"Most readers probably know that an acronym is an invented word made up of the initial letters or syllables of other words, like NASA or NATO. Fewer probably know that an initialism is a type of acronym that cannot be pronounced as a word, but must be read letter-by-letter, like FBI or UCLA."
"Fewer probably know that an initialism is a type of acronym..."
Totally agree, up to the point where you say that an initialism is also an acronym. It is not. The letters of an acronym make a new word as in the examples you gave; NASA, NATO or such as UNICEF, WHO,
I also typed Chief Inspector which is a rank in the British police force. I've been watching too many British detective shows, I guess. Chief Inspector Barnaby, Chief Inspector Morse, Inspector Lynley, Inspector Lewis, Inspector George Gently, Inspector Poole, Frost, Vera,...I love 'em all.
A CV is a more detailed resume. In the US, it is usually recommended that a resume be limited to one page and cover only the last ten years of employment while in other countries, many companies and governments (at least until the advent of the internet and facebook) wanted a more thorough exposition of your life, including hobbies, (marital status, age, number of children which I believe are questions which are illegal to ask in the US) every position ever held and all schools attended; your hobbies and extra curricular activities.
Really??? Im astounded (astonished?) i came here to say how bad it is /surprised i am at how few people knew what cv stands for. We learned what it when we were 12 along with writing official letters. (Rules like if you should write the date on the the upper left or right of the paper. But i guess paper is hardly used anymore ;) )
I only know it from movies, where they would "teepee" someones house, and pretty sure the first few times I didnt realize what it stood for (as I only heard it, and you dont think of abbreviations)
Change "television" to "tv series" because otherwise everyone is going to think it has to do with a physical tv unit instead. Alternatively, change the clue to CRT, where the answer would be Cathode Ray Tube.
"Fewer probably know that an initialism is a type of acronym..."
UNESCO, etc.
So satellites are moving boulders around the world now? I didn't know that our technology was that advanced.