
Random Movie Quotes #2

Guess the movies that featured these famous quotes.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 28, 2018
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First submittedMay 14, 2011
Times taken53,929
Average score44.4%
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That'll do, pig
Show me the money
Jerry Maguire
I'll get you, my pretty. And your little dog too
The Wizard of Oz
Hasta la vista, baby
Terminator 2
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Animal House
Stella! Hey, Stella!
A Streetcar Named Desire
Surely you can't be serious? ...
I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is
"never get involved in a land war in Asia"
The Princess Bride
I feel the need... the need for speed!
Top Gun
We'll always have Paris
Do or do not, there is no try
The Empire Strikes Back
A million dollars isn't cool, you know what's cool? ... A billion dollars
The Social Network
Citizen Kane
Oh no, it wasn't the airplanes. It was beauty killed the beast
King Kong
Don't ask me about my business
The Godfather
I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude
The Big Lebowski
Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
Kindergarten Cop
I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really good looking.
And I plan on finding out what that is
Level 48
Dec 6, 2013
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is 'never get involved in a land war in Asia" Unless you're the Mongols!

(If anyone gets my reference you rock)

Level 43
Jan 20, 2014
I'd say that reference crashed right off the course...
Level 77
Jan 22, 2014
doooo, do do, do do
Level 74
Jan 20, 2014
Quizmaster, I'm glad you share my enthusiasm for The Big Lebowski.
Level 73
Jan 28, 2018
I watched that film on a flight this summer. Massively underwhelmed. It's just not very good, and that's being diplomatic. Though,

I guess quite a lot of 'cult' movies are hit or miss like that. You love them or....

Level 78
Jan 29, 2018
Shut the f*** up, Donny! That movie is...well, it's ok I guess.
Level 77
Jan 29, 2018
Well, that's just like your opinion, man
Level 74
Jun 23, 2018
I'm enthusiastic about it because I automatically try it for every movie quiz and it works about half the time. I need to remember Zoolander, though. It's another frequent visitor. I liked most of those listed and I am seeing a bit more variety in some of the newer quizzes, but I'd still like to see more dramas, musicals, classics, and thrillers included in the mix. There are always the same few of those included in most quizzes. I'm a grandmother and I doubt many of you would enjoy a movie quiz I make and I understand. Besides the usual ones my list would include Steel Magnolias, Charlie Wilson's War, Sense & Sensibility (Ang Lee version), Beautiful Girls, Charade, Moonstruck, Love Actually, Winter's Bone, French Kiss, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, 84 Charing Cross Road, Rear Window, Shaun the Sheep, Schindler's List, Murphy's Romance, Cape Fear, Mystic Pizza, and The Reader... after seeing The Reader my husband and I talked longer about it than any movie since Brokeback Mountain.
Level 64
Jun 25, 2018
Wow. Of that list I've only seen Moonstruck.
Level 74
Jun 26, 2019
Charade? :-) I love almost anything starring Audrey
Level 83
Jan 20, 2014
And apparently I know no movie quotes either...
Level 57
Mar 27, 2014
I think you should have used the best Kindergarten Cop quote, "It's not a tumor!"
Level 32
Nov 17, 2014
Level 12
May 30, 2017
Can't believe I didn't get kindergarten cop
Level 91
Jan 29, 2018
Level 74
Feb 6, 2018
Wow, a quiz where 'Anchorman' didn't come up in red at the end, that's novel
Level 69
Jun 17, 2018
Can’t believe I didn’t get Zoolander from that quote
Level 28
Jun 23, 2018
great quiz
Level 65
Jun 25, 2018
I'm saddened that "The Princess Bride" is one of the lesser known answers...If you didn't get it and don't know what it is, I suggest you stop whatever you are doing and go watch it now! You can thank me later.
Level 71
Jun 26, 2018
What saddens me is that whenever a movie quiz comes up, I automatically type "Princess Bride" without even looking at the clues and it usually gives me a right answer. Same goes for The Big Lebowski" and "The Godfather". The "King Kong" quote also comes up in a lot of quizzes. A little more variety wouldn't hurt...
Level 85
Nov 2, 2019
Haven't you realized yet that only 17 different movies have ever been made in the history of mankind? I mean, it's not like JetPunk has an endless array of movies to choose from or anything. *sigh*
Level 21
Sep 4, 2018
there is nothing "Random" about this quiz. These are famous lines from famous movies.
Level 48
Jul 28, 2020
I am really annoyed at myself for not getting Princess Bride. It's inconceivable!
Level 75
Oct 7, 2020
You keep using that word...
Level 71
Oct 4, 2024
Nice quiz! Could you accept "Star Wars Empire Strikes Back" for Empire Strikes back, because I tried that and it didn't work.