even if it hadn't become a real sport it is a real word. Not sure it counts as one as soon as someone makes it up. But as soon as other people start using the word it is.
The quinces from the tree in my yard are shaped like apples, not pears. Some cultivars are pear-shaped, and others such as maliformis and orange are apple-shaped. Of course it was easy to guess the answer, but just sayin'...
I remember it from way back when I learned touch typing. It's in a lot of the exercises. I finally got curious and looked it up :) As a side note, quahogs are all over the eastern seaboard of the Atlantic. I find it hard to believe that 30% of anything comes from Rhode Island :p
Never heard of it. So now I have learned something. Quahog. It's a pretty cool word to tuck into your vocab. We have shellfish in NZ that no one else has probably heard of. (paua, pipi, etc).
(I just know it because I’m a verbophile! 🤓)