Again'.
Level 88
Dec 5, 2020
I know who DIDN'T say, "Facts are stubborn things," and doesn't believe it either! (He did say the wall thing, though.)
Level 87
Dec 5, 2020
Further evidence that there is zero reason to remember any of the presidents between Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt.
Level 64
Dec 6, 2020
Or between Jackson and Lincoln.
Level 72
Dec 7, 2020
Who can forget when James K. Polk said... wait, I've forgotten.
Level 78
Feb 12, 2021
Polk didn't say much but he DID a whole lot.
Level 64
Dec 6, 2020
Is O'Bama Irish?
Level 68
Dec 9, 2020
I would recommend taking some time off of this quiz so that all the answers can’t be guessed by just naming presidents. I was able to guess my way to 100% with lots of time to spare!
Level 60
Mar 1, 2021
This is missing "Grab them by the p*ssy"
Level 44
Mar 27, 2021
Haha I am not American so I didn’t get any of them... lol 😆
Level 71
Mar 27, 2021
Haven't heard the Herbert Hoover quote before today but that clearly didn't age well. So poorly, in fact, that Hoover was one of the last Presidents I guessed for that one.
Level 78
Aug 23, 2022
That's actually why I got that one, because historical quotes of the form "We are about to finally do something for the first time in history" are famous either because they're of massive historical import, or because they're hilariously wrong. We obviously haven't "triumphed over poverty," so who would be the funniest President to make such a claim? The guy who screwed the pooch in the Great Depression, that's who.
Level 57
Mar 27, 2021
Here's a new one to add. “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
Level 91
Mar 27, 2021
Level 57
Mar 28, 2021
Gee, I wonder what would happen if Donald Trump said the same thing about Russian collusion. What would factcheck say about that.
Level 67
Mar 28, 2021
It would fact check it for context and accuracy.
Level 78
Aug 23, 2022
Yes, "voter fraud organization," as in "organization to investigate voter fraud," something which is completely clear is you listen to more than just this one sentence taken out of context.
Level 63
Mar 28, 2021
I love Bush's 9/11 quote: I can hear YOU!
Level 69
Jul 15, 2024
The triumph over poverty is coming soon. Just a few more tax dollars.
Level 71
Dec 4, 2024
Fun quiz, got them all but Jefferson took me a while