Maybe Kosovo it's in the independent countries of the right board because Kosovo was independent after that Yugoslavia was "breaking" (2008) so Kosovo was independent in an other period that all others countries former Yugoslavia. (very sorry for my English ;) )
Peut-être que le Kosovo devrait être dans les pays du tableau de droite car le Kosovo a été indépendant après que la Yougoslavie soit disloquée (2008) donc le Kosovo a été indépendant à une autre période que tous les autres pays de l'ex-Yougoslavie.
Well Czech is in Czechoslovakia so 90% actually seems pretty low to me. As for Russia, many think that the USSR and Russia are interchangeable so they don't think of Russia as it can't gain independence from itself. They are of course wrong as Russia is to the USSR as England is to the UK, the largest, most populous, richest and politically dominant but still just one of many within a political union.
Kosovo was a part of the territory of Yugoslavia, even though it didn't directly declare it's independence at the same time as other, but neither did Montenegro.
I only got Palau because I learned how Ngerulmud was founded, and I only got Yemen because of the "Countries of the World" song from Animaniacs, where it mentions "both Yemens"
i KNOW there are smart people here HOWEVER Geography i happen to know a decent amount of , there is NO possible way that getting 27th percentile my first try is a representation of what i know statistically this is skewed by repetitive test taking by people who get on here and pose that they know more than they actually do going in to the test first time , some will call me a sore loser but i most assuredly am correct , i am off to score very high my second time and return to brag
yeah you sound a bit sore. This was a pretty easy quiz for a geography nerd. If you only managed 27th percentile that probably means you missed 5 on your first try. But the 24 in the 2 left columns are all give-aways given the hints.. and the 6 in the right column aren't exactly impossible.'re wrong. As kal said, the hints make this a very easy quiz. Most people know what states comprised the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia.
Secondly, not everyone takes a test repeatedly to "pose that they know more than they actually do." Some people take the tests repeatedly to (gasp!) *actually learn things and commit them to memory.* Don't project your ego problems onto everyone else.
Even if they don't know all the countries there's more than enough time to make some educated guesses, especially since logically all of the countries from the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia are going to be near each other.
"Does not include Germany, which was the absorption of the East into the West" yeah that was what happened but I often heard the event referred to as 'the reunification of East and West Germany". It got me too as I didn't read the instructions and to mess with our heads (you know that many of us won't read the full instructions) the 'reunification' happened in 1990. OK you got me. Good quiz.
This is a really good point and this question is still a sensitive topic for some people in Germany until this day. Most were happy that the wall, Stasi, repressions etc were gone, and many were reuinted with friends and family, but still, many were unhappy how East Germany effectively got annexed by West Germany. It was a loss of sovereignty for them, after all, and of course those in power in the West took advantage in the East as everywhere after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Many, many lost their jobs and their feeling of safety or continuity in life, if this makes any sense.
Not to split hairs, but I do not believe Palau was a UN Trust - it was a "free association" with the United States though an independent republic since 1981. Completely independent in 1994, yes, so to be technically correct it ought to say independent from the US, not the UN.
What about them? - The quiz says "... 1990 or later". India became independent of the Brtitish Raj in 1946 or 1947. Pakistan became independent of India at around the same time. As for Vietnam, that
Yes, when I think about it, West Germany was also the ‘Federal Republic of Germany’ with the same flag so it’s obvious it’s just grown a bit since they knocked the wall down
I am genuinely surprised at how few get Russia. I mean, I understand the confusion, but I would have thought once you had just one Soviet country left to guess, you'd eventually puzzle it out. Palau's exceptionally low guess rate, on the other hand, makes sense.
September 17, 1991: The Marshall Islands was part of the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands (administered by the United States) and gained independence as a former colony. On this date, Micronesia, previously known as the Caroline Islands, also became independent from the United States.
The source can be found here:
It's when they became independent, not when they became a member of the UN. If it was by UN membership, Kosovo wouldn't count since they aren't a UN member, not even an observer like the Vatican or Palestine.
Kosovo (and you could probably say Montenegro as well) got their independence separately from the collapse of Yugoslavia. Obviously they are former Yugoslav countries, but their independence wasn't exactly a part of the collapse of Yugoslavia and took place over a decade later.
I've seen a few people asking about this, but logically, shouldn't Germany be present? The country unified in October of 1990, about five months after the Yemeni unification. If you're going off of the taking down of the Berlin wall, in November of 1989, that's not when the country was unified. It didn't happen until 11 months after the wall fell. Please add Germany, because many people most likely got confused over this.
Germany is not included because there is no country gaining independence there. East Germany joined the FRG, back then know as West Germany, now know as Germany.
Peut-être que le Kosovo devrait être dans les pays du tableau de droite car le Kosovo a été indépendant après que la Yougoslavie soit disloquée (2008) donc le Kosovo a été indépendant à une autre période que tous les autres pays de l'ex-Yougoslavie.
Secondly, not everyone takes a test repeatedly to "pose that they know more than they actually do." Some people take the tests repeatedly to (gasp!) *actually learn things and commit them to memory.* Don't project your ego problems onto everyone else.
"Does not include Germany, which was the absorption of the East into the West" yeah that was what happened but I often heard the event referred to as 'the reunification of East and West Germany". It got me too as I didn't read the instructions and to mess with our heads (you know that many of us won't read the full instructions) the 'reunification' happened in 1990. OK you got me. Good quiz.
country's reunification occurred in 1975.
The source can be found here:
Note: East and West Germany were definitely different countries before the protests and the fall of the Wall, so I don't think it's that farfetched
Cheers, everybody!