
Random Translations Quiz #2

Translate these random words and phrases into English.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: October 9, 2015
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First submittedJune 4, 2013
Times taken34,942
Average score58.3%
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Word or Phrase
Cordon Bleu
Blue Ribbon
Déjà Vu
Already Seen
Ni Hao
Annus Horribilis
Horrible Year
Freshwater Eel
Word or Phrase
¿Cómo estás?
How are you?
Thank You
Good Morning
A Prima Vista
At First Sight
Dolce Vita
Sweet Life
Ja, bitte
Yes, Please
Mazel Tov
Good Luck
Level 76
Jul 11, 2013
Good quiz
Level 78
Jul 11, 2013
if you are Ross Geller, UNAGI has a totally different meaning...
Level 59
Jul 11, 2013
That episode is the only reason I knew the answer was eel. LOL
Level 14
Jul 12, 2013
Same, thankyou Ross Geller. Ahh Salmon skin role :P
Level 66
Jun 27, 2016
I couldn't like this comment so I am personally thanking you.
Level 59
Jul 11, 2013
I kept trying "already saw" for deja vu. :(
Level 43
Jul 17, 2013
I tried feast for fiesta/party
Level 21
Nov 26, 2013
Cordon blue is also a luxembourgish/French dish consisting of breaded chicken

With ham and melted cheese in side of it.

Level 46
Jan 27, 2014
It's actually Swiss (presumably) and usually veal or ham
Level 72
Jan 14, 2019
what else is it then?
Level 67
Apr 16, 2014
Lol, I'm French but I had a lot of trouble with Cordon bleu, because I couldn't see beyond the figurative meaning of ""être un cordon bleu", which means to be a great cook. It took me a while to realize I had to be much more litteral :).
Level 74
Jul 17, 2014
For dolce vita I tried "good life." So close.
Level 69
Jan 22, 2016
You're right, I think good life should be condidered a possible answer, maybe even better.
Level 51
Jan 22, 2016
Absolutely, I tried "good life", couldn't understand why it didn't work. I've had a few Italian lesions online, and there "dolce vita" was translated to "good life". Google translate says "sweet life", though.
Level 36
Aug 16, 2018
But "dolce" doesn't mean good, it means sweet.
Level 72
Jan 14, 2019
sweet is the literal translation, the good life is the term it is used for in english
Level 59
Nov 25, 2014
I'm wondering what the difference is between "vous" and "tu". Is vous just a plural version of you? And if so, should vous be accepted as something like "you guys"?
Level 73
Dec 10, 2014
'Tu' is singular casual for "you." 'Vous' is either plural casual, or singular polite/formal for "you." If you were talking to your buddy you would use 'tu.' If you were meeting a stranger for the first time, you would address them using 'vous.' If you were addressing a group of people you would use 'vous' as well.
Level 70
Jan 25, 2016
Your not my old French teacher in disguise are you?
Level 72
Jan 14, 2019
After all these years I still find it weird the english language only has one "you" how do you know something is meant for you and not also for the other two people present (for instance). Ok after a couple of more sentences it will become clear eventually, but with just one sentence (and no time to look at everyone) how would you know.

but I guess you make up for it by have having turtle and tortoise instead of one word, and pigeon and dove ;)

Level 71
Mar 29, 2020
Then you Dutch compete by having "ze" mean either she or her or they or them, colloquially.
Level 82
Aug 5, 2024
We still have the old words 'thou' (subject / nominative) and 'thee' (object / accusative or dative), but they are now obsolete in everyday English.

We still see these used in old literature (think Shakespeare).

Nowadays, the context is enough for easy understanding and you means you singular and you plural.

In the vernacular we come across 'yous', 'youse', 'you guys', 'y'all' but none of them are used formally.

Level 60
Jan 22, 2016
Ni Hao is the phrase that is used as a hello greeting, but it literally means "You Good." You should at least accept that translation.
Level 77
Jan 22, 2016
"You good" is the transliteration of "Ni hao", not the translation. "You good" in English doesn't really mean anything.
Level 72
Jan 14, 2019
I agree it should be accepted even though the other one should be shown. Sweet life is accepted... (and actually shown instead of the good life)
Level 66
Jan 11, 2022
Transliteration means changing the script, so Ni Hao is a transliteration of 你好, and hello is a translation.
Level 63
Jan 22, 2016
I've eaten Cordon Bleu many times but since it is always called that way I never knew the translation. I figured "Bleu" would mean "blue" so I looked up "Cordon" in an online dictionary and the first hit I got was "(shoe)lace" so I was surprised that such a delicious dish would be called blue (shoe)lace.
Level 58
Oct 28, 2016
I think Cordon Bleu was a cooking school. When you graduated you got the blue ribbon. The blue ribbon is also the first prize in livestock competitions.
Level 82
May 20, 2021
Oddly enough I've never tried to translate 'cordon bleu' because we use that very expression in English. I have, however, drunk Mumm Cordon Rouge, for which the emblem is a red ribbon.
Level 81
Jan 22, 2016
A Prima Vista could maybe use more type-ins. I knew what the words meant, tried several things, still didn't get it.
Level 65
Jan 22, 2016
The cordon bleu one annoyed me, as it literally means "blue rope", not ribbon...
Level 80
Feb 22, 2021
yeah, I tried rope, cord, chord, string.... but not ribbon
Level 67
Apr 23, 2022
True when the word is used on its own but it's translated as ribbon in the specific phrase used here
Level 28
Jan 22, 2016
Can you accept "Terrible Year" Enjoy your life.
Level 42
Jan 23, 2016
Festival for fiesta?
Level 57
Jan 25, 2016
believe "mir" also translates as "world"
Level 72
Jan 25, 2016
That's true
Level 84
May 21, 2017
world is accepted. So is waiter for garçon.
Level 65
Mar 22, 2018
Waiter should not be accepted for garçon because that's pejorative and not really in use.
Level 72
Jan 14, 2019
@myloufa that is the only translation most people know. That is what we learned at school ( though since then I ve learned that it is not quite correct)
Level 68
Mar 18, 2021
Really? I'd say most Europeans would think of garcon as boy.
Level 72
Jan 14, 2019
I tried mir. Thought maybe they meant the spacestation. But while I am typing this a vague memory rises to the surface that I have recently read/heard somewhere that mir was peace and it was in relation to the spacestation... (good chance it was on this site haha, cause it was not very long ago)
Level 26
Feb 5, 2016
cordon is not ribbon...
Level 65
Mar 22, 2018
Buongiorno DOES NOT mean Good Morning. It means Good Day or Hello. There is not "Good Moring" in Italian, like most of Latin languages.
Level 81
Jun 5, 2018
Buenas dias literally means "good day" but it is translated as "good morning" because good translators look at a combination of meaning, connotation, and usage of phrases not just the direct word-to-word translation of each word.
Level 81
Jun 5, 2018
Maybe "spouse" for esposa?
Level 82
Mar 8, 2023
Spouse is the cognate, but with the end "a" it is for a female spouse.
Level 59
Nov 26, 2018
Ohana means family. Family means no-one gets left behind...or forgotten <3
Level 72
Jan 14, 2019
I you read the list of results you get a weird story haha. Definately a good base to start a story from :)

Small cheese party it is then.

Level 80
Aug 29, 2019
How do you do?
Level 90
Mar 6, 2020
I thought it was a quiz of random clues and answers like most quuzzes labeled random, but they seem to be the same both times.
Level 41
Aug 27, 2021
ohana means family- stich
Level 82
Mar 8, 2023
Mir means "world" and "peace". Maybe there's already a type-in?