
R Answers Quiz #2

Can you guess these random things that start with the letter R?
All answers are a single word
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 21, 2021
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First submittedApril 30, 2015
Times taken41,048
Average score63.6%
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Type of precious stone
Fairy tale character with very long hair
Board game of world domination
Tallest type of tree
Last book of the Bible
Volcano near Seattle or former
prince of Monaco
ADHD medication
Country singer McEntire
Famous Oxford scholarship
Swiss luxury watch brand
Latin for "King" or a common
name for a dog
Fleetwood Mac's best-selling album
Earthquake measurement scale
Light-sensitive inner layer of the eye
Currency of Russia
Brightest star in the Orion constellation
Type of dueling sword or wit
Term for a language that evolved
from Latin
French for red
Female riveter of WWII
Swiss Family ______
Where Amy Winehouse didn't want
to go (no, no, no)
Level 76
May 1, 2015
Russia's currency is also known as the rouble, for example here.
Level ∞
May 1, 2015
Wikipedia has it as ruble, but rouble will work now.
Level 78
Apr 13, 2018
And it's pretty damn accurate for a lot of things, including the names of currencies.
Level 86
May 1, 2015
Did some reading on the Richter scale just recently actually after the terrible events in Nepal. I was interested to find out that the Richter scale is not really in use anymore despite the media using the term. Most use the moment magnitude scale. Not that this information is in any way pertinent to this quiz...
Level 78
May 5, 2015
sort of like the 'F' scale with tornadoes. Since the mid 2000s, meteorologists have used the Enhanced Fujita scale. The storms are now rated EF0-EF5, but likely because of the popularity of the movie Twister, media coverage still refers to them as F0-F5 storms.
Level 69
May 26, 2024
Yeah, could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that the MM scale is more accurate when you get to higher magnitudes
Level 85
Sep 5, 2015
Any way that "romantic" can be accepted for "romance"?
Level 83
Dec 8, 2015
Level 75
Mar 10, 2016
Level ∞
Mar 10, 2016
Level 65
Mar 16, 2016
I've only heard 'Romanic' languages, which Wikipedia says means the same thing:
Level 28
Mar 16, 2016
good quiz
Level 41
Mar 16, 2016
never knew rolex was a swiss brand. learn something new everyday
Level 85
Mar 3, 2017
I have a timeshare on Rigel. Got a great deal on it, too!
Level 90
Dec 21, 2021
They really get you with the maintenance fees though when you buy on a hot plasma ball.
Level 49
Feb 4, 2019
Surprised that the Fleetwood Mac album is the third lowest guessed.
Level 96
Jan 4, 2022
I got caught up on spelling Rhiannon correctly before thinking of the correct answer.
Level 70
Mar 3, 2022
I know a number of their hits and like to sing along when they're on the radio. I was even playing one of their songs on my guitar just yesterday and was reading about Stevie Nicks recently. Their album names have never really come up in any of that.
Level 51
Sep 16, 2022
I dont even know how that is.
Level 86
Dec 21, 2021
In a quiz that came out yesterday, "Rex" didn't make the top 50 puppy names from 2021.
Level 85
Dec 21, 2021
What has the world become?
Level 34
Sep 16, 2022
It's so sad to me that kids these days don't know Rumours

by Fleetwood Mac. I listened to that on my turntable back in the day... Oh man I'm really showing my age here.... God I'm getting old...

Level 67
Sep 16, 2022
The fact that only 43% knew the classic album, Rumours, tells me that most people doing this quiz are under 30. 🤣
Level 75
Sep 16, 2022
I'm quite a bit over 30 but Rumours was well before my time! Great album though, and I've even got it on LP somewhere.
Level 71
Nov 25, 2022
I'm under 30 and Rumours is probably my favorite album. And "Dreams" is very well-known in my age group because of a Tiktok that went viral a few years ago. People definitely know the songs, just not the album name (like martay above).
Level 81
Sep 16, 2022
Amy probably should have gone.
Level 57
Sep 16, 2022
Ritalin almost got me. I don't know if it's the same elsewhere, but where I live (BC Canada) we usually pronounce it "Ridalin," with a "d" sound instead of a "t." Kept trying different spellings with a "d", and then sure enough, because I've been burned with this "t" vs "d" sound before, I tried a "t" and got it right. Never seen it written out before! XD
Level 72
Sep 16, 2022
Same! I tried one D, two Ds, but it never even occured to me that it might be spelled with a T.
Level 67
Jan 19, 2025
Here we have Rubifen instead and I was confused when it wasn't accepted
Level 72
Jun 13, 2024
Missed Reba Rhodes Rumours and Robinson.

Had to think hard for the star could not get Riga out of my head first, I knew it was similar (especially in my own language where I believe the rig part is pronounced the same, unlike in English where both the i as well as the g is pronounced (so something like rieka and raidzjul vs rihu and rihul)

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